by +Mike Poller If you’ve received a scammer email, please enter it in the comments below so other printers may find it with a Google search, and avoid being ripped off… Don’t fall for printing, banners, t-shirts, plaques and awards fake order scams… This is how they work:
- You receive an unsolicited e-mail quote request.
- You respond with a quotation or ask for more information.
- Your quote will be accepted, immediately, no questions asked. They will supply you with credit card billing info.
- An “emergency” will come up and you will be asked to prepare the job for delivery to somewhere far, far away. I was asked to ship a supposed order to Sweden this morning.
- They provide a “recommended shipping company” contact email for you to get shipping costs. Typically a gmail, hotmail or yahoo email address.
- Shipping company quotes some huge sum. You are asked to charge the shipping, taxes and printing/product charges under one bill to a credit card.
- You go ahead and charge everything to the credit card.
- You are asked to pre-pay the shipping by Western Union Money Order upon pick-up by the shipper.
- Days later, the credit card is charged back to you. You are out whatever it cost you for the printing/product, your time and whatever you paid the shipper. The shipping company is bogus and is no doubt keeping some scammer drunk, fat and happy.
- Giveaways: The scammer never mentioned any artwork, just accepted my quote and asked me to proceed. Like that’s gonna happen… Religious messages, signing as Reverend or Minister and church-related jobs seem to be common in this type of scam.
• If you’ve got a scammer email, enter it in the comments so other printers may find it with a Google search… And please, feel free to pass around this link and “Like” this post (below) so other printers become aware and we can put these scammers out of business. Here’s a short URL to use on Twitter
• Don’t use your real email account when replying to scammers.
What to do about this?
Report these scammers to their email providers. Most email providers, including Gmail, urge you to report suspicious emails and scams. Reporting a suspicious message will help block that user from sending more emails and help stop future scams. Forward the scam email to with full headers displayed.
February 2013 update: It appears that 891 Davis Street in San Francisco is a parking lot

Printer scam flyer looks like this
And this is the flyer artwork they will send you if it gets that far… It will be a low-res PDF file.
July 6, 2010 update: Well, well, well… the scammers are out in force. Just received an email from the actual person at the Bentley Drive address in Warrington, PA 18976. They are, needless to say, rightfully incensed about the use of their address. Please be advised the people in Warrington have nothing to do with this scam and have referred the matter to their local police department.
Scammer name: Rev. James Mallons, 210 Sterilin Avenue, Osborne, Sweden
Scammer email:
Scammer bogus shipper email:
Larry Page 9:41 AM
My name is Larry Page I will like to make a inquiry on Vinyl banners
48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners. Printed one sided on vinyl material.
The ARTWORK is: (Give & it shall be given unto you). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. QUANTITIES: 100 PCS
and please advise on the Payment method you do accept and also the duration of time it will be ready so pickup can be scheduled. Hoping to hear back from you in due course.
Best Regards.
Good day,
My name is Linford Clark.I will like to make a inquiry on Gaskets,below is the specification:
Full Face Gasket
Holes: 8
Hole Diameter:5/8
Bolt Circle Dia:3 7/8
OD: 6 1/8
ID: 1 29/32
Material : Rubber(Neoprene)
Quantity:4000 gaskets
Durometer: 60A
Kindly email me the price of each as well as the total the picked up price for the 4000 Gasket and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Also advise whether there’s an extra charge using credit card as payment.
From: roy daniel
Phone: 4092070070
Inquiry Type: General Inquiry
Message Body:
corrugated boxes
Color Brown
Inside Length 24″
Inside Width 24″
Inside Depth 24″
Thickness 0.1875″
ECT 32 lbs
Max. Burst Strength 200lbs
Please email me back with the prices on this and I will get you the quantity needed. However if you don’t have this types, I would appreciate you contact me back with some prices and the other types you have or which are much similar.
Thank you
I received this one:
Name: Rob Marshall
Hello good afternoon, i need your service for screen printing and also if you accept credit card payments. Kindly get back to me so I can forward the details to you
Be careful with this guy
I get scam e-mails everyday and have started keeping a list of names. My latest is a Carlos Blanco from Roma’s Food & US Company’s. All of the scammers typically ask for the large amounts of the same product, hand stretch film. We no longer sell this which is a dead giveaway, that and they list exact specifications of the product. So, this Carlos guy filled out a credit app and his “references” checked out, including an electric company who has extended a $340,000 credit line to a food company? I think it is a scam and wonder if anyone else has gotten an email from Carlos or Roma. There are inconsistencies in his information when compared to what we find online for the “company” he claims he is from, which happens to be a legit company.
This is his e-mail to us……
Name: Carlos Blanco Email: Phone Number: (850) 397-4868 Comment: Hi, Roma’s food will like to make an inquiry in respect of some products.We will gladly love to get an estimate from you in terms of units and in cases. What are your selling points?Do we get discounts when we purchase in large quantities?Or all prices are the same regardless? The products are as follows: 1. High-Density Plastic Merchandise Bags…Color/white Quantity,1000per case/500cases However,the company works with 30days net term,counting from the day items are delivered,we do this due to past experiences that we had with our other suppliers. Kindly reach out to us if this works in line with your company payment terms.We do respect your decisions.Thank you. Regards, Carlos Blanco Roma’s Food & Us Company Llc 15746 Woodgate Pl, , Sunrise,FL, 33326 Tell:(850) 397-4868
My defense for when these kinds of emails arrive is to look up the company, find a landline phone number that is not the number in the email, and call the purchasing department to check if they were silly enough to contact me. Normally what has happened is the fraudster has gone on some free website service, like Deluxe or perhaps Godaddy and gotten a “free” domain which is very close to the real company’s domain, and established an email address with the domain, and phone number for the domain you are seeing in the email. The real company will have different contact info and a slightly different domain. If you have time, once you have determined that it is a fraud, contact the domain registrar, by doing a “who is” on the fraud email’s domain, and report the domain to the registrar. They will investigate and if true disable the domain. It works, but it is wack a mole.
Display Name Elijah Blake
“Good Day
Am with First Baptist Church Of Mandarin and we are in need of flyers that says JESUS SAVES PRAY FOR UKRAINE with the quantity of 40,000 copies , 80# Gloss cover , measures 8.5′ x 14 and it should be one-sided printing , please get back to us with the estimate and your best lead time to get them ready after payment.
Elijah Blake
First Baptist Church Of Mandarin”
Obviously it seems similar to a lot of other scams, but the church name is one that exists. Our shop is a Michigan one and the church mentioned is in Florida, however. And there doesn’t seem to be an Elijah Blake associated with that church. (I was wondering when we would start getting “Save Ukraine” related spam)
I was contacted on IG.
Name: Jamie Francis
IG: @jamie_golfer1
“Here is the details…
750 pcs total
M 74cm : 250 pcs
XL 78cm:250 pcs
XXL 80cm: 250 pcs
Color: (Blue)
2.Back: ISAIAH (60:1) “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
Color (Yellow)
My private carrier will deliver the T-shirts to your shop so you can work on them…
so kindly get back to me with the request information below..
Full name..
Shop Address..
Cell phone number..
Total cost of your service..
Thanks so much and God Bless you!
Attached below is the design”
(Picture included was same bible quote private carrier and almost same qt as someone else’s comments.)
Thank you to everyone that has shared their similar experiences! These scammers seem to be upping their game.
Good day,
My name is Harlan Hales. I would like to place an order on Flyers size: 8.5”x11” in full copies and should be printed double sided. I will be printing Qty of 100,000 copies.
Also let me know the form of Payment you Accept, as well as if I am making this order with the Manager or Owner. What’s the eta on how long it will take to be ready once I make payment? I will be awaiting your response back the soonest.
Thank You.
Harlan Hales
It seems they’ve moved into the metal industry. Thank you for posting this. Not that I didn’t realize it was a scam but a quick net search for their phone number turned up this blog post.
Message Details:
Name: Peter Morgan
Subject: rfq
Message: Attention : Sales Or Owner
My name is Peter Morgan an individual buyer and i want you to source the following materials for me. and get me a quote on the following steel plates
First Quote
A36 Plate
15 Pcs. 3/8” THK x 22” x 72”
10 Pcs. 3/4” THK x 22” x 72”
Any Tolerance
This is a pick up order , so kindly get me the quote plus tax without the freight cost and also let me know if there is surcharge when accepting credit card payment?
Peter Morgan
409 207 0070
Thank You.
We received the identical RFQ from Peter Morgan as Scott R. except we were to ship the steel plate to Brazil. Thanks for sharing!
Thank You for sharing- This process was attempted on us but we’re in a different profession having a metal fabrication shop and it would have really hurt financially! Best – Michelle C&C Specialty Iron Wilton NY
Manufacturing Sciences Corporation (MSC) was contacted by Kenneth Morrison of “Ken’s Ventures” to fabricate and ship 50 aluminum plates with payment via credit card. Kenneth Morrison submitted this message through
Message Details:
First Name: Kenneth
Last Name: Morrison
Company: Ken’s Ventures
Phone: 4092070070
Address: 608 Rigdon Aultman Rd, Tifton, GA 31793
Subject: Quote
Services: –
Message: Sales Representative. I would like to inquire and if possible acquire some Aluminum Plate and I will be needing something like this or similar; 5052-H32 .190 Aluminum. (48”X24”) Quantity: 50 pieces Kindly get back to me with the quote as well as lead time after payment. Also advise if there is a surcharge when making payment via Credit Card Regards, Ken Morrison.
Kenneth Morrison required that the plates needed to be shipped to Garcia Sawyer, State Road #2 Km24.8, Toa Alta Puerto Rico, 009545 US. Additionally, he required the plates to be shipped via Alan Cargo Shipping. MSC quoted the cost of manufacturing the aluminum plates at $15,333.00 and Alan Cargo Shipping quoted the cost of shipping the plates at $14,239.00.
After doing some research, MSC found that both Ken’s Ventures and Alan Cargo Shipping are fake companies. Kenneth Morrison and Alan Smith attempted to scam MSC out of $29,572.00 dollars. They have done this to hundreds of other companies using various aliases.
The date “Kenneth” visited our website was 1/8/22, his IP address is showing a location of Waterville, Main. He submitted a W-9 form as being the sole proprietor of Kenneth Ventures with the address of 1715 E Cumberland Blvd, Whitefish Bay WI 53211 and a social security number of 298-37-8772. Instead of signing the W-9 form as Kenneth Morrison, he inserted an image of Justin Timberlake’s signature, we found this out through a Google reverse image search. MSC is fairly certain that Kenneth Morrison has stolen someone’s identity or is using a fake social security number.
The contact information I have for Alan Smith is email: phone: 415-737-6560 Address: 5799 S Main St. Unit 903, Clarkston, Michigan 48347.
A customer has recently requested to be contacted. Please use the information provided to follow up and answer any questions they may have.
Contact Details:
Company: PARK &CO
Zip: 35045
First Name: PARK
Last Name: ROSS
Phone: 9513383236
Project/Reason: order
Description: We would like to order signs & banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase : Single Sided 4 ft 0 in high x 8 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format 4 Grommet in the corners Qty: 50 pcs ArtWork: TREASURE ISLAND RESORT (OPENING SOON) SIGNS ArtWork: TREASURE ISLAND RESORT (OPENING SOON) SIZE: 4X8 ACRYLIC SIGNS Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax.Do you accept credit card.
My name is james lee i was going through online searching for Vibration Pads stores on google. and your company popped up as a suggestion. So i decided to reach out to you and see if you can help me with this i would like to order the following materials.
Vibration Pads
Anti Vibration Pads
Full Sheet Size 22 in x 40 in
Thickness 3/4″
Durometer 70
Color Black
And I would like you to get me the total quote for that plus tax without the freight cost for now. and also let me know the type of credit card you do accept for payment and if there is surcharge to it? Thanks and email me back so we can proceed further
james lee
Thanks for getting back at me with the total.i would be shipping the products to my colleagues in PR. want to proceed with full payment with my credit card.But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is SKY LINE LOGISTICS INC
Kindly send them an email with the dimension of the order, where the order will be picked up, that is your address and where it will be delivered so they can get back to you with the freight charges.Below is their contact details:
Delivering Destination
Garcia Sawyer
State Road #2 Km24.8,
Toa Alta , PR ,
00954 US
Freight Company’s Name: SKY LINE LOGISTICS INC
Shipping Company Info:
Contact Person: Mr. ALAN SMITH
# 404 692 5357
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order
Thanks for getting back to me with the quote. Let’s proceed without any delay. I will be shipping the products to my colleagues in PR. I want to proceed with full payment with my credit card. But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the entire shipment is ALAN CARGO SHIPPING
Kindly send them an email with the dimension of the order, where the order will be picked up (your address) and where it will be delivered so they can get back to you with the freight charges. Below is their contact details:
Freight Company’s Name: ALAN CARGO SHIPPING
Shipping Company Info:ALAN CARGO SHIPPING
Contact Person: Mr. ALAN SMITH
# 415-737-6560
Delivering Destination:
Garcia Sawyer
State Road #2 Km24.8,
Toa Alta , PR ,
00954 US
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as you get a freight quote from them. E-mail me the grand total for the product plus that of the shipping so I can proceed with the payment with my credit card. Waiting to hear back from you
Email was from Mark Hymen (
Original message:
Message Body:
Sales Representative.
I would like to inquire and if possible acquire some Aluminum Plate and I will be needing something like this or similar;
5052-H32 .190 Aluminum. (48”X24”)
Quantity: 60 pieces
Kindly get back to me with the quote as well as lead time after payment. Also advise if there is a surcharge when making payment via Credit Card
Mark Hyman.
Name / Business: BRUCE & CO
Email Address:
Address: 1905 W M21 Ste A, Owosso, Michigan 48867 U.S
Number: 9513383236
Message: Greetings,I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment, if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be picked up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back
Checkbox: Posters
Phone: 9513383236
Message: Greetings,I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment, if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be picked up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back
From email:
Display name: RoShaun Newman
To whom it may concern –
Am sending you this Inquiry to know if you do print flyers and if you do I will like you to please quote me on Flyer printing with the following specs :
1. Measures 8.5′ x 11′.
2. Full Color.
3. 0.25 – White border.
4. 80# Gloss Text.
5. Quantity : 85,000 Copies .
6. One-sided Printing.
7. I want it to be flat not Folded.
8. Method of payment: Credit Card Payment ( Please Advise ).
9. Lead Time for printing: Express ( 7- 10 business days ).
The quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked up from your location as soon as payment is been made and ready, Also I will be providing a file for printing in PDF format as soon as I get the quotation.
Giveaways: 1) display name and email don’t match; 2) gmail addy — most businesses use their own domain name; 3) will be picked up; 4) I don’t know the guy; 5) I do a little brokering but am not in the printing biz; 6) No address given; 7) no phone number.
On the other hand, the specs seem legit.
Peter Morgan – SCAM!!!! Asks for a quote and wants to pay by credit card – BEWARE!!!!
Individual Buyer
Message Details:
Name: peter morgan
Phone: 4092070070
Subject: rfq
Message: Attention : Sales Or Owner My name is Peter Morgan an individual buyer and i want you to source the following materials for me. and get me a quote on the following steel plates First Quote A36 Plate 20 Pcs. 3/8” THK x 22” x 72” 10 Pcs. 3/4” THK x 22” x 72” Any Tolerance This is a pick up order , so kindly get me the quote plus tax without the freight cost and also let me know if there is surcharge when accepting credit card payment? Peter Morgan 409 207 0070 Email: Thank You.
Attention : Sales Or Owner
My name is Peter Morgan an individual buyer and i want you to source the following materials for me. and get me a quote on the following steel plates
First Quote
A36 Plate
15 Pcs. 3/8” THK x 22” x 72”
10 Pcs. 3/4” THK x 22” x 72”
Any Tolerance
Got the same message from Peter Morgan!
This is a pick up order , so kindly get me the quote plus tax without the freight cost and also let me know if there is surcharge when accepting credit card payment?
Peter Morgan
409 207 0070
Thank You.
Attention : Sales Or Owner
My name is Peter Morgan an individual buyer and i want you to source the following materials for me. and get me a quote on the following steel plates
First Quote
A36 Plate
20 Pcs. 3/8” THK x 22” x 72”
10 Pcs. 3/4” THK x 22” x 72”
Any Tolerance
This is a pick up order , so kindly get me the quote plus tax without the freight cost and also let me know if there is surcharge when accepting credit card payment?
Peter Morgan
409 207 0070
Thank You.
This scammer texted my business cellphone number.
Hello, this Jason Peter, I will like to know if you do screen printing and can i know if you are the owner or manager and do you accept credit card payment? I will be needing your service i have a seminal coming up on the 10th of June 2021 by 2pm…I have some T-shirt I’ll need you to do Screen printing on what is your name and also how many days will it take you to get the job done? All together are 60 dozen of T-shirts (ARISE AND SHINE) you move down lower and put (ISIAH 60:1) I need a perfect job on the T-shirts the total of the T-shirts are 720 pcs. sizes are M= 74cm 200pcs, XL = 78 cm 200 pcs and XXL = 80 cm 320pcsI want the printing to be black in color ok. I will have a private carrier have the T-shirts delivered to your shop so that you can work on them…so kindly get back to me with your total price and the request information below.. Full Name..Shop Address..Business & Cellphone number..and it will be picked up once you are done before the date..okay? Here is a sample of what i need printed on the shirts and at the back of the shirts you print BANNOCKBURN BAPTIST CHURCH (Black Colour) Can you do a perfect job for me? Please let me know what the total cost is? What’s the total cost of everything? How much? Let me know your cost? Thank you. How soon can you send me a quote ? Do you accept credit card as payment? What type of merchant you use in processing credit card? My credit card do not remit paypal and square okay? Do you use quickbooks? I got your contact information on Facebook with a good recommendation
Name: peter morgan
Phone: 4092070070
Attention : Sales Or Owner÷ My name is Peter Morgan an individual buyer and i want you to source the following materials for me. and get me a quote on the following steel plates and Galv Sheets First Quote A36 Plate 20 Pcs. 3/8” THK x 22” x 72” 20 Pcs. 3/4” THK x 22” x 72” Any Tolerance OR I WANT YOU TO GET ME A SEPARATE QUOTE ON THIS AS WELL. Second Quote 24 X 36 16-gauge Or any available Gauge you have Quantity:500 I WANT YOU TO GET ME THE QUOTE ON EITHER OF THESE MATERIALS LISTED OR YOU CAN EMAIL ME OVER A SEPARATE QUOTE FOR BOTH OF THEM . Peter Morgan 409 207 0070
I would like to get pricing on the following:
Qty: 60,000./.100,000
Size: 8.5” X 11”
Stock: 80# Text Gloss
Ink: 4/0
Finish: Flat
Thank you for your help!
Tony Passlack
Received an email from Harlan Hales:
Good day,
My name is Harlan Hales. I would like to place an order on Flyers size: 8.5”x11” in full copies and the same image should be printed double sided. I require a text regular paper 100# and should be flat. Will be printing Qty 100,000
Also let me know the form of Payment you Accept, as well as if I am making this order with the Manager or Owner. What’s the eta on how long it will take to be ready once I make payment. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank You.
Harlan Hales
Seemed unusual so I searched his name and found it’s a well known scam.
This is Larry Gibbs, I’m looking to do some Banners Printing & Designing projects. I am interested in buying the below specs. SPECIFICATIONS: 48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners. Printed one sided on vinyl material. The ARTWORK is: (STOP COVID – 19 FROM SPREADING). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. QUANTITIES: 100 PCS. I want you to go ahead and email me back with a total pickup price quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping for the above Banner Project, and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? Also let me know the deadline when it will be ready for pickup after payment because I need them urgently and I am gonna have them picked up at your location. I can have them pickup at any location. I hope to hear from you soon. Regard Tel: 6824982233
Have gotten this email twice now. I think Google took away his first email address. Declined to play.
From: Larry
Subject: [your-subject]
Message Body:
Attn Company Owner(s),
This is Larry, I’m looking to do some Banners Printing & Designing projects. I am interested in buying the below specs.
48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners. Printed one sided on vinyl material.
The ARTWORK is: (STOP COVID – 19 FROM SPREADING, DEJAR QUE COVIDE – SE PROPAGUE). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. QUANTITIES: 100 PCS.
I want you to go ahead and email me back with a total pickup price quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping for the above Banner Project, and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? Also let me know the deadline when it will be ready for pickup after payment because I need them urgently and I am gonna have them picked up at your location. I can have them pickup at any location. I hope to hear from you soon.
Larry Smith
105 crane st crane,
MO 65633
Thank you for posting this! I was ~99% sure it was a scam but always look into these a bit further just for clarity. Coming across your reply by way of Google makes me 100% sure now. See the near-identical message I received below:
Attn Company Owner(s),
This is Larry, I’m looking to buy some glass door hinges I am interested in buying the below types
110 Degrees
180 degree
MATERIAL: Stainless steel
I want you to go ahead and email me back with a total pickup price quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping for the above Banner Project, and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? Also let me know the deadline when it will be ready for pickup after payment because I need them urgently and I am gonna have them picked up at your location. I can have them pickup at any location. I hope to hear from you soon.
Larry Smith
105 crane st crane
MO 65633
Here’s the one I received:
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Tony Passlack
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 6:41 AM
Subject: Estimate
I would like to get pricing on the following:
Qty: 60,000./.100,000
Size: 8.5” X 11”
Stock: 80# Text Gloss
Ink: 4/0
Finish: Flat
Thank you for your help!
Tony Passlack
We would like to order signs & banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 4 ft 0 in high x 8 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
4 Grommet in the corners
Qty: 50 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax.Do you accept credit card.
This is Larry Gibbs, I’m looking to do some Banners Printing & Designing projects. I am interested in buying the below specs.
48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners. Printed one sided on vinyl material.
The ARTWORK is: (STOP COVID – 19 FROM SPREADING). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. QUANTITIES: 100 PCS.
I want you to go ahead and email me back with a total pickup price quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping for the above Banner Project, and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? Also let me know the deadline when it will be ready for pickup after payment because I need them urgently and I am gonna have them picked up at your location. I can have them pickup at any location. I hope to hear from you soon.
Tel: 6824982233
The most detailed attempt at this kind of fraud I ran into, had the fraudsters pretend to be a hospital in Upstate New York, Auburn Community Hospital. They had registered a domain name which was one letter different than the hospital’s real domain, so had email which looked legitimate. They had VOIP phone numbers from the right area code. They sent a PO which looked very professional. I caught on to the fraud when they asked that stuff be delivered to Houston TX. Why would a community hospital in upstate New York have work delivered to Texas? So I called the Hospital, by using hospital’s public facing website, which had different phone exchanges than the PO, and spoke to the purchasing department. They said that they have been having a problem with this kind of fraud, and did not know how to stop it since they were not directly involved. I looked up the domain name registrar for the fraud domain and contacted the registrar. I use the same company, Tucows, and knew that such use was against the terms of service. They took my evidence and got back to me a couple of days that the domain was cancelled. My solution to this fraud, is to require complete organizational info before I quote, which I check. Refusal to work with clients out of the area, we are a local printing company. And I do not allow shipments to freight forwarding companies, unless I have worked with the customer in the past.
Attention : Sales Or Owner
My name is Peter Morgan an individual buyer and i want you to source the following materials for me. and get me a quote on the following steel plates
A36 Plate
20 Pcs. 3/8” THK x 22” x 72”
20 Pcs. 3/4” THK x 22” x 72”
Any Tolerance
So can you send me an email back with the pricing quote as well as the availability if there is surcharge in using credit card payment.also let me know how many days they will be ready for shipment after payment?
Phone # 409 207 0070
24 X 36
16-gauge Or any available Gauge you have
I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax,if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available and also advise me the type of credit card payment you do accept. Awaiting your response.
Peter Morgan
409 207 0070
Thank You.
Received the exact email on Feb 12th 2021. Thought it looked like a scam. Hitting us of in Canada!
This is Larry Gibbs, I’m looking to do some Banners Printing & Designing projects. I am interested in buying the below specs.
48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners. Printed one sided on vinyl material.
The ARTWORK is: (STOP COVID – 19 FROM SPREADING). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. QUANTITIES: 100 PCS.
I want you to go ahead and email me back with a total pickup price quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping for the above Banner Project, and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? Also let me know the deadline when it will be ready for pickup after payment because I need them urgently and I am gonna have them picked up at your location. I can have them pickup at any location. I hope to hear from you soon.
Tel: 6824982233
Company: mmm
Phone: 6824982233
Thanks for getting back to me with the total cost, i really appreciate it. I have got the total quote of the units am buying and I want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is WorldWide Express Shipping Ltd. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore i need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : WorldWide Express Shipping Ltd.
Email Address :
Contact Person : Mr. Frank Lee.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
Campamento De Deportes
Prado Nueva Savona,
Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from WorldWide Express Shipping Ltd. so i can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling. God Bless You. Thank you and hope to read back from you soon.
This is Larry Gibbs, I’m looking to do some Banners Printing & Designing projects. I am interested in buying the below specs.
48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners. Printed one sided on vinyl material.
The ARTWORK is: (STOP COVID – 19 FROM SPREADING). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. QUANTITIES: 100 PCS.
I want you to go ahead and email me back with a total pickup price quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping for the above Banner Project, and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? Also let me know the deadline when it will be ready for pickup after payment because I need them urgently and I am gonna have them picked up at your location. I can have them pickup at any location. I hope to hear from you soon.
Tel: 6824982233
Name Larry Gibbs
Telephone 6824982233
Message This is Larry Gibbs, I’m looking to do some Banners Printing & Designing projects. I am interested in buying the below specs. SPECIFICATIONS: 48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners. Printed one sided on vinyl material. The ARTWORK is: (STOP COVID – 19 FROM SPREADING). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. QUANTITIES: 100 PCS. I want you to go ahead and email me back with a total pickup price quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping for the above Banner Project, and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? Also let me know the deadline when it will be ready for pickup after payment because I need them urgently and I am gonna have them picked up at your location. I can have them pickup at any location. I hope to hear from you soon. Regard Tel: 6824982233
Tony Passlack
To whom it may concern –
Am sending you this Inquiry to know if you do print flyers and if you do I will like you to please quote me on Flyer printing with the following specs :
1. Measures 8.5′ x 11′.
2. Full Color.
3. 0.25 – White border.
4. 80# Gloss Text.
5. Quantity : 85,000 Copies .
6. One-sided Printing.
7. I want it to be flat not Folded.
8. Method of payment: Credit Card Payment ( Please Advise ).
9. Lead Time for printing: Express ( 7- 10 business days ).
The quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked up from your location as soon as payment is been made and ready, Also I will be providing a file for printing in PDF format as soon as I get the quotation.
From: peter morgan
Subject: rfq
Message Body:
Good day,
My name is Peter Morgan.I will like to make a inquiry on Galvanized Sheets
24 X 36
16-gauge Or any available Gauge you have
I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax,if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available and also advise me the type of credit card payment you do accept. Awaiting your response.
Peter Morgan
409 207 0070
Thank You.
Morris green
My name is Green Morris.I will like to make a inquiry on Galvanized Sheets
24 X 36
I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax,if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available and also advise me the method of payment you do accept. Awaiting your response.
Thank You.
Green Morris.
Name: Scott Doll
Company: Doll cooperatives Inc
Phone: 4085509741
Products/Services Needed: To whom it may concern â?”
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity: 80,000 Copies.
B. 80# Gloss Text or 100#.
C. 0.25 â?” White border.
D. Full copies Black and white.
E. One-sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing: Express ( 5-7 Working Days ).
I. Method of payment: Credit Card Payment.
j. The quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked up from your location.
I will be providing the file for printing in PDF format as soon as I get the quotation. Please send me an email reply back with the Estimate price of that plus tax without shipping. I will be Looking forward to hearing back from you so that we can proceed with the Order.
Urgently waiting to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Best Regards
Scott Doll.
Doll cooperatives Inc
First Name: peter
Last Name: morgan
Company Name: Peter Ventures
Email Address:
Phone: 4092070070
Comments: Dear Owner Peter Morgan of Peter Ventures here, and a sole buyer . trying to order some banners Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format Material: Vinyl Matte Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners Left Finishing: – Grommets in corners Right Finishing: Grommets in corners Qty: 150 pcs Art Work: NO FACE MASK NO ENTRY CORONAVIRUS IS A KILLER SO STAY SAFE I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed, i will recommend you to a shipping company that you can contact them and make that arrangement for me. I want this very urgently like 5 days. Please notify me immediately. Get me the total price of the banners plus tax without the freight cost ASAP so that we can proceed. Do you accept credit cards? Thank You. PETER MORGAN Tel: 409 207 0070 Regards
Type: Contact
Date: 10/20/2020
You received a new lead.
First Name: Green
Last Name: Morris
Company Name: mmmmm
Email Address:
Phone: 6824982233
Comments: My name is Green Morris, and an individual buyer. Am willing to purchase some banners from your shop which are shown below Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format Material: Vinyl Matte Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners Right Finishing: Grommets in corners Qty: 100 pcs Art Work: PLEASE WEAR YOUR FACE MASKS BEFORE ENTER CORONA IS REAL I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed, i will recommend you to a shipping company that you can contact them and make that arrangement for me. I want this very urgently like 5 days. Please notify me immediately. Get me the total price of the banners plus tax without the freight cost ASAP so that we can proceed. Do you accept credit cards? Thank You. Green Morris Tel: 6824982233 Regards
Type: Contact
Date: 10/19/2020
First Name: Green
Last Name: Morris
Company Name: mmmmm
Email Address:
Phone: 6824982233
Comments: My name is Green Morris, and an individual buyer. Am willing to purchase some banners from your shop which are shown below Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format Material: Vinyl Matte Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners Right Finishing: Grommets in corners Qty: 100 pcs Art Work: PLEASE WEAR YOUR FACE MASKS BEFORE ENTER CORONA IS REAL I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed, i will recommend you to a shipping company that you can contact them and make that arrangement for me. I want this very urgently like 5 days. Please notify me immediately. Get me the total price of the banners plus tax without the freight cost ASAP so that we can proceed. Do you accept credit cards? Thank You. Green Morris Tel: 6824982233 Regards
Type: Contact
Date: 10/19/2020
Subject: Signarama – Contact
Signarama Logo
You received a new lead.
First Name: Green
Last Name: Morris
Company Name: mmmmm
Email Address:
Phone: 6824982233
Comments: My name is Green Morris, and an individual buyer. Am willing to purchase some banners from your shop which are shown below Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format Material: Vinyl Matte Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners Right Finishing: Grommets in corners Qty: 100 pcs Art Work: PLEASE WEAR YOUR FACE MACKS BEFORE ENTER CORONA IS REAL I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed, i will recommend you to a shipping company that you can contact them and make that arrangement for me. I want this very urgently like 5 days. Please notify me immediately. Get me the total price of the banners plus tax without the freight cost ASAP so that we can proceed. Do you accept credit cards? Thank You. Green Morris Tel: 6824982233 Regards
Type: Contact
Date: 10/12/2020
© 2020 Signarama. All rights reserved.
scammer bruce williams
after the quote is accepted without artwork
here is what I got.
Thanks. I have got the quote of my request. I am located in Nevada and interested in purchasing these to my Colleagues. I have got the total quote of the units I am buying.I want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore I need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address :
Contact Person : Sapp Platko
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
1305 FD Roosevelt Ave. San Juan PR, 00920
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so i can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling.
No one should ever fall for that imo.
My name is Green Morris, and an individual buyer. Am willing to purchase some banners from your shop which are shown below
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed, i will recommend you to a shipping company that you can contact them and make that arrangement for me. I want this very urgently like 5 days. Please notify me immediately. Get me the total price of the banners plus tax without the freight cost ASAP so that we can proceed. Do you accept credit cards?
Thank You.
Green Morris
Tel: 6824982233
Name Raymond Woolsey
Subject treadmill
Hi sales,
I want a treadmill for my father on the address below. Please email over pictures and prices of the types you have in stock or you can easily order for me so i make payment for you to ship to the address below.
Kindly send over a quote with delivery to the address below.
Raymond Woolsey
1408 Fairmont St
Clearwater,33755 FL
CELL: 727-266-5584
FAX: 17276839490
Michael Little
Mon., Jul. 20 at 4:09 p.m.
To whom it may concern,
I noticed your company is into production of printing.
I am interested in ordering some labels from your company and below you will find the descriptions for my order.
Printing Word: GOOD IS COMING
Word Indication : Message should be in the middle.
Print Size : 1.375” x 4.25” with Square Corners
Material : White Gloss Paper
Font style: Regular
Print Size : 18
Ink Color: BLUE
Finish : Need a finish for all weather conditions.
Label Qty : 140,000 Copies
Number Per Roll : 500 to 1,000
It is important I know the lead time for this production, so kindly state that in your revert.Also the labels will be hand applied.
Would also require that you put together the total cost with HST and email me an invoice for my approval.
You can reach me at 416.619.5493 with any further questions you have or you can text me as well.
Best Regards,
Michael Little
Email :
Good day,
My name is Harlan Hales. I would like to place an order on Flyers size: 8.5”x11” in full copies and the same image should be printed double sided. I require a text regular paper 100# and should be flat. Will be printing Qty 100,000, Attached is the art work.
Also let me know the form of Payment you Accept, as well as if I am making this order with the Manager or Owner.Whats the eta on how long it will take to be ready ones i make payment.I will be awaiting for your response back.
Thank You.
Harlan Hales
I am okay with the cost and would like to proceed. I want you to get the shipping price for the Order to San Juan so that you can add it to the total cost of the Order and I will call to make payment altogether. I want you to contact Neal Hoover Shipping regarding picking up the Order at your end.
Here’s the shipping address #602 Avenida Barbosa 1st Floor, San Juan, 00917.
Here is their contact details
Forwarders Details:
POC: Neal Hoover
Phone: (785) 505-7221
Thank you.
Harlan Hales
Good day,
My name is Harlan Hales. I would like to print 2000 T-Shirts with slogans.
Attached is the art work.
Also let me know the form of Payment you Accept, as well as if I am making this order with the Manager or Owner.
What’s the eta on how long it will take to be ready once I make payment. I will be waiting for your response.
Thank You.
Harlan Hales
Hello Estimator,
Can you please prepare quote a formal label quote for the me? My specs is below..
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Material: Semi-Gloss
Corners: Square
Paper type: White Gloss, Prints 1/0 CP
Paper – Vinyl Permanent Adhesive
Adhesive: Permanent
Finish: matte
Quantity: 12,000
Sheets Application:Smooth Surface metals/plastic boards.
Top Coat: Gloss
Imprint Details: Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it
Supply As: Rolls or Sheets
Thank you and feel free to call, text or email me back should you have further questions.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Tim Richey
966 Lantana Ave
Clearwater, FL 33767
I got a similar email with the same phone number. This time calling himself : Raymond Woolsey.
Sales/ Owner,
My name is Joe Gary and I am with Monopoly Warehouse. I am working on supplying the below banners for a client for an exterior job. I will appreciate a priicng on the below specified Banners.
Material Vinyl 18oz
Size. 4’ x 10’
Grommets every 2’
Hemmed edges
Quantity: 50
Find attached artwork for printing and i will appreciate any further discussions on the inquiry.
Kind Regards,
Joe Gary.
Monopoly Warehouse,
9701 Wilshire Blvd,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA
(949) 216-4106
Thank you for the order total , as per my contractual affirmations on this order, I am using the client preferred freight services to ship these products to Alaska. I will kindly appreciate you getting me a freight cost to haul the products to the delivery address from the below freight forwarders.
Company Information & Contact
Company Name : Bulk Ship Intercontinental
E-Mail :
Phone # : 800 515 9044
Delivery Address
Dave Wage Warehouse A113
C/o. Matt Lewis
6341 E Larson Way
Palmer, Alaska 99645
With the above information, do add to it the weight, description ( dimensions x sizes ) pick up from address and make contact with Bulk Ship Intercontinental. to get me a freight amount to proceed.
Thank you,
Joe Gary.
Here one I got from “BRUCE WILLIAMS” from email address:
I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
Just got this email today…
Thanks,I am located in California and interested in purchasing these to my Colleagues. I have got the total quote of the units am buying.I want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore I need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address :
Contact Person : Sapp Platko
Phone number : 562-452-0119
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
1305 FD Roosevelt Ave. San Juan PR, 00920
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so i can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling.
I received a flyer from USA Printing offering to pay me $10 for each envelope received by them after I stuff and mail it. They want me to pay them $1 per envelope delivered to me. Is this a scam?
ood day,
My name is Scott Anderson.I want to order some flyer’s,i will need the Qty 100,000 with the size of 8.5”x 11” in full copies black Ink on white paper 60# text regular. I need this message on the flyer’s ( Give & it shall be given unto you ) and should be printed double sided.I want you to quote me the total prices plus tax without delivery and also advise me the method of payment you do accept.Looking forward to doing business with you! Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.Hope you have a pleasant day.Below is my address :
5524 S 15th St
Phoenix,AZ 85040
Best Regards,
Scott Anderson.
Thanks for this post, I’m grateful to have a quick answer to why I got this ridiculous email out of the blue!!
Timothy Wittman
9:24 AM (34 minutes ago)
I want to know if you do carry or can order Blank (Plain) Dry Blend™ 50/50 Cotton/Dry Blend™ Poly T-Shirt 8000 with the following specs below.
Size: Adult Small size
Color: White
50/50% Cotton(50/50 cotton/Dry Blend poly)
Brand: Gildan
Quantity: 250Pcs.
Size: Adult Medium size
Color: White
50/50% Cotton(50/50 cotton/Dry Blend poly)
Brand: Gildan
Quantity: 250Pcs.
Size: Adult Small size
Color: Black
50/50% Cotton(50/50 cotton/Dry Blend poly)
Brand: Gildan
Quantity: 250Pcs.
Size: Adult Medium size
Color: Black
50/50% Cotton(50/50 cotton/Dry Blend poly)
Brand: Gildan
Quantity: 250Pcs.
Let me know the total cost for the specified specs and quantity above including shipping cost within the states and sales tax included as well..Do you accept all major credit card and is there any extra fees charged for using credit card for payment..Awaiting Reply.
Saw Charles Norman above, but seems to be a new email.
From: Mr Charles Norman
Organization: Monopoly Supplies
Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2019 11:08 am
To: Mac Pro
Subject: Stamp
Attention : Sales or Customer Service
My name is Mr Charles Norman with the Monopoly Supplies and i am contacting your business in regards to the order for some Stamp and so can you send me an email back with the types as well as the sizes and pricing information for those you carry and also let me know the forms of payment that you accept so that we can proceed with the order and so waiting to hear back from you with an email response
Best Regards
Mr Charles Norman
Monopoly Supplies
they still at it:
I’m Eric London and I’d like to go ahead and purchase some Decals & Labels from your company. Could you please get back at me with the pricing & lead time for the Decals & Labels with the specifications below
• 5” x 7”
Text color = “RED”,
Background color = “White”,
Font type: Arial,
• 7” x 12”
Text color = “RED”,
Background color = “White”,
Font type: Arial,
They would be used outdoor and applied on surfaces of walls outside. Please advise if you’d manufacture banners/yard signs as well. Anticipate your response.
On 29 Apr 2019, at 12:52 pm, Kylie Cowen wrote:
Thanks for your response,
I have just recently acquired the house and i want to install a TV 55” FULL HD SAMSUNG,Smart TV with free view HD, 600Hz, 4 HDMI and the TV to be fit to wall (wall is wired already), you will be supplying the TV bracket(the one that tilts). The 10 power point(square shaped) should be plugged where vacant, replace and plug in existing bad power point, they are 3 of them. I need to have the existing wall lights fixtures replaced as well, 4 of the wall light should be installed in the lounge room and the rest in 2 of my bedrooms. My house is a floor/bungalow house with a pitch roof, the 4 ceiling fans are being installed in place of existing fixture and should be installed in the lounge room, dining and 2 of the bedrooms, my address is 21 Tourangeau Cres, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227.
I would appreciate if you understand that i am hearing impaired, currently at the hospital and will soon undergo series of surgeries to correct this, i can’t talk on phone ‘could have called in’, this is the best way we can communicate. Please be informed i’d be supplying the above electrical appliances to be installed aside from the TV brackets and the plugs for the power point, the appliances will be brought in to my new house by the movers along with my other belongings as they are assisting me move from my former house, I want you to meet with them at my above address on the delivery day because they’d also be coming with my spare keys and i’d need them to hand over my keys to you. Kindly let me know if you can get this done, i will finalize all arrangement with the mover soon so they can deliver the items to my address where you would meet them to collect the spare keys, gain access and proceed with the installations.
Let me know a rough ball park estimate for the job based on the details provided above so I can have an idea of the cost expense to budget for that and any required deposit for the work so as for we to proceed with confirming bookings.
Hope for the best of your service as I await your prompt response.
Many Regards,
On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 8:35 PM TFS Appliance Repairs wrote:
Hi Kylie,
I’ll need to know a few things first:
Where is that located?
Are these replacement of old ones or new installation?
Does the TV needs wall mounting? If so have you got the brackets or mount? What type of wall is it? Plasterboard? Wood? Concrete?
Are you able to send some pictures?
On 29 Apr 2019, at 7:25 am, Kylie Cowen wrote:
I want to you install some new electronics i bought for my new apartment which includes ceiling fans, 55 inches HDMI TV, 8 wall lights and 10 power point. Also i would like to know if you accept credit card for payment. Reply me if you are available for the work so I can give you more details.
Attention : Sales or Customer Service
My name is Mr Charles Norman with the Monopoly Supplies and i am contacting your business in regards to the order for some Ovens and so can you send me an email back with the types as well as the sizes and pricing information for those you carry and also let me know the forms of payment that you accept so that we can proceed with the order and so waiting to hear back from you with an email response
Best Regards
Mr Charles Norman
Monopoly Supplies
They’ve “branched out” into LED Lighting…
Charles Norman (
Attention : Sales or Customer Service
My name is Mr Charles Norman with the Monopoly Supplies and i am contacting your business in regards to the order for some Light and so can you send me an email back with the types as well as the sizes and pricing information for those you carry and also let me know the forms of payment that you accept so that we can proceed with the order and so waiting to hear back from you with an email response
Best Regards
Mr Charles Norman
Monopoly Supplies
lewis Milton
Good Day,
My name is Lewis Milton.I print some Calendars,i will need the Qty 5000 with the size below:
Size:8.5″x 11
Paper Type: 100 lb. Paper Gloss
Printed Side: Front Only
I want you to quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of payment you do accept.Looking forward to doing business with you!Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.Hope you have a pleasant day.
Thank you.
Heads up everyone, this is still making the rounds in March 2019 – we received this email in Perth, Australia:
Good Morning
My name is Charles Norman with the Monopoly Supplies and i am sending you this email in regards to the order for some Banners and Flyers Printing for a client project and and so can you send me an email back to confirm if you carry any of the two so i can send over the sizes and dimension with artwork for pricing so we can proceed by email
Thank you,
Mr Charles Norman
Monopoly Supplies
From: Charles Norman
Sent: Monday, 25 March 2019 6:40 a.m.
Subject: Window Blinds
Attention : Sales Or Owner
My name is Mr Charles Norman with the HW INC and am contacting your business in regards to the order for some Window Blinds for a clients Window Project and below is the information of the blinds i will be needing
Size and Quantity for Blinds Needed
Sizes : 40 by 40 inch outside mount 1″ slat Aluminum Blinds
Features : All Controllers on the Right hand size
Color : Dark Blue or Indigo or Alabaster White
N : The sizes provided are the exact size for the Blinds i will be needing
Quantity : 60 Pieces of each size
Information Needed
1. Can you send me an email back with the pricing information
2. Can you also let me know how soon you can have the order ready for pick up
3. Can you also let me know the forms of payment that you accept
And so can you send me an email back with the needed information so that we can proceed with the order
Best Regards
Mr Charles Norman
Monopoly Supplies
Phil Potis
Mon, Feb 11, 12:06 PM (4 days ago)
to me
I will like to make a inquiry on door frames, below is the specification of the door frames.
Dry Wall Hollow Metal Frames
16 gauge, cold rolled steel
30×70 Hollow Metal Frames KD(Knock Down)
5 3/4 Wide,4 7/8 Throat.
Right Hand (RH) Swing
Plumb Anchor
3 Hinges 4 1/2
Door Size 13/4 Door
(For a 4 7/8 thick wall)
Non Fire Rated
Quantity: 25PCs.
I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of of payment you do accept. Looking forward to doing business with you!Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Phil Potis
6:13 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Thanks,I am located in California and would like to purchase these to my colleagues. I have got the total quote of the units am buying and i want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore i need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address :
Contact Person : Sapp Platko
Phone number : 562-368-8120
Website :
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
525 Pale San Vitores Rd,Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so i can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling.
Dear Owner / Manager,
My name is Larry Holmes. I would like to order some Banners from your store. Here’s as shown below :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing: Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Background Design: Plain
Font Style: Futura
Color: Yellow
Quantity: 100 PCs
I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed and i will recommended you to shipping company to contact them and make that arrangement for me, and i want this very urgently within a week or two, please notify me immediately. Get me the total price of the banners plus tax without the freight cost ASAP so that we can proceed. Please advice if there is surcharge for credit card payment.
Thank you,
Larry Holmes
On Feb 10, 2019, at 12:00 PM, Jeffery Newburg wrote:
Good Day,
I would like to order ( Traffic Sign ) from your shop.
Description….. STOP SIGN. ( Red background with White Text )
Size : 30″ x 30″x .080 Aluminum Reflective Engineer Grade
Size : 24″ x 24″x .080 Aluminum Reflective Engineer Grade
I would like to know the price for each and if you don’t have that I will like to know what you have with the Sizes and price list for each and I will get you the quantity. Please advise to my email as soon as you received this email.
Thank You Very Much.
Jeffery Newburg
J & N CO.
855 San Leandro Blvd,
San Leandro, CA 94577
Rick Donald
9:51 AM (5 minutes ago)
to sales
Please provide a quote to print the below specification of flyers.
price for: 80,000 flyers
Finished size: 11″x 17″ Flat
Stock: 100# Gloss Text
Printing: Full-color front,blank on back; Bleeds
High res. file supplied PDF
Delivery Method:Pick up by courier.
Payment:fully paid before printing.
Include the approximate total weight for the flyers
and turn around time for the printing.
Email the quote and every other question to
Rick Donald
Wadsworth Publishing Company Ltd.
10 Davis Dr, Belmont, CA 94002
650- 550 9427
Could you please quote the following?
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided
Quantity: 70,000
Text Weight: 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only
Full-color with bleeds
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know how
long it will take to have these flyers printed.
Shipping company is Whirlwest Shipping
Happy New Year to you,
Hope you enjoyed your holidays. My name is Gordon Spark,I came across your profile during my research of a cabinet maker i need. I therefore decided to contact you to see if you can help me out with my project. I am including the specs of the cabinet i need pricing on below:
Type of Cabinet: Base Cabinet
Overall Dimensions : 33” W x 34 1/2” H x 24” Deep
Material Type: Maple/Birch
Interior material : Maple
Exterior finish : Clear Lacquer
Cabinet Finish: Clear or natural wood finish
Cabinet sides: Finished ends
Door Type : Slab Panel Door
Material for door and drawers : Maple plywood, edge banded with 0.5 banding
Style of doors & drawer fronts : Slab ( Flat )
Configuration : 1 drawer at top and a pair of doors at the bottom
Drawer construction specifics : Attic birch dovetail drawers
Drawer mounting method (slides) : Under mount full extension slides
Quantity of cabinets needed : 6 cabinets from same description.
Please kindly provide me with a total price inc tax. Also let me know your lead time on this and the method of payment you accept. I hope to hear from you soon. Feel free to contact me at 352.251.2835 with any further questions you have as i look forward to earning your business now and in the future.
Gordon Spark
Email –
2836 Birchwood Ave
Gainesville, FL 32641
NB: This order will be picked up from your location.
Bruce Marshall
bruc and sons inc (Yes, all lower case)
687 South Bradshawe Avenue
Monterey Park CA 91754
Good Morning. This is Bruce Marshall and I am with Bruc and Sons Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification. 1. Measures 8.5 x 11 2. 80lb. Gloss Text 3. Full color one side 4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers Bruce Marshall Bruc and Sons Inc Best Regards.
Claire Laison wrote:
Good day!
We are currently developing a toolkit to be printed and launched this December. With this, may I kindly request for a quotation based on the following specifications:
Document Size: 6.5×9.5 inches
Pax: 50 pcs,
Pages: 168 pages (84 spread) including front and back cover
Delivery date: Dec 5, 2018
Cover page: full color, magazine cover type with matte lamination
Inside pages: colored text, paper type: white, book type. If possible, with smooth/madulas na surface and light/magaan
Perfect binding
Looking forward to your response. Please note that this is for canvassing purposes only.
Thank you!
Phil Potis is a busy man.
phone: 334-219-6275
I will like to make a inquiry on door frames, below is the specification of the door frames.
Dry Wall Hollow Metal Frames
16 gauge, cold rolled steel
30×70 Hollow Metal Frames KD(Knock Down)
5 3/4 Wide,4 7/8 Throat.
Right Hand (RH) Swing
3 Hinges 4 1/2
Plain Bearing Hinge
Door Size 13/4 Door
(For a 4 7/8 thick wall)
Non Fire Rated
Quantity: 50PCs.
I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of of payment you do accept. Looking forward to doing business with you!Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Subject FLYERS
Message Good Morning.
This is Bruce Marshall and I am with Bruc and Sons Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Bruce Marshall
Bruc and Sons Inc
Best Regards.
> NAME: Bruce Marshall
> COMPANY: bruc and sons
> PHONE: 4085509741
> MESSAGE: Good Morning.
> This is Bruce Marshall and I am with Bruc and Sons Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
> 1. Measures 8.5 x 11
> 2. 80lb. Gloss Text
> 3. Full color one side
> 4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
> Bruce Marshall
> Bruc and Sons Inc
> Best Regards.
***Received this inquiry today asking for a quote!!Has not been the first email asking for quotes or wanting things printed
Church Information:
Church Name: hone
Church Address: Good day, My name is James Westman I want to order some Envelopes,i will need the Qty 100,000 copies with the size of 4 3/4″ x 6 1/2″.l have attached the art work for the envelopes.I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax.What do you accept as a payment.Awaiting your response. Thank You.
Church City/State/Zip: GA, Order 45200
Contact Information:
Contact: james
Phone: 0000000000
Good day, My name is James Westman I want to order some Envelopes,i will need the Qty 100,000 copies with the size of 4 3/4″ x 6 1/2″.l have attached the art work for the envelopes.I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax.What do you accept as a payment.Awaiting your response. Thank You.
I’ve got a new mystery:
I can’t see how it is possible for this to be a mistake, but I don’t have a clue how you could do a scam based on this shipment from a reputable company, The package DOES say, “Direct Signature Required”, however.
Tomorrow, Fedex is delivering a 2 LB package to my company, from a REAL printer with over 100 employees and 25M in sales. It has:
My Company
My Personal Name
a 4 digit purchase order # 2551
FROM: Mitchell Latuszek
Message Details:
Name Phil Potis
Subject Order
Message I will like to make a inquiry on door frames, below is the specification of the door frames.
Dry Wall Hollow Metal Frames
16 gauge, cold rolled steel
30×70 Hollow Metal Frames KD(Knock Down)
5 3/4 Wide,4 7/8 Throat.
Right Hand (RH) Swing
3 Hinges 4 1/2
Door Size 13/4 Door
(For a 4 7/8 thick wall)
Non Fire Rated
I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of of payment you do accept. Looking forward to doing business with you!Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sent on: 18 September, 2018
Thank you!
From: Billy Loague
Subject: Re: Banners Order Inquiry
Date: August 24, 2018 at 6:51:33 AM PDT
I want you to get the shipping price for the Order to San Juan so that you can add it to the total cost of the Order and I will call
to make payment altogether. I want you to contact New Port-Cargo-Shipping Logistics regarding picking up the Order at your end.
Here’s the shipping address Av. Ponce de Leon 301, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00908.
Here is their contact details
Name: New Port-Cargo-Shipping Logistics
John Mclaren (Head Office Freight and Logistics manager)
From: Phil Potis []
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 12:26 PM
To: Krystyn Embry
Subject: Re: Estimate 7514 from Lux Garage Doors – ROLL UP DOOR
Thanks,Well I am located in California and would be ordering these to my colleagues in Guam. I have got the total quote for the units am buying. I want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore I need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pickup & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name: Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address:
Contact Person: Sapp Platko
Phone number : 562-368-8120
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
525 Pale San Vitores Rd,Tamuning, 96913, Guam
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond to the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so I can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling.
Do you talk this this person at all? I am curious due to I have been contacted by same person and need more info if you have it.
Attention : Sales or Customer Service
My name is Mr Charles Norman with the HW Inc and i am contacting your business in regards to the order for some Balusters and so can you send me an email back with the types as well as the sizes and pricing information for those you carry and also let me know the forms of payment that you accept so that we can proceed with the order and so waiting to hear back from you with an email response
Best Regards
Mr Charles Norman
HW Inc
They read the news! “Water is Life” Banners, 70 of them, sent to San Juan, Puerto Rico.
I knew it smelled funny
Good Morning Sales or Customer Service
My name is Mr Charles Norman with the HW Inc and i am sending you this email in regards to the order for some Floor Signs Flyers & Banners & for a client project and below is the information for the flyers Flyers & Banners i will be needing
Project : Flyers
Paper Size : 8.5″ x 11″
Paper Type : 100# Gloss Text
Color : 4/0 – Color Front, No Back
Quantity : 90,000 Copies
Bleeds : No Bleeds
Turnaround : 1-2 Weeks
And so can you send over the pricing information as well as the availability and also let me know the forms of payment that you accept so we can proceed with the order
Best Regards
Mr Charles Norman
HW Inc
(but the email was actually from (
Gladstone Printing Australia Here’s one I received today.
Attention : Sales or Customer Service
My name is Mr Charles Norman with the HW Inc and i am contacting your business in regards to the order for some Display counters and so can you send me an email back with the types as well as the sizes and pricing information for those you carry and also let me know the forms of payment that you accept so that we can proceed with the order and so waiting to hear back from you with an email response
Best Regards
Mr Charles Norman
HW Inc
I received the same email. Thanks for your post, now I can block him haha.
I got an inquiry about lubricants from the same email.
Fortunately the spam filter caught it… and saved me the effort of dealing with it.
I sometimes get fairly vague emails from real customers… and it can be quite hard to decide if it’s spam or not. However typically they supply a bit more detail… or have something more than a throw-away email? If it gets past my spam filter I treat it seriously… although my spam filter has a quick check function for those emails that the algorithm is not 100% certain about. I check anything that looks like it might be legit… fortunately there are only a few of those each week.
Received this morning:
Hello Sales,
My name is Lucas Crasperr and I am the Office Manager for Rees Industries. I am sourcing for Poly Bags for an aid project for Puerto Rico. Below is are the information for the Poly Bags :
200 mm x 300mm L/D Poly Bags.
12 x 15″ 200g medium 1000/case
Quantity 100 cases
I will like to inquire the ability of will call orders and also the type of credit cards accepted for payment. A timely response will be greatly appreciated in aid to complete the order.
Lucas Crasperr
Scammers email:
Also received scam email from
My name is Peter Johnson ,am with Peter & Son’s , am contacted you in regards to purchase some Tarps with the following specs.
Order Information
Material – Vinyl Tarps
Description – Custom Made Black Tarps (Width – 20ft, Length – 30ft) made with Cool Shade Vinyl, 18oz per sq yd, Heavy duty.
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this size or type and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the type you have available or make a special order for me Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Peter Johnson
Peter & Son’
Nearly nine years later, and they’re still going!
Received today, 02/19/2018, from “Perry Ross” (
Good Morning.
This is Perry Ross and i am with Ross and Sonz Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Perry Ross
Ross and sonz Inc
Best Regards
Good Morning.
This is Perry Ross and i am with Ross and Sonz Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Perry Ross
Ross and sonz Inc
Best Regards.
Hi Sales,
I will like to know if you carry or can special order Vinyl windows and below is the specifications on what i need:
10 @ (Opening Size: 36 1/2 W x 42 1/2 H , Egress Opening Size: 31.25 W x 18.00 H (3.91 SQ.FT)) – DP50:
Size Tested 53″ x 77″ – U Factor: 0.29, SHGC: 0.22 Meets ENERGY STAR in region(s) 36W” x 42H
New Series 130 Single Hung High Performance w/Box Frame – White – Clear – Ultra Low-E/Argon – Screen – Standard Mesh
10 @ (Opening Size: 46 1/2 W x 52 1/2 H , Egress Opening Size: 41.25 W x 23.00 H (6.59 SQ.FT)) – DP50:
Size Tested 53″ x 77″ – U Factor: 0.29, SHGC: 0.22 Meets ENERGY STAR in region(s): 46W” x 52H”
New Series 130 Single Hung High Performance w/Box Frame – White – Clear – Ultra Low-E/Argon – Screen – Standard Mesh
Total Qty: (20pcs)
Kindly let me know the pricing and total cost of the (20) windows and the form of payment you accept with the surcharges as well as your contact information.
I received this email today. Looks like its not just fliers and banners anymore. We sell residential windows and doors.
Hello, my name is Adam, I would like to know if you do Screen printing on T-Shirts? and do you accept major types of credit cards? I have a seminar coming up in the city here on the 7th of April by 1pm. I have some T-shirt I need you to do Screen printing on, all together are 55 dozen of T-shirts, the shirts are white in color and I’ll like you to put at the front of the T-shirts(GLORY OF GOD) you move down lower and put (GENESIS 13:1-6) in black color. I need a perfect job on the T-shirts. T-shirts are 660Pcs, Sizes are Large and Medium=78cm. I’ve made an arrangement with a private carrier that will be having the T-shirts delivered to your shop for you to work on. So kindly get back to me with the request information below. And also check the attachment you will see the artwork and I want it to be a bold letter in any height or width but make the GLORY OF GOD bold letter and make the GENESIS 13:1-6 small under it as in the artwork. Check the attachment for artwork.
Full Name:
Shop Address:
Cell phone number:
Total cost of your service:
Glory of God 1.jpg
Glory of God 1.jpg
~72 KBShow Download
Contacted today by Wilson David… at 424-265-0376. Wanted to order some church banners and have them shipped! Shocking! Um…looks like the scam is back in swing.
Name: Phil
Telephone: 000 000 0000
Message: Greetings, My name is Phil Potis I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase : Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format Material: Vinyl Matte Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners Right Finishing: Grommets in corners Qty: 100 pcs ArtWork: CHRISTIAN VILLAGE CELEBRATION Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
Received January 16, 2018
Company Name: PHIL & CO
Contact Name: Phil
Contact Address: P o box 09
Contact City: CAL
Contact State: KS
Contact Zip: 50545
Contact Phone: (334) 219-6275
Contact Email:
Contact Message: Greetings, My name is Phil Potis I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
Inquiring About: Large Format Color
We got the quote request for printing on 1/8/2017. Same specs as the others.
8.5 x 11
80lb Gloss text
Full color/one side
80,000 copies
signed Perry Ross
Ross and sonz Inc (yes sonz)
checked the internet before opening file, and whoa!!! What a dumb scam!!!
Perry Ross
Good Morning. This is Perry Ross and i am with Ross and Sonz Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification. 1. Measures 8.5 x 11 2. 80lb. Gloss Text 3. Full color one side 4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers Perry Ross Ross and sonz Inc Best Regards.
Name: Perry Ross
Company: ross and sonz
Phone: (408) 550-9741
Good Morning.
This is Perry Ross and i am with Ross and Sonz Inc, I am sending
this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a
bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote
on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Perry Ross
Ross and sonz Inc
Best Regards.
Thanks,I have got the total quote of the units am buying. I want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore i need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address :
Contact Person : Sapp Platko
Website :
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
1225 Ave. Juan Ponce de Leon PH #5 San Juan, PR 00907
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so i can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling
Thanks for your response. Could you kindly get back to me with the total quote for 150 pieces without shipping quote.
From: Linford Clark []
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Cedar Quote
It will be picked up from your location after full payment.
Good Morning.
This is Perry Ross and i am with Ross and Sonz Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Perry Ross
Ross and sonz Inc
Best Regards.
Got one this afternoon.
Name: Phil
What kind of products are you looking for?: Graphic Design
Email Type: Work Email
Comment: Greetings, My name is Phil Potis I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
I knew this was a scam when it came in, but decided to respond anyway. Below is the e-mail trail (most recent first)
We will not accept a credit card for this project. If you want to proceed, please contact me for details to wire transfer your funds directly to our bank account before we proceed.
From: Perry Ross []
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 08:09 AM
To: Sandy
Thanks for your e mail respond. However i would like you to know am very much interested in printing the flyers of 80,000 copies with the price .I would also like you to know that this Flyers are going to be shipped to CHILE, I will like to recommend a freight company who will come for the pick up from your location for the pick up, So i would like you to contact the freight company with the weight of the Flyer supposed to be pick up at your location. Below is the destination for the delivery and contact of the freight company.
Freight Company:
Ocean Drive Logistics Shipping Company
Manager: Capt James Larry
Delivery Address
El Juncal 050, Edificio B, Piso 2
Include your pick up location and surely they will get you a quote.Get back to me with the total cost for the Flyers and the shipping cost so that we can proceed with the order after which i release my credit card for payment ASAP.Thank you once again and God bless you.
On Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 7:02:39 AM PST, Sandy wrote:
Thank you for your inquiry, and our pricing is attached. The price does not include sales tax, and delivery is FOB Jacksonville, FL. We would require payment in advance via wire transfer to our account.
From: Perry Ross
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6:27:10 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
To: Info
Subject: FLYERS
Good Day,
My name is Perry Ross and Can you please quote me on printing 80,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
A. measures 8.5′ x 11′
B. 80# Gloss Text
C. One Side printing
D. Full color
E. It Should be Flat
F. 0.25 – White border
Please provide quote on 80,000 copies.Also i will like to know the form of payment that you accept.please quote accordingly or get back to me so that i can supply art-work. I hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards
Perry Ross
From: Phil Potis []
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 9:12 AM
To: —-Prefer not to post this—-
Subject: Order
Greetings, My name is Phil Potis I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
115 E.Randall Street
Another one:
Eric Henry
Do you sell Gildan blank tees with no print on them and do you accept credit card??
To whom this message will concern:
I will first of all like to start by introducing myself,Ryan Parker is my name. I am an individual in search of a pleasant saddle to purchase. Actually this is my first time of wanting to place an order on an item such as this. However i will like you to find below the names of some brands i found interesting;
*Court’s 1/2 Breed Round Skirt Barrel Racer Saddle
*Sharon Camarillo All-Around Saddle- Court’s Saddlery
*Martin Crown C 1/2 Breed Chocolate Desert Flower Barrel Saddle
*16″ NRS Pro Series Custom Ranch Cutter Saddle
Can you please email me back with some prices on these types i listed but if you don’t have this kind of brands,then i suggest you get back to me with the ones you can offer so i can review and let you know. I hope this comes to an understanding and i will be more than happy to be of a reliable customer to you. Also if you don’t mind me asking,what form of payment do you accept? I hope to hear from you ASAP and if you have any questions,kindly give me a call at 530.429.7605.
Ryan Parker
Email : This email is been sent by Ryan Parker (email.
Greetings, My name is Potis Phil I would like to order the cedar barn board and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to order
Reclaimed Fence Pickets
Reclaimed Fence Pickets, 2x4s and 4x4s
City: Henderson
County: Henderson
State: CO
Zip Code: 80640
Barnwood Type: None Specified
Barnwood Species: All Species
Quantity: 2500
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
115 E.Randall Street
***after providing a quote
Thanks,I have got the total quote of the units am buying and i want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore i need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address :
Contact Person : Sapp Platko
Website :
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
1225 Ave. Juan Ponce de Leon PH #5 San Juan, PR 00907
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so i can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling.
Received same type of email after quoting, but for printed labels; same address and all:
“Thanks, I have got the total quote for the units am buying. I want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore I need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pickup & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name: Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address:
Contact Person: Sapp Platko
Phone Number : 310 263 8190
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
1225 Ave. Juan Ponce de Leon PH #5 San Juan, PR 00907
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond to the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so I can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling.”
Oh yea, original email was Kent Connor (later “changed” name to O’Connor)
Hello Manager, Ryan Parker is my name and am reaching out to your company in search of some balusters and fence. However i don’t have a specific brand am looking for,below you will find the types i need pricing on; *Black Arc Balusters *Size : 32.25″ inch baluster for a 36″ rail height *Classic Baluster Centerpieces Balusters *Size : 13-9/16 in. H x 7-3/8 in. W *Color : Black/Bronze Convex Solid Fence 5′ High x 8′ Wide Cedar 6′ High x 8′ Wide Cedar Deer Fence C-Flex HD Deer Fence C-Flex HD – 8′ H x 100′ W – Black Deer Fence C-Flex – 7.5′ H x 330′ W – Black Please those are the types i need prices on but you are most welcomed to email me back with prices on the other types you can offer. I will let you know on the quantities i need once i get the prices. Also if i may ask, what kind of payment do you take? Please don’t hesitate to call me at (530) 429.7605 if you have any questions. I look forward to earning your business now and in the near future. Thank You, Ryan Parker Email –
Received exact same email except from Looked suspect.
From: Phil Potis []
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 10:57 AM
Subject: Order
Greetings, My name is Potis Phil I would like to order the Fire Logs and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Fire Logs can be purchased separately
This log measures 4″ x 4″ x 12.25″.
Qty: 250 pieces
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
115 E.Randall Street
From: Phil Potis []
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 11:04 AM
To: brian grady
Subject: Re: Order
Thanks,I have got the total quote of the units am buying and i want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore i need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited
Email Address :
Contact Person : Sapp Platko
Website :
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
PONCE PR 00731-1235
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Skyline Shipping & Logistics Private Limited so i can proceed with the payment of my order then you can get the ball rolling.
I have been advised that I need half the total deposited in my PayPal account before I should proceed with the transaction .
Thank you
Thanks. Please I can only make payment to you through credit card after you got the total quote of my order including shipping charges.
On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 12:17 AM, brian grady wrote:
I have been advised that I need half the total deposited in my PayPal account before I should proceed with the transaction .
Thank you
Kelvin Jones is also email flooring contractors.
Good day.I want to know if you can get me this floor tiles to purchase:
ASH 6X36 AV05, 9X36
CALCATTA GOLD(12×12 12×24 18×18 24×24 34×34)
Please send me the pricing plus tax for the above material.What type of payment do u accept.Please include your address and phone number.Thank you and you have a great day
Thank you,
Took two e-mails to work out it was a scam
Phone: 546 632 2258
Attn: Owner.
My name is Mr. Robert Coles and am looking for Banners, so am writing to your company to see if you are the right people to help me with my order. Hope to hear from you.
Best Regards,
Mr. Robert Coles”
“I require a 48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners and I want you to send me a price plus sales tax only, excluding shipping for 50 pieces printed one sided on vinyl material and advise on the forms of payment that you accept. The ARTWORK I want you to set up on my Banner is (STOP ISIS EVERYWHERE). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. I hope to hear back from you soon
Mr. Robert Coles”
I got this same email a few days ago. i had him call me i have his phone number
Hello, my name is Adam, I would like to know if you do Screen printing on T-Shirts? and do you accept major types of credit cards? I have a seminar coming up in the city here on the 16th of September by 1pm. I have some T-shirt I need you to do Screen printing on, all together are 55 dozen of T-shirts, the shirts are white in color and I’ll like you to put at the front of the T-shirts(GLORY OF GOD) you move down lower and put (GENESIS 13:1-6) in black color. I need a perfect job on the T-shirts. T-shirts are 660Pcs, Sizes are Large and Medium=78cm. I’ve made an arrangement with a private carrier that will be having the T-shirts delivered to your shop for you to work on. So kindly get back to me with the request information below. And also check the attachment you will see the artwork and I want it to be a bold letter in any height or width but make the GLORY OF GOD bold letter and make the GENESIS 13:1-6 small under it as in the artwork. Check the attachment for artwork.
I’ll also be needing a little favor from you regarding the shipping agent that will have the T-shirts delivered to your shop. I have my credit card available for the half payment of your service. But first I want you to pay attention to this .I have been advised to take a long rest for an easy and fast recovery, hence the reason why I need your favor is that i haven’t payed the shipper that will have the T-shirts deliver to your shop because he does not have credit card facility and i’m unable to go through stress.
Regarding this fact, I want you to add an extra $3200 to the total cost plus the tax of your service. I will be giving you my credit card for the payment, and $150 for yourself as a tip, and the $3200 will be sent to the shipper, once they receive the money, they will have the T-shirts deliver to you so that you can have the Screen Printing done on them. They will also be the one to come and pick them up from your location as soon as the Tees are ready. So get back to me with the grand total cost. Be rest assured you will be charging everything on my credit card including the 3% CC charges.
Get back to me ASAP so i that can authorize the charges from my end.
I got the same scam email.
Mr Lance Procter
Friday, June 30, 2017 at 9:47 AM
To whom it may concern –
Am sending you this Inquiry to know if you do print flyers and if you do i will like you to please quote me on Flyer printing with the following specs :
1. Measures 8.5′ x 11′.
2. Full Color.
3. 0.25 – White boarder.
4. 100# Gloss Text.
5. Quantity : 75,000 Copies .
6. One sided Printing.
7. I want it to be flat not Folded.
8. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment ( Please Advise ).
9. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 3-5 Working Days ).
Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location as soon as payment is been made and ready, Also i will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
Best Regards
Good Day,
My name is Matt Hornland and Can you please quote me on printing 80,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
A. Measures 8.5′ x 11′
B. 80# Gloss Text
C. 0.25 – White border
D. Full color
E. It Should be Flat
F. One Side printing
G. Do you accept credit card payment.
Please provide quote on 80,000 copies.Kindly quote accordingly for me to supply art-work.Awaiting for your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Matt Hornland
Phone: 407-674-5420
The banners would be used indoors, single sided on the size 3700 x 1500mm, printed one sided
Tee Shirts
Bill Colin (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Fri, Jun 09, 2017 7:51 am
I am looking for blank tee shirts with no screen printing.
Brand ::Gildan
Size ::Adult Small
Color ::504 Maroon and 504 Royal Blue
::50/50 % Cotton
Qtys ::1008
Kindly get back to me with the price per shirt if possible ….Thank You
From: Scott Gibson
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 10:31:30 +0000
Subject: Labels quote
Hello Sales person,
I will like to place an order of the below type of labels. These
will be outdoor labels and will be exposed to all weather conditions
for at least 4 weeks ,so they can either be printed on vinyl or
I will need them within 5 weeks or less because we will be using
them for an evangelical programme
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Labels per sheet: 1
Type: “Crack n Peel”
Quantity: 25,000 Sheets
Words to be printed: ” THE NAME OF THE LORD IS A STRONG TOWER. Proverbs 18:10
These will be applied on a wooden cardboard, they should bleed to all
edges. You can design an artwork for me as i have none yet.
Thank you and feel free to call or email me back should you require
further information.
Scott Gibson
8 main st
Florence,MA 01062
617 682 9041
Good Morning
My name is Carlos Munoz with the HW Inc and i am sending you this email in regards to the order for some Flyers for a client project and below is the information for the flyers i will be needing
Project : Flyers
Paper Size : 8.5″ x 11″
Paper Type : 100# Gloss Text
Color : 4/0 – Color Front, No Back
Quantity : 90,000 Copies
Bleeds : No Bleeds
Turnaround : 1-2 Weeks
If yes, kindly email back with the quote plus sales tax, without shipping for me to confirm on the quote and proceed further by email
Kindly let me know the forms of payment that you accept?
Thank you,
Mr Carlos Munos
HW Inc
Phone : 814 580 4174
Email :
Good day.I want to know if you can get me this floor tiles to purchase:
ASH 6X36 AV05, 9X36
Please send me the pricing plus tax for the above material.What type of payment do u accept.Please include your address and phone number.Thank you and you have a great day
Thank you,
I got all these emails from Robert Coles
Good Afternoon Aldo,
Thanks for your email. I require a 48″ x 60″ inch outdoor digital printed banner on 13oz Scrim vinyl with grommets in the corners and I want you to send me a price plus sales tax only, excluding shipping for 50 pieces printed one sided on vinyl material and advise on the forms of payment that you accept. The ARTWORK I want you to set up on my Banner is (STOP ISIS EVERYWHERE). I want the background in a white color and the artwork wording in red color. I hope to hear back from you soon
Mr. Robert Coles
Thanks for your email. Give me a revised total pickup quote plus sales tax and other extra charges but without shipping and handling for 190 pieces banners and is there a surcharge when paying with either a Visa or MasterCard? also let me know the turnaround for my project. I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for getting back to me with the total cost, i really appreciate it. I have got the total quote of the units am buying which is $9,000.00 and i want to proceed with full payment on my credit card(s). But as stated initially, the order is to be picked up from your location and the shipper to handle the shipment is Overseas Freight Inc Ltd. After my credit card payment has been processed, and the order is ready for collection from your premises.
Therefore, i need you to contact the Shipping Company with the quantities, dimensions and the pick up & delivery location’s address, so they can quote the shipping charges for the order to be delivered to the address listed below. Go ahead and contact the freight company now.
Freight Company’s Name : Overseas Freight Inc Ltd.
Email Address :
Contact Person : Mr. Felix Mendoza
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address.
2. The delivery address.
3. Dimensions, Weights or quantities on order.
4. Type of Service: Express Delivery.
Shipping Address :
Shirrell Jesus
52003 Shirley Street
Nassau, N-2053
Paradise Island, Bahamas
Please contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond with the quote so we can proceed. E-mail me with the grand total quote invoice including transport charges from Overseas Freight Inc Ltd so i can proceed with full payment then you can get the ball rolling. God Bless You. Your prompt email respond will be very much appreciated to me..
I received this exact same request from Robert Coles and sent the quote, which he accepted. However, I became skeptical when a freight forwarder got involved. That’s always a red flag! I Googled the email address and this article came up. Thank you Aldo for posting so I could stop this one in its tracks.
Greetings, My name is Potis Phil I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase :
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte
Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
20452 Laguna Canyon Rd,
Laguna Beach, CA 92650
I got the exact same one as Greg above.
Contacted via my website:
Name Phil Potis
Subject Order
Message Greetings, My name is Phil Potis I would like to order banners and below is the types, including the spec of what I want to purchase : Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format Material: Vinyl Matte Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners Right Finishing: Grommets in corners Qty: 100 pcs ArtWork: CHRISTIAN VILLAGE CELEBRATION Please get back to me with the total pick up price plus sales tax. Do you accept credit card payment,if yes and is there surcharge when accepting credit card payment. To let you know the product will be pick up from your shop and it is needed urgently so kindly get back to me.
Followed up via email:
Please I would like to reduce the quantities to 50 pieces due to my budget. Hope you can e-mail me with the revised quote.
And sent artwork on the second email:
Ugly red/green gradient banner with holiday bells for a Christian Holiday Event.
The IP addresses used are:
Sorry! Forgot to include this scammer’s e-mail address the first time around…
To whom it may concern –
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity : 70,000 Copies .
B. 80# Gloss Text.
C. 0.25 – White boarder.
D. Full Colour.
E. One sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 5-7 Working Days ) .
I. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment.
j. Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location .
I will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
To whom it may concern –
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity : 70,000 Copies .
B. 80# Gloss Text.
C. 0.25 – White boarder.
D. Full Colour.
E. One sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 5-7 Working Days ) .
I. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment.
j. Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location .
I will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
Mr Tyson Dearborn
3:50 PM (2 hours ago)
to bcc: me
I want to make an inquiry to know if you sell Upright Monument , Please if you do i will like you to quote me the following :
In Loving Memory
Camila Alejandra
Oct.3.1956 – November.14.2016.
2′-0″ X 0′-6″ X 1′-10″ TABLET
3′-0″ X 1′-0″ X 0′-6″ BASE
A design of a Rose Flower and the color in Black , Imperial Black Granite polished face, smooth top and back (not polished) and rough sides on a sandblasted grey base. I need the Pickup Price without installation because the monument will be install out of state.
The funny thing is this is sent to my business address. I’m a therapist.
Von: ricky Wilson []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 05. Oktober 2016 12:32
Betreff: Order Request
Hope you get my inquiry, I want to know whether you sell Gas Brush Chipper. Email me the available sizes/models you have, or a link to look through. Also want to know the types of payment you accept.Hope to hear back from you soon.
Best Regards,
Ricky Wilson
From: ryan parker
DATE: Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 10:37 AM
Attention Manager,
I hope your day is going smoothly as planned. I’m Ryan Parker and i came about your company through the yellowpages during research for this project.I must say this is a personal order am placing for my friend and am writing you regarding an order of labels.My inquiry is below;
DESCRIPTION: Sharing Is Caring
SIZE: 1.375” x 4.5 or 4.5 x 2 with Square Corners
Font : Times New Roman
Font style: Bold Italic
Size : 18
INK: Black
STOCK: White Gloss
FINISHING: Permanent Adhesive – labels being applied to cardboard,1000 labels per roll.
Quantity of labels : 180,000 Copies
I am looking for a permanent adhesive type and also want the labels to come in 1000 per roll in square corners.As you can see I will be applying them on a cardboard. However my time frame on this order will be max 3-4 weeks.I want you to kindly calculate the total cost inc tax only but excluding freight cost and email me back with the total cost.Do you charge for accepting master and visa card payment? I hope to work with you soon.
Mr Ryan Parker
Email –
2836 Birchwood Ave Wilmette IL 60091
We constantly get emails of this sort, luckily they are fairly easy to spot as they all have the same pattern.
A free email address, religious banner, multiple typos, large quantity and always asking if we accept credit cards.
Scott Phillips
Dear Sir/Mada
My name is Scott Phillips I’m located in Fayette, AL.and I want to order banners from you and You are the one to create the ARTWORK for me because this is my first time that am trying to purchase Banners and your company is those that i want to help me out for i know you guys can. The Banners will be collected at your store located after the payment has been made and its ready so you shouldn’t worry about the shipping of the Banners. The Banners are single sided with Gromettes and hem at the four corners of the Banners. Below is the details of the Banners i need.
Single sided , White Vinyl Material with Gromettes and Hems.
Size: 60” x 30”
Qty: 100 Pieces
I”ll await for your e-mail back with the total cost of the Banners and the time frame of the Banners as well, i mean how long is it going to take your company to have them ready, and is it allowed by your company for a customer to make full payment of the Banners before you start with the production?. Also let me know the type of credit cards you do accept for payment?
Sender: KEN
Phone: Not provided
Suburb: Not provided
Email Address:
Comment: Good Day !!!,
I`m Mr. Ken …I will like to know how soon can you get me 70,000 pcs of the Flyers with The following requirement
NO. PIECES : 70,000
GSM : 350gsm
PRINT SPECIFICATION : Print both side, with 2 words (“LEADERS OF TOMORROW”). Simple art work. Nothing fancy
i want Text color should be Blue with the background color white which is a custom made with the letters to say { LEADERS OF TOMORROW } on the Flyers.Go ahead and quote me the total price of the 70,000 pcs plus gst and i would send for a pick up after payment… Hope to hear from you and look forward to do business with you.
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by Fred ( on Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 05:53:22
Subject: I have a question about my job
Message: Good morning,
Could you please quote the following?
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided
Quantity: 100,000
Text Weight: 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only
Full-color with bleeds
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let
me know how
long it will take to have these flyers printed.
HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
Now this scammer is on to label orders. Scam clue 1: permanent adhesive to be used and he is sticking these labels on paper? What an idiot. Scam clue 2: “As I can see” See what? Scam clue 3 the address from the scammer was on Zillow on the real estate market. Scam clue 4: asked to include tax; our state doesn’t have a sales tax. Do your homework you turd!
Here is the email I received:
Attention Manager,
I hope your day is going smoothly as planned. I’m Ryan Parker and i came about your company through the yellowpages during research for this project.I must say this is a personal order am placing for my friend and am writing you regarding an order of labels.My inquiry is below;
DESCRIPTION: Sharing Is Caring Labels
SIZE: 1.375 x 4.25 with Square Corners
Font : Times New Roman
Font style: Bold Italic
Size : 14
INK: Black
STOCK: White Gloss
FINISHING: Permanent Adhesive – labels being applied to glossy paper surface,1000 labels per roll.
Quantity of labels : 240,000 Copies
I am looking for a permanent adhesive type and also want the labels to come in 1000 per roll in square corners.As you can see I will be applying them on a gloss white paper. However my time frame on this order will be max 2-3 weeks.I want you to kindly calculate the total cost inc tax only but excluding freight cost and email me back with the total cost.Do you charge for accepting master and visa card payment? I hope to work with you soon.
Mr Ryan Parker
Email –
2836 Birchwood Ave Wilmette IL 60091
Here’s the one I just got:
Re: Banners Needed
• Scott Robinson
• Today at 1:59 PM
• Lelia Dowd
Message body
Hi Lelia Dowd,
Thank you very much for the time and support regarding the pricing. I would like to proceed with the payment of the order. I would like to know the freight charges of the order.At which the order will be sent to [Puerto Rico]. I would like to recommend a shipping company to contact them with the information about the order so they can give you the freight charges. Kindly email me with the total cost of order including the shipping cost so I can proceed with the payment ASAP. Below is the contact details of the shipping company and the delivery address. I believe they will need the delivery address before they can provide you the shipping cost. Contact Mr, Ken Lambert of NEW PORT SHIPPERS. through with the Total Weight , Size and dimension as well the Pick up location for the Banners to be Delivered Below ,
Delivery Destination :
EDIF 1 APT 104
CAGUAS PR 00725-1103
Do Ask them the Shipping Cost of the Banners from Its Pick Up Location to Its Final Delivering Destination .
Best Regards
The G / M.
On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Lelia Dowd wrote:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your inquiry for 200 units of 32″ x 60″ Vinyl banners. I would love to take the job of quote and possible sale, but will have to graciously decline your request as I would not be able to meet your high volume request being a very small, disabled person owned business that specializes in small volume custom work. I don’t think our shop would qualify to fit the demands of the order you would need. May I suggest Vinyl Banners – Custom Vinyl Banners |
Vinyl Banners – Custom Vinyl Banners | …
Thank you again for your inquiry,
Lelia Dowd
Signs & Designs By Lelia 570-350-0454
From: Scott Robinson
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 9:39 AM
Subject: Banners Needed
Good Day,
Kindly quote me your best price on the following Banners.
Style: single sided
Size: 32” high by 60” wide
Material: 13 ounce flex vinyl
Finish: hemmed edges with one grommet each corner
Quantity: 200 units
artwork attached.
Advice weather there’s an extra charge using a credit card and also lead time of productions .I will be waiting for your quote.
Thank You
I got an email today with the same story from his name is Uche Ogwe.
In the subject line he wrote this:
“Need 300 t shirts assorted colors by dozens. Wants to know how much with our logo on it. Feedback. Thanks.” but the email was blank.
This is the same exact one from a comment in 2013. Contact a James Franco. We usually receive these and I can tell the moment I receive a phone call and hear the voice. I googled and found this site.
Hello Christine,
Thank you very much for your email,Well i would like you to know that, I have went through your website and i have found the:
30-Can Rolling Insulated Cooler Bag
Price: $31.56
Which am really interested to purchase ( 200 pcs of this Unit ) from your company.
I would provide you with My credit card Information for the payment of the 200 Unit+ shipping cost but i first would like us to proceed to pick up arrangement with a local shipping agency here In U.s.a Contact Mr. James Franco Via with the Total Weight , Size , Dimension and as well as the pick up location of the 200 Unit to be delivered below ,
Ask them the shipping cost and get back to me with the estimated cost of the 200 Unit for me to proceed and Issue you my credit card Information for You to run and charge the required amount for both payment and As well alert the Shipper’s your ready pick up day and time.Thanks and awaiting response real soon .
Cordially Yours,
Richard Harrison.
Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app
On Thursday, June 2, 2016 1:38 AM,
Good morning Richard,
Can you be more specific about the type of cooler you would like? We have
many options available and will need to be able to narrow them down. Then I
will be happy to give you further details of the ordering process.
1122 3rd Street, suite2
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
—–Original Message—–
From: Website []
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 6:30 PM
Subject: Website Form
Request Referer:
Source IP:
FromName: Website
Subject: Website Form
Company Name: Richard Harrison
Your name: Richard Harrison
Phone: 440 853 6316
message: Good Day,
My Name is Richard Harrison am writing to know if you do sell Coolers.If you
do then can you kindly get back to me with the types of Coolers you have
available or make as well as their pricing and advice if you accept credit
card as a method of payment.Thank you for the time and will be waiting to
hear back from you soon
Cordially Yours,
Richard Harrison
form_id: 283672
submit: Submit
*******Original email*******
E-mail Address:
Name: John Donovan
Company: J D Inc
Phone Number: AJxxxx xxxxx
Good Day,
My Name is John Donovan and I just went through your website and I am very interested in purchasing the,
Unite Name : Induction Cobra Head Street Light AJCI-A1 Series Item #: AJCI-A1R-70C-N
Wattage: 70W 120-277V
Photocell: No Photocell
Price: $388.80
Qty 20pcs
Do email me back with the total cost excluding shipping and advice if you accept credit card as a method of payment.Thank you for the time and will be waiting to hear back from you soon..
Cordially Yours,
John Donovan.
*******Last email********
I am OK with the total cost of $6,580. …. I am based in CA but I will have the order to be pick up and ship to the address below. So please contact the freight company (GOLD LINE SHIPPING COMPANY LTD) and find out how much it will cost to have it delivered there
The freight company’s email is
The contact person is Mr. James Franco. Send them an email with the total weight, the pick-up address and the delivery address below.
Email me with the total cost when you hear back from them so I can make the full payment ASAP.
John Donovan…
Scott Phillips
Reply all|
Tue 4:34 PM
Good Day,
This is Scott Phillips and am willing to purchase some banners from your shop.The is as shown below.
Single Sided 3 ft 0 in high x 6 ft 0 in wide Vinyl Matte Grand Format
Material: Vinyl Matte
Top Finishing: – Grommets in corners
Bottom Finishing- Grommets in corners
Left Finishing: -Grommets in corners
Right Finishing: Grommets in corners
Qty: 100 pcs
Name: Scott Phillips
201A 16th Ct NW
Fayette, AL 35555
1 251 263 9500
I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed and i will recommended you to shipping contact them and make that arrangement for me. and i want this very urgently like 5 days please notify me immediately.Get me the total price of the banners plus tax without the freight cost ASAP so that we can proceed.Do you accept credit cards?
Good day,
My name is John Watts. I would like to make an inquiry on Vinyl banners in 32″x60” sizes with grommet.Attached is the art work. Kindly get me the price of 100 pieces plus tax and what do you accept as a payment. Looking forward to doing business with you. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Hoping to hear back from you in due course.
Best Regards.
John Watts
Thank you once again for getting back to me with the total cost. However I will like to proceed with payment, But as I stated in my previous email, i would like to get these PICKED UP, and ship them to my client. So a freight company by name MARSHALL SHIPPING PVT. LTD. Would be picking them up after the order is paid for and ready to go… So I want you to contact the Freight Company with the (1) Quantity, (2) Total Weight, (3) Dimensions, (4) Point of Pick up and (5) Delivery address, in order for them to quote me for the Freight charges… And i would proceed with both payments as soon as I get to know the freight charges… Below is the Freight Company’s email, contact them with the info and get me the freight charges.
Below is the delivery address where the order will be ship to:
Mrs. Mary Anderson
15, Clercine 14
Grald Bataille
HT 6110, HAITI
Contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond back with the Quote and i would proceed with payments.. Thank you and looking forward to your responds.
Ken Mason
From: “Mr Tyson Dearborn”
Subject: Printing Order..
Date: April 28, 2016 at 1:01:48 PM PDT
To: “sales”
To whom it may concern –
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity : 120,000 Copies .
B. 80# Gloss Text.
C. 0.25 – White boarder.
D. Full Colour.
E. One sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 5-7 Working Days ) .
I. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment.
j. Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location .
I will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
Yes I got a mail from a John today( John Larry ) wanting an order of 400 folders to Africa and he gave me a freight company @ ST.DOVELYN FREIGHT SERVICES email who would pick and send the order to Africa.And they wanted a wire transfer for the frieght which I was to pay for. It struck me odd as it was happening so quick and I looked up google to see the freight company but found this blog instead.
BEWARE is all I say.
Lucky I did not fall for it.
Thankyou for posting this Blog
My name is Sam Bishop,am located in Marshall Island.I browsed through your webpage and got interested in placing an order, but before this is done i want to confirm if i can go ahead and place the order via email. One more thing, do you accept credit card for payment? Please advise and let me know your delivery method, i can also use my carrier to make it easier.
Dear Steve ,
Thank you for getting back to me. However I have received the Freight Quote from the Freight Company as well which is quoted with an amount of $6,530.00… So i just spoke with them trying to figure their terms of payment and also wanted to find out if i can make freight payment arrangement with them direct using my Credit Card. But they made me understand that, they do not have Credit card facilities therefore they unable to accept payment through Credit Cards, so at this point i want you to ADD UP the total cost of the ORDER to the FREIGHT cost, and get back to me with the Grand total that includes Order and Freight and I will provide you with my Credit Card details so that you can run for both charges and we will proceed, Thank you and Hope to hear back from you.
On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 11:51 AM, BRUCE CASTOR wrote:
Dear Steve ,
Thank you once again for getting back to me with the total cost. However I will like to proceed with payment, But as I stated in my previous email, i would like to get these PICKED UP, and ship them to my client. So a freight company by name MARSHALL SHIPPING PVT. LTD. Would be picking them up after the order is paid for and ready to go… So I want you to contact the Freight Company with the (1) Quantity, (2) Total Weight, (3) Dimensions, (4) Point of Pickup and (5) Delivery address, in order for them to quote me for the Freight charges… And i would proceed with both payments as soon as I get to know the freight charges… Below is the Freight Company’s email, contact them with the info and get me the freight charges.
Below is the delivery address where the order will be ship to:
Mrs. Mary Anderson
15, Clercine 14
Grald Bataille
HT 6110, HAITI
Contact them right away and get back to me as soon as they respond back with the Quote and i would proceed with payments.. Thank you and looking forward to your responds.
From: Joshua Crow []
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 12:54 AM
To: Info
Subject: Quote Requested
Good Day
My name is Joshua Crow,I am contacted you in regards to purchase some Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons INC
I copied everything in short so it should be easier to read
Stay Bless And Have A Wonderful Holidays.
Rev James John.
On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Rev James John wrote:
I Once again want you to advise, As if the Freight Company i have recommended for the shipment, that you told me you have submitted payment to, for them to be able to come in for the pick up as soon as they receive the payments for the pick up.Well if not let me know so that i can allow this very order cancel as soon as possible.
Rev James John.
On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Rev James John wrote:
Kindly advise as the tables are going to be use in my own Orphanage
Home, Advise for us to be able to proceed.
Kind Regards,
Rev James John.
On 12/14/15, Rev James John wrote:
> Sorry ,but those tables are going to be use in my own Orphanage Home,
> Kindly advise and let me know what is going on at your end for us to
> be able to proceed ,before my card company call in.
> Kind Regards,
> Rev James John.
> On 12/14/15, wrote:
>> What was the Main thing you wanted getting the tables or something else
>> ?
>> Thanx A Lot
>> —– Original Message —–
>> From: “Rev James John”
>> >> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 11:44 AM
>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>> My credit card ,my money ,my opinion ,my decision ,so why will you just do what you want because i bought the items from you . Well that is not a problem at all as at now you should allow my order cancel because i have already contact my credit card company and soon they will charge back my card for the whole charges.
>>> Thanks for your time.
>>> Rev James John.
>>> On 12/11/15, Rev James John wrote:
>>>> With your own shipping right ?
>>>> On 12/11/15,
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We shipped it out 3 weeks ago already
>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>> From: “Rev James John”
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 6:54 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>>>>> How can i get them when you did not submitted payments for the shipments? Kindly pls advise for us to be able to proceed asap.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Rev James John.
>>>>>> On 12/10/15,
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Just want to make sure you got your Tables
>>>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>> From: Rev James John
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 9:07 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Kindly send me a phone # and direct person to submit payment
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> Rev James
>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 8:54 PM,
>>>>>>> the total will be
>>>>>>> $8399.84
>>>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —– From: “Rev James John”
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:44 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your effort in order by helping me to get all the materials ,i do appreciate it and i want you to know that
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>> satisfied with the shipping cost and would like you to go ahead and put all total charges together and email me back with the new total charges including shipping ,for me to email or give a call with my credit card info for you to run the charges ,for you to be able to proceed with my order as well as the shipment ,or as soon as
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> card
>>>>>>> clears your account before production as well as shipment .
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Rev James John.
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>> From: C-freight International Xpress Shipping
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:11 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Information Needed.
>>>>>>> Dear Valued Customer
>>>>>>> We are glad and appreciate the fact that, you are using
>>>>>>> C-freight
>>>>>>> International Xpress Shipping Co . ( Faster with safe
>>>>>>> arrival
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> C-freight
>>>>>>> Shippers are a 100% private limited registered logistics and
>>>>>>> international
>>>>>>> freight forwarder .We handle shipment world wide.My name is
>>>>>>> Mr
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> Freeman
>>>>>>> and I am contacting you in regards to the freight quotation on this consignment which you have provided us.When our Company charges for a pick up,we do not charge any amount again at the delivery address as most companies do. C-freight International Xpress Shipping Co is operating within the frame work of its shipping policy and below are such policies .
>>>>>>> A) C-freight Shippers only deals with companies and organizations
>>>>>>> .This means that,the company does not deal with individuals .
>>>>>>> B) Our company accept payment only from where the merchandise are going to be picked up.This is because there will be an invoice and a form which you are going to be signed at the day of the pick up by the representative of the company or organization .
>>>>>>> C) We received payment before pick up and all payment must be arranged through our bank account which can be provided to you when you are ready to proceed .
>>>>>>> Product detail : Dimensions of the merchandise 20 Boxes Ea.
>>>>>>> 25.0″x25.0″x16.0″, Approximately the total weight of 900 lbs
>>>>>>> Shipping address :
>>>>>>> Sis. Francine Pascal
>>>>>>> Att:Rev James John
>>>>>>> Delmas 60, Rue Cassagnol #10
>>>>>>> Port-Au-Prince, Haiti HT 6 1 2 0.
>>>>>>> The quotation on this very consignment breakdown to .
>>>>>>> Crating , Packing & Handling – $450.00
>>>>>>> Fuel surcharge -$330.00
>>>>>>> Duties & Security fee -$980.30
>>>>>>> Door-Door Delivery-$400.50
>>>>>>> Freight Charge – $2300.20
>>>>>>> TOTAL COST= $4461.00
>>>>>>> This quote is from C-freight Shippers and it is valid for 15
>>>>>>> days
>>>>>>> .You
>>>>>>> should expect the package to be delivered between 5-7
>>>>>>> working
>>>>>>> days
>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>> shipment. If you are willing to proceed,kindly respond back
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> we can
>>>>>>> provide you with our banking details in other to schedule
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> pick
>>>>>>> up when
>>>>>>> everything is ready to go.
>>>>>>> As soon as payment is confirmed by our financial manager ,we
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>> contact you to give us a specific date and time for us to
>>>>>>> come
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> pick-up . You can contact us back anytime you need anything
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> We look forward to serving you to your fullest satisfaction
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> Thank You .
>>>>>>> C-freight International
>>>>>>> Xpress Shipping Co,
>>>>>>> 909 666 7471
>>>>>>> 303 351 4369
>>>>>>> Manager
>>>>>>> Mr John Freeman
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 12:48 PM,
>>>>>>> a ) Pick up Location . 120 East Gate Drive Swedesboro, NJ
>>>>>>> 08085
>>>>>>> b ) Dimensions of the merchandise . 25.0″x25.0″x16.0″
>>>>>>> c ) Total weight lbs of the merchandise . 900 Lb.
>>>>>>> d ) Shipping Location .
>>>>>>> Sis. Francine Pascal
>>>>>>> Att:Rev James John
>>>>>>> Delmas 60, Rue Cassagnol #10
>>>>>>> Port-Au-Prince, Haiti HT 6 1 2 0
>>>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>> From: C-freight International Xpress Shipping
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 3:33 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Information Needed.
>>>>>>> Dear Customer,
>>>>>>> We would like to thank you for your kind interest towards
>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>> company for
>>>>>>> your shipping needs , you have send us an email regarding a
>>>>>>> quotation for an
>>>>>>> International shipping , In order to receive best price
>>>>>>> please
>>>>>>> send
>>>>>>> us below
>>>>>>> information and as soon as we receive this information’s
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> then send
>>>>>>> you quotation as soon as possible .
>>>>>>> a ) Pick up Location .
>>>>>>> b ) Dimensions of the merchandise .
>>>>>>> c ) Total weight lbs of the merchandise .
>>>>>>> d ) Shipping Location .
>>>>>>> We need all the info from you before we can quote you for
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> shipment
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> THANK YOU
>>>>>>> MANAGER
>>>>>>> Mr.John Freeman.
>>>>>>> 214 600 7885
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 12:09 PM,
>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Can i have a Frt. Quote for 20 Boxes Ea. is
>>>>>>> 25.0″x25.0″x16.0″
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> 43 Lb.
>>>>>>> class # 85
Load (without pallets) Total Weight: 860, Total Volume:
>>>>>>> 116
Going to
Sis. Francine Pascal
Att:Rev James John
Delmas 60, Rue Cassagnol #10
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti HT 6 1 2 0
I Once again want you to advise, As if the Freight Company i have recommended for the shipment, that you told me you have submitted payment to, for them to be able to come in for the pick up as soon as they receive the payments for the pick up.Well if not let me know so that i can allow this very order cancel as soon as possible.
Rev James John.
On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Rev James John wrote:
Kindly advise as the tables are going to be use in my own Orphanage
Home, Advise for us to be able to proceed.
Kind Regards,
Rev James John.
On 12/14/15, Rev James John wrote:
> Sorry ,but those tables are going to be use in my own Orphanage Home,
> Kindly advise and let me know what is going on at your end for us to
> be able to proceed ,before my card company call in.
> Kind Regards,
> Rev James John.
> On 12/14/15, wrote:
>> What was the Main thing you wanted getting the tables or something else
>> ?
>> Thanx A Lot
>> School Depot Inc.
>> Voice 1-845-371-6282
>> Fax 1-845-371-6280
>> Sales@SchoolDepotInc.Com
>> —– Original Message —–
>> From: “Rev James John”
>> To: “”
>> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 11:44 AM
>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>> My credit card ,my money ,my opinion ,my decision ,so why will you
>>> just do what you want because i bought the items from you . Well that
>>> is not a problem at all as at now you should allow my order cancel
>>> ,because i have already contact my credit card company and soon they
>>> will charge back my card for the whole charges.
>>> Thanks for your time.
>>> Rev James John.
>>> On 12/11/15, Rev James John wrote:
>>>> With your own shipping right ?
>>>> On 12/11/15,
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We shipped it out 3 weeks ago already
>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>> School Depot Inc.
>>>>> Voice 1-845-371-6282
>>>>> Fax 1-845-371-6280
>>>>> Sales@SchoolDepotInc.Com
>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>> From: “Rev James John”
>>>>> To: “”
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 6:54 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>>>>> How can i get them when you did not submitted payments for the
>>>>>> shipments? Kindly pls advise for us to be able to proceed asap.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Rev James John.
>>>>>> On 12/10/15,
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Just want to make sure you got your Tables
>>>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>>>> School Depot Inc.
>>>>>>> Voice 1-845-371-6282
>>>>>>> Fax 1-845-371-6280
>>>>>>> Sales@SchoolDepotInc.Com
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>> From: Rev James John
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 9:07 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Kindly send me a phone # and direct person to submit payment
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> Rev James
>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 8:54 PM,
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> the total will be
>>>>>>> $8399.84
>>>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>>>> School Depot Inc.
>>>>>>> Voice 1-845-371-6282
>>>>>>> Fax 1-845-371-6280
>>>>>>> Sales@SchoolDepotInc.Com
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —– From: “Rev James John”
>>>>>>> To: “”
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:44 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Fw: Information Needed.
>>>>>>> Yoel,
>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your effort in order by helping me to
>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>> the materials ,i do appreciate it and i want you to know that
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>> satisfied with the shipping cost and would like you to go
>>>>>>> ahead
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> put all total charges together and email me back with the new
>>>>>>> total
>>>>>>> charges including shipping ,for me to email or give a call
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> credit card info for you to run the charges ,for you to be
>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> proceed with my order as well as the shipment ,or as soon as
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> card
>>>>>>> clears your account before production as well as shipment .
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Rev James John.
>>>>>>> On 10/28/15,
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanx A Lot
>>>>>>> School Depot Inc.
>>>>>>> Voice 1-845-371-6282
>>>>>>> Fax 1-845-371-6280
>>>>>>> Sales@SchoolDepotInc.Com
>>>>>>> —– Original Message —–
>>>>>>> From: C-freight International Xpress Shipping
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:11 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Information Needed.
>>>>>>> Dear Valued Customer
>>>>>>> We are glad and appreciate the fact that, you are using
>>>>>>> C-freight
>>>>>>> International Xpress Shipping Co . ( Faster with safe
>>>>>>> arrival
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> C-freight
>>>>>>> Shippers are a 100% private limited registered logistics and
>>>>>>> international
>>>>>>> freight forwarder .We handle shipment world wide.My name is
>>>>>>> Mr
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>> Freeman
>>>>>>> and I am contacting you in regards to the freight quotation
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> consignment which you have provided us.When our Company
>>>>>>> charges
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> a pick
>>>>>>> up,we do not charge any amount again at the delivery
>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> most
>>>>>>> companies do. C-freight International Xpress Shipping Co is
>>>>>>> operating
>>>>>>> within the frame work of its shipping policy and below are
>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>> policies .
>>>>>>> A) C-freight Shippers only deals with companies and
>>>>>>> organizations
>>>>>>> .This
>>>>>>> means that,the company does not deal with individuals .
>>>>>>> B) Our company accept payment only from where the
>>>>>>> merchandise
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> going to
>>>>>>> be picked up.This is because there will be an invoice and a
>>>>>>> form
>>>>>>> which you
>>>>>>> are going to be signed at the day of the pick up by the
>>>>>>> representative of
>>>>>>> the company or organization .
>>>>>>> C) We received payment before pick up and all payment must
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> arranged
>>>>>>> through our bank account which can be provided to you when
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> ready to
>>>>>>> proceed .
>>>>>>> Product detail : Dimensions of the merchandise 20 Boxes Ea.
>>>>>>> 25.0″x25.0″x16.0″, Approximately the total weight of 900
>>>>>>> lbs
>>>>>>> /
>>>>>>> pounds .
>>>>>>> Pick up address :
>>>>>>> 120 East Gate Drive
>>>>>>> Swedesboro, NJ 08085.
>>>>>>> Shipping address :
>>>>>>> Sis. Francine Pascal
>>>>>>> Att:Rev James John
>>>>>>> Delmas 60, Rue Cassagnol #10
>>>>>>> Port-Au-Prince, Haiti HT 6 1 2 0.
>>>>>>> The quotation on this very consignment breakdown to .
>>>>>>> Crating , Packing & Handling – $450.00
>>>>>>> Fuel surcharge -$330.00
>>>>>>> Duties & Security fee -$980.30
>>>>>>> Door-Door Delivery-$400.50
>>>>>>> Freight Charge – $2300.20
>>>>>>> TOTAL COST= $4461.00
>>>>>>> This quote is from C-freight Shippers and it is valid for 15
>>>>>>> days
>>>>>>> .You
>>>>>>> should expect the package to be delivered between 5-7
>>>>>>> working
>>>>>>> days
>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>> shipment. If you are willing to proceed,kindly respond back
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> we can
>>>>>>> provide you with our banking details in other to schedule
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> pick
>>>>>>> up when
>>>>>>> everything is ready to go.
>>>>>>> As soon as payment is confirmed by our financial manager ,we
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>> contact you to give us a specific date and time for us to
>>>>>>> come
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> pick-up . You can contact us back anytime you need anything
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> We look forward to serving you to your fullest satisfaction
To Whom It May Concern,
I want to know if you can get me blank t-shirt ,
Brand/Type : Fruit of the Loom, Hanes or Gildan
50 / 50 % Cotton
Sizes: Adult Small
color: white
Qty : 2000 shirts
No Logo, no imprint
delivery Address below:
63 new Hook Rd
Bayonne NJ 07002
Please send me the pricing plus sales tax for the above shirts.also what type of payment do u accept.Please include your address and phone number.
© 2016 Microsoft Terms Privacy & cookies Developers English (United States)
I almost fell for this scam. Something just didnt seem right. Below is the thread of emails i had with this person. After the last couple of messages i was leery and decided to google the companies… Good thing i did. Below is the conversation i had with “Joshua Crow”
From: Joshua Crow []
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 12:08 PM
To: Sales
Subject: Quote Requested
Good Day
My name is Joshua Crow,I am contacted you in regards to purchase some Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons INC
On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Sales > wrote:
We do not offer 16 gauge galvanized sheets.
Thank you,
From: Joshua Crow []
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 12:55 PM
To: Sales
Subject: Re: Quote Requested
What gauge do have
On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 7:29 PM, Sales wrote:
Our sheet panels are 29 gauge.
From: Joshua Crow []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 4:16 AM
To: Sales
Subject: Follow up Order
Thanks for your ok with 29 gauge. I would like to know the price of that so that I can know the quantity I will be ordering.?Thanks and hope to read from you soon
On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Sales wrote:
For a 300-24”x 36” 29 gauge sheet panels the cost would be $2400.00 plus tax.
From: Joshua Crow []
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 10:46 AM
To: Sales
Subject: Re: Follow up Order
Thanks for your reply. am OK with the Grand Total And i will be using my credit cards for the payment? Let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location .Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards
On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Sales> wrote:
Which of our locations are you wanting to pick it up from.?
From: Joshua Crow []
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 11:33 AM
To: Sales
Subject: Pickup and delivery Information
Thank you very much for the time and support. i will like to proceed on with the payment of the order with my credit card and i will be very grateful if you can kindly get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to (Presbyterian Church of God).I am recommending you to a Freight company which i will like you to kindly contact.Send an email to the freight company requesting for the freight charges and as soon as you receive a delivery quote from them,kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the delivery cost.Below is the contact email for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Wil Phillip Freight Transport
2.Contact Name : Phillip Donald
3.Email Address: (
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Pickup address.
2.Size,quantity or weight.
3.Delivery address.
Below is the delivery address:
Presbyterian Church of God
P.O. Box 3254
CH-1411 Geneva 5
And include your pickup location and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,then ad it to the unit cost and email me with the grand total of the unit including shipping all together so that i can finalize the order with my credit card.Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Note : Advice the shipping that is Urgent Okay
On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 10:24 PM, Sales> wrote:
We will not be able to contact freight company for you. You will have to take care of that and we can have it ready for it to be picked up.
From: Joshua Crow []
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:26 PM
To: Sales
Subject: Re: Pickup and delivery Information
Thanks for your reply.I would have handled the shipping,but I am on a business trip and will not be able to handle the shipping that is why I told you to contact them and then email me back with the grand total so that I can make the full payment to you.Since I will not be able to handle the shipping and want you to handle the shipping on my behalf,I will like you to include your handling fee to the grand total so that I can provide my credit card information for you to run the full amount .I hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards
Joshua Crow
Just received the following email
Good Day
My name is Joshua Crow,I am contacted you in regards to purchase some Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons INC
Email we received below. Googled the phone number and found out it’s a scam. Thought so!
Attention Sales,
I will like to place an order of the below type of labels. These will be indoor labels I will need them within 4 to 5 weeks time because we will be using them for a fund raising Convention.
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Labels per sheet: 1
Color:Black and White
Type: “Crack n Peel”
Quantity: 19,800 Sheets
Words to be printed: ” Do everything without complaining or arguing, Philippians 2:14″
These will be applied on a wooden cardboard, they should bleed to all edges. You can design an artwork for me as i have none yet.
Thank you and feel free to call or email me back should you require further information.
Kevin Smith
9701 Brookpark Rd,
Cleveland, OH 44129
(440) 218-6917
received Urgent order request though our website. But he gave no contact info except for email address. Email address was for but he said his name was Tyler Woods. Greetings,Well I would like to know whether you sell Safety Signs.Let me know the available sizes/models or a link to that. Also I would like to know the types of payment accepted.Hope to hear back from you soon.
Best Regards,
Tyler Woods
so sent a reply asking for more info on what he wanted. I got a reply from a different email address: again not clear on what they wanted but gave a suggested shipment company to use for international shipping.
Still no company name, or address or other contact info. when pressed he gave a miss spelled company name, a residential address in TX and a CA cell phone number. No info can be found on shipping company, company name or address. Shipping company provided quote for pick up of order for close to $3000 for shipping.
I will like to recommend a freight company for the Pick up. Actually am shipping the Unit to South Africa and I will like you to contact the shipping company with the information below:
Phillip Donald
And tell them you are shipping Unit of the total weight XXX and it is going to the address below:
Shipping Address
Sarah Thompson
Kiellands gate 42
And include your Pick up Address and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,email me back with the grand total for the Unit and shipping so that I can finalize the order with my credit card.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
This one smells like a scam… I don’t even plan to follow up. The address is rental office suites, the business name does not come up and neither does the subject for the banners (10th anniversary for some housing group).
I am Richard Wilson a Purchasing Manager at BB Supplies. My team is considering using your company for printing of banners for an anniversary program. I’d be happy if you could supply me with a formal quotation on 40 of each sizes specified below using the attached artwork.
DPI Resolution is 300.
Format can be either EPS or a PDF would be fine.
Sizes: 9” x 3” and 6” x 3″ (feet)
Material: Vinyl
Outdoor Banner – Will need grommets at all the four corners
Otherwise, You could recreate the artwork to to get an actual or standard outlook. We are looking forward to your enthusiasm to enable the success of this purchase to help establish a long term business relationship between our companies. You can reach me back at 323.407.9561 or send me an email with questions in relations to my inquiry. I’ll be awaiting a response at your convenience to proceed on this project.
Richard Wilson
Purchasing Manager
BB Supplies.
351 Paseo Nuevo
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
I am Richard Wilson a Purchasing Manager at BB Supplies. My team is considering using your company for printing of banners for an anniversary program. I’d be happy if you could supply me with a formal quotation on 40 of each sizes specified below using the attached artwork.
DPI Resolution is 300.
Format can be either EPS or a PDF would be fine.
Sizes: 9” x 3” and 6” x 3″ (feet)
Material: Vinyl
Outdoor Banner – Will need grommets at all the four corners
Otherwise, You could recreate the artwork to to get an actual or standard outlook. We are looking forward to your enthusiasm to enable the success of this purchase to help establish a long term business relationship between our companies. You can reach me back at 424.204.6508 or send me an email with questions in relations to my inquiry. I’ll be awaiting a response at your convenience to proceed on this project.
Richard Wilson
Purchasing Manager
BB Supplies.
9701 Wilshire Blvd,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA
Got this one yesterday. I was gullible enough to submit the quote and got a call from him this morning saying he wants to accept the quote. Then he wanted to arrange his own delivery/trucking service for delivery. That is always a sign that it is a scam.
Thank you for this warning. Richard Wilson also contacted us in the past couple weeks. He same printing spec info but a different address and phone number. Also, caller ID came up as a local number, but when I call it back it is a Magic Jack phone that wont receive calls. He was very pushy about us charging his credit card for the full amount immediately. I sent the docs to our bank for review and they advised us to back out of the deal. Too many red flags. They think the scam is the pre paid shipping with the company they tell you to use. Thanks for your post.
Just received the following email this morning (written in COMIC SANS, no less!):
“Good Day,
My name is Perry Ross and Can you please quote me on printing 80,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
A. measures 8.5′ x 11′
B. 80# Gloss Text
C. One Side printing
D. Full color
E. It Should be Flat
F. 0.25 – White border
Please provide quote on 80,000 copies.Also i will like to know the form of payment that you accept.please quote accordingly or get back to me so that i can supply art-work. I hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards”
Ha! I received this exact email too!! Emails involved were the following:
Damn scammers!!
I also received another email with all the signs of these kind of scams asking for 300 banners from a “Robert Coles”. The emails involved were the following:
Like, really??
From: mr Justin Rodriguez
Organization: marvin Group Of Companies
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7:28 PM
Subject: Printing Quotation
To whom it may concern –
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity : 120,000 Copies .
B. 80# Gloss Text.
C. 0.25 – White boarder.
D. Full Colour.
E. One sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 5-7 Working Days ) .
I. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment.
j. Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location .
I will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
From: mr Justin Rodriguez []
Sent: Friday, 28 August 2015 8:39 AM
To: Bexx xxxxxxn
Subject: Printing Quotation
To whom it may concern –
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity : 120,000 Copies .
B. 80# Gloss Text.
C. 0.25 – White boarder.
D. Full Colour.
E. One sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 5-7 Working Days ) .
I. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment.
j. Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location .
I will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
To whom it may concern –
With warm regards to your company Mr Justin Rodriguez and am sending you this mail regards to special order some banners from your company, i will need Qty 70 pieces of banners with the Spec :
30 by 60 inches
13 oz banner vinyl
Grommeted (8pcs ) #4 1/2”
l want you to Print On the Banners (HELP THE ORPHANAGE HOMES ) .
i want printing to be in Red color and the Background Color to be White , So please kindly get back to me with the Quote on the 70pieces including sales tax and also excluding shipping because they will be picked up from your location as soon as the banners are ready to be shipped and all payment has been made also what type of payment is acceptable. Please Advise.
MarvinGroup OfCompanies
Hi. I received this email
With regards to your company am Mr Grant Gage with Marvin Group Of Companies and i will like to order Granite Counter Tops with the specs :
Absolute Black Island 36 X 76 with Full Bull nose edges (Quantity : 5)
Absolute Black Island 42 X 84 with Full Bull nose edges.(Quantity : 5)
So please kindly check on that and get back to me with the total pick-up ( Excluding shipping because they will be picked-up from your location ) price on that including sales tax Also is credit card payment acceptable ? Please Advise.
Got one from Mr Justin Rodriguez, email this morning.
Good morning customer service,
My name is Robert Jennings with Monopoly Warehouse located in Los Angeles, CA. I am contacting your business in
regards to some tiles I want to purchase. Kindly send me a
catalog containing adverse tiles you stock so that I
browse through and make suitable selection. A prompt
response will be appreciated.
Thank You,
Robert Jennings.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90021
They are trying the same scam with us today.
Email came from Tim William As follows:
Thank you very much for the time and support. i will like to proceed on with the payment of the order with my credit card and i will be very grateful if you can kindly get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to (Presbyterian Church of God).I am recommending you to a Freight company which i will like you to kindly contact.Send an email to the freight company requesting for the freight charges and as soon as you receive a delivery quote from them,kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the delivery cost.Below is the contact email for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Wil Phillip Freight Transport
2.Contact Name : Phillip Donald
3.Email Address: (
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Pickup address.
2.Size,quantity or weight.
3.Delivery address.
Below is the delivery address:
Presbyterian Church of God
Fagerborggaten 12
N-0360 OSLO
And include your pickup location and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,then ad it to the unit cost and email me with the grand total of the unit including shipping all together so that i can finalize the order with my credit card.Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Note : Advice the shipping that is Urgent Okay
I received the same email a couple of days ago word for word, only the sender was Jerry Thomson Out of curiosity, what did he want to buy from you?
I received this one today, subject: Quote Requested, Sent from: Tim William
Good Day
AmTim William and am with William & Son’s lnt , am contacted you in regards to purchasing some Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24″ x 36″
(+/- 1/16″) G90
Galvanized Quantity:200
I would like you to send me an email response with the total cost for this size and if you don’t have this size available email me with the size you have available or make a special order for me. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William & Son’s lnt
I got the same banner request from Andy Koster. Had a feeling it might be a scam, went to look up ‘Monopoly Supplies’ in CA and this post is the first thing that popped up. Thanks for the heads up!
I got this one this morning. Thanks for posting this scam info and providing a forum. The attachment was a pdf file called ” JeBreau Housing 10th Anniversary.pdf “.
My name is Andy Koster and I am with Monopoly Supplies. I am in need of banners for an anniversary program. I would like to be quote on 40 pieces of the two sizes given below with grommets:
DPI Resolution is 300.
Format can be either EPS or a PDF would be fine.
Sizes: 9” x 3” and 6” x 3″ (feet)
Artwork: See attached PDF
I will appreciate a call or an email back to discuss about project and I can be reached at 213-258-1486 or send me an email to
Thank You,
Andy Koster.
Our company received such a solicitation from Andy Koster at Monopoly Supply with an address of 745 Coney Island Dr, Sparks NV 89431. They wanted 40 banners quoted and shipped to Papua New Guinea. The guy used the email Telephone 213-258-1486.
got the same email
From: Wayne Adkins []
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 5:31 PM
To: info
Subject: Barrier Inquiry
Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about barrier fence products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about barrier fence products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Avast logo
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
I got one of these from “Andy Koster” of Monopoly Supplies listing the same telephone number. Thanks for posting this! I appreciate the warning.
Greetings Benchmark Imaging,
Andy Koster sent the following message via the contact us page;
Hi Mike – Thanks very much for setting up this page. We get these things at least 10 times a year. Fortunately unscathed so far.
” My name is Andy Koster and I am with Monopoly Supplies. I am in need of banners for an anniversary program. I will appreciate a call or an email back to discuss about project and I can be reached at 213-258-1486 or send me an email to Thank You, Andy Koster. ”
Now for fishing tackle?
My name is Kendrick Omari with Monopoly Warehouse ,I am contacting your company based on an inquiry on Reels .I will be grateful if you can send product information on your Reels or a catalog to browse through;
What type of credit cards do you accept for pick up orders ?
Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions related to the quote request as I look forward to work with your company on the order .
Kendrick Omari
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
You have received a contact request from a visitor to your storefront at
E-mail Address:
Name: Maurice Carter
Company: Monopoly Warehouse
Phone Number: 213-258-1486
I am Maurice Carter with Monopoly Warehouse. I write to inquire about a Ladders,please send information and pricing as per the below
Please contact me should you require any more information
Thank You
Maurice Carter
Name Lucas Crasper
E-mail Address
Company Monopoly Warehouse
Phone 213-258-1486
Message Sales, My name is Lucas Crasper with Monopoly Warehouse and I am contacting your business to inquire lights to purchase. Kindly email a link/ catalog along with pricing information of various types of lights you carry so that I can browse through to make a choice. Do not hesitate to contact me regarding my proposal. Please advice if there’s any financial charge paying via credit card. Thank You, Lucas Crasper
My name is Maurice Carter and I am the office manager at Monopoly Supplies. I came across your website via an ad online. We are looking for a long term partnership with your company for the purchase of Boxes as we honor your enthsiasm to help us in achieving our target. I would be delighted if you could send over a quote on various types/style of Boxes based on specifications provided below:
L x W x H : 16 x 12 x 12
L x W x H : 6″ x 6″ x 6
L x W x H : 20″ x 10″ x 8
Moreover, Advice discounts and elucidate if there’s a levy paying via credit card. We are eagerly awaiting to hear from you momentarily.
Best Regards,
Maurice Carter.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
Old Wayne is in the locker business now. Been seeing this broken English email for years. I just trash them anymore.
Name: Wayne Adkins
Phone: 213-258-1486
Comment: Hello Sales, I am Wayne Adkins with Monopoly Warehouse. I write to inquire about Lockers which i would like you to call me on the number below to discuss. Kindly get back to me as i am looking forward to work with you on this project. Thank You, Wayne Adkins Monopoly Warehouse 1155 E Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90021 Tel : 213-258-1486
Looks like they are at it again.. we just had them contact us and we almost didn’t catch it.
Didn’t speak with a Wayne, but did speak with a Maurice Carter now. Same exact process as the above mentioned. Using a freight company of “Crown Freight” out of New Jersey.
Exact same address provided and phone number. Shipping to Madagascar now.
First request came in for 16 items as 1M each, and then turned into a confusing 16M of 1 item. Then things were going through and the quantity doubled. Nothing was produced yet, so glad we were able to detect something was funky and stopped the process from proceeding. Thanks for posting this so we quickly determined it was a scam!
From: Wayne Adkins []
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 12:08 PM
To: sales
Subject: Filter Inquiry
Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about filters products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Wade Adkins is looking for filter products from Monpoly warehouse. Same old pay the shipping scam! Stay clear!
I got the same loser just got 6/3/15. Its an immediate red flag if you sell this stuff everyday and his Gmail account.
Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about filters products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Easiest thing to find out if someone is for real is use Google maps and go to street view. This place looks like a mini-pelican bay prison! Who are these people?! Ridiculous.
Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about filters products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about filters products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
I am Andy Koster with Monopoly Warehouse. I write to inquire kilns/Ovens to purchase. Kindly email back with availability and pricing information per various types of kilns/Ovens you offer so that I can choose from.
Let me know if there’s a possibility for pick up orders. If you should have any questions in relations to my request do not hesitate to email or call back. Advice if there’s a levy on credit card payment.
Thank You,
Andy Koster.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
I received one from Wayne Adkins from Monopoly Warehouse also. Same Los Angeles address and phone number as others. Wanted to know what we sell and if we accepted credit cards. No one answered the phone the couple of times I called.
Hello Sales Department,
I am Wayne Adkins with Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about Solvent, and i would like you to send me a link to the types of solvents you have in stock and also the type of credit card that you do accept for payment and will also like to know about the possibility of pick up from store orders.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Good day,
My name is George Best.I will like to make a inquiry on Vinyl banners in 32″x60″ sizes with grommet on the banner.l need this message on the banners(Give & it shall be given unto you).Kindly get me the price of 100 pieces and please advise on the Payment method you do accept and also the duration of time it will be ready so pickup can be scheduled. Hoping to hear back from you in due course…
Thank You.
George Best.
He then upped it to 300 banners and gave this phone number
Thank you for the response with a quote.I ma okay with the quote i have decided to order 300 pieces of the banners.My phone # is 239-384-7135 you can email me when i am not available to answer your call.Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank You.
It says it’s is a magic jack line and the number has to call you before you can call it.
Then came the shipping info:
Thanks you very much for the time and support in regards to the pricing.I will like to proceed on with the payment of the order and i will like you to first of all get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to Haiti. overseas.I want to recommend a shipping company which i want you to contact with the order information and get the freight charges.As soon as you get that information from them,Kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the shipping charges so that i can make the full payment for both the order with the shipping to you.Below is the contact details for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Carex Cargo Shipping Company.
2.Contact Name : John MCLaren.
3.Email Address:
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Full pick up location address
2.Size and quantity/weight of the order to be picked up
3.Shipping Or Delivery address
Below is the delivery or shipping address to were the order will be shipped.
George Best & Sons Inc.
60 Avenue Lamartiniere
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
I will like you to kindly go a heard and contact the shipping company with the needed information and get me the freight charges and as soon as that is received get back to me with the totals for us to proceed with the payment as soon as possible best regards.
George Best.
I got a similar email (below). The wording seemed suspect so I knew that it was a scam. To be funny, I replied that his order was ready to ship. He called me today. Phone number was from Ghana (233 country code). I started to try to pry the credit card number he wanted to use so I could warn credit card company, but instead called him out on his scam.
Text of his email…
I am Maurice Carter of Monopoly Warehouse and I want to make an order based on roof truss. Attached is the profile of the truss and I will be glad if you can send me a quote for 100 trusses either wooden or steel.
I also will like to know if you do accept pick up orders and also the type of credit card that you do accept for payment. Do not hesitate to contact me back should you have any questions that need answers to.
I hope to hear from you shortly with a quote as I look forward to working with your company on the project.
Maurice Carter.
Got this one this morning…Looked suspicious, so I Googled it and found this site. Here is the e-mail I got;
I am Andy Koster with Monopoly Warehouse and I am contacting your business to purchase panels for a client. I’d appreciate if you could email back pricing on the below:
Panelboard Box, Width 20 Inch Width; Height 43.5 Inch; Depth 5.81 Inch
Panelboard Box, Width 20 Inch Width; Height 37.5 Inch; Depth 5.81 Inch
Panelboard Box, Width: 20 Inch Width; Height: 44 5 Inch; Depth: 5.75 Inch
Do not hesitate to call or e-mail back if you should have any questions regarding my proposal.
Please advice if there’s a penalty associated paying via credit card.
Thank You,
Andy Koster.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
I received the same today. I smelt something dodgy but replied anyway put of courtesy. When he started mentioning international delivery and for me to contact the shippers it confirmed my suspicion. Here is the whole thread.
Good day,
My name is George Best.l want to order some flyer’s,i will need
the Qty 100,000 with the size of 8.5”x11” in full copies blue Ink on
orange paper.l need this message on the flyer’s (Give,& it shall be given
unto you) and should be printed double sided.I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of payment you do accept. Awaiting your response.
Thank You.
George Best.
Hi George,
Thank you for your enquiry.
For the measurements you have specified, the closest thing would be A4
size. We can design the text in blue on an orange background, but
wouldn’t be able to directly print on orange paper.
Cheapest option for 100,000 double sided would be:
A4 – 135GSM = £316.99 inc free delivery to any uk address and this
woild be VAT free.
We would first check that you are happy with the design proof and
raise the invoice. We accept payments by debit/credit card, paypal and
bank transfer.
If you have any further questions the please feel free to ask.
Hello Andrew Stanley,
Thanks you very much for the time and support in regards to the pricing.I will like to proceed on with the payment of the order and i will like you to first of all get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to Haiti. overseas.I want to recommend a shipping company which i want you to contact with the order information and get the freight charges.As soon as you get that information from them,Kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the shipping charges so that i can make the full payment for both the order with the shipping to you.Below is the contact details for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Carex Cargo Shipping Company.
2.Contact Name : John MCLaren.
3.Email Address:
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Full pick up location address
2.Size and quantity/weight of the order to be picked up
3.Shipping Or Delivery address
Below is the delivery or shipping address to were the order will be shipped.
George Best & Sons Inc.
60 Avenue Lamartiniere
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
I will like you to kindly go a heard and contact the shipping company with the needed information and get me the freight charges and as soon
as that is received get back to me with the totals for us to proceed with the payment as soon as possible best regards.
George Best.
I am Andy Koster with Monopoly Warehouse and I am contacting your business to purchase panels for a client. I’d appreciate if you could email back pricing on the below:
Panelboard Box, Width 20 Inch Width; Height 43.5 Inch; Depth 5.81 Inch
Panelboard Box, Width 20 Inch Width; Height 37.5 Inch; Depth 5.81 Inch
Panelboard Box, Width: 20 Inch Width; Height: 44 5 Inch; Depth: 5.75 Inch
Do not hesitate to call or e-mail back if you should have any questions regarding my proposal.
Please advice if there’s a penalty associated paying via credit card.
Thank You,
Andy Koster.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
We also received the below email from a “Monopoly Warehouse” asking for a quote and ready to pay with whatever credit card that we accept:
Hello. I am Wayne Adkins with Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about Solvent, and i would like you to send me a link to the types of solvents you have in stock and also the type of credit card that you do accept for payment and will also like to know about the possibility of pick up from store orders.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
We got this one today:
From: Brian Alan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 5:33 PM
To: info
Subject: Sales inquiry
Attn : Sales Department
My name is Brian Alan with Monopoly Warehouse and I am contact your company to inquire Air Filters to purchase. Kindly email a catalog along with pricing information per various types of Air Filters you stock so that I can choose from. Do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding my inquiry. Please advice if there’s a surcharge paying via credit card.
Brian Alan
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
Anytime someone contacts you and doesn’t really know what they want and then asks if you accept credit cards is 99% FRAUD.
Attn : Sales Department
My name is Brian Alan with Monopoly Warehouse and I am contact your company to inquire Air Filters to purchase. Kindly email a catalog along with pricing information per various types of Air Filters you stock so that I can choose from. Do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding my inquiry. Please advice if there’s a surcharge paying via credit card.
Brian Alan
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
When I googled the address, it was in a mobile home park. The supposed customer we were supposed to ship to was a restaurant in Sweden. I spoke to “Richard Harrison” on the phone and he evaded any questions regarding his company. After requesting information to validate his company he was not heard from again.
Wayne Creedmoor
Company Name
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90021
United States
Map It
How did you hear about us?
Search Engine
Good morning customer service,
My name is Wayne Creedmoor with Monopoly Warehouse located in
Los Angeles, CA. I am contacting your business in regards to some
vases. I want to purchase. Kindly send me a catalogue containing
adverse vases you stock so that I browse through and make suitable
selection. A prompt response will be appreciated.
Thank You,
Wayne Creedmoor.
Richard Harrison
Company Name
Richard Harrison
1240 East 9th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44199
United States
Map It
How did you hear about us?
Good Day,
My Name is Richard Harrison am writing to know if you do sell Clocks.If you do then can you kindly get back to me with the types of Clocks you have available or make as well as their pricing and advice if you accept credit card as a method of payment.Thank you for the time and will be waiting to hear back from you soon
Yours Sincerely
Richard Harrison
Another scam email from
Hello Sales, I am Wayne Adkins with Monopoly Warehouse. I write to inquire about domes which I would like you to call me on the number below to discuss. Kindly get back to me as I am looking forward to work with you on this project. Thank You, Wayne Adkins Monopoly Warehouse 1155 E Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90021 Tel : 213-258-1486
why you can’t call to your bank and tell them that you paid for shipping which never had been done and get your money back?
I got another one of these today similar to one I posted about a few months ago. Different name, same deal. Here it is.
Attention : Sales Or Owner
My name is James Westman an individual buyer and i am sending this email
to your business in regards to order some Steel Plates for my clients Project
and i will be needing the Steel Plates listed below
1. (36) plate A36
3/8″ x 22.0000″ x 72.0000″
Qty: 10 Pcs
2. (36) plate A36
3/4″ x 22.0000″ x 72.0000″
Qty: 10 Pcs
3. (572) plate A572 Grade 50
1-3/4″ x 26.0000″ x 72.0000″
Qty: 3 Pcs
4. (36) plate A36
2″ x 22.0000″ x 72.0000″
Qty: 4 Pcs
So can you send me an email back with the pricing information as well as the
availability and those that you carry as well and advice if there is surcharge
in using credit card payment.also let me know how many days they will be ready for shipment after payment?
Lucrative Inc
682 Boswell Ave,.
1 203 881 6916
James Westman
Received this email this morning. looks like the are using the same email and just keep sending it along.
My name is Maurice Carter a purchasing manager with Monopoly Warehouse. I found your webpage on an online advertisement. I require your help to customize some labels for a client and below you will find information:
Size: 6″ x 12″
Quantity: 1,000pcs
Usage: Outdoor
Mount: It will be adhere to a smooth wooden surface
Logo: See attached
I humbly request pricing based on information provided or something in similarity which will probably suit my clients proposal. Likewise, advice if there’s an applicable fee on credit card payment.
Thank You,
Maurice Carter.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
Just got the Monopoly Warehouse email. Idiots. I’ve been in this business long enough to smell these scams a mile away.
My name is Maurice Carter a purchasing manager with Monopoly Warehouse. I found your webpage on an online advertisement. I require your help to customize some labels for a client and below you will find information:
Size: 6″ x 12″
Quantity: 1,000pcs
Usage: Outdoor
Mount: A smooth wooden surface
Logo: See attached
I humbly request pricing based on information provided or something in similarity which will probably suit my clients proposal. Likewise, advice if there’s an applicable fee on credit card payment.
Thank You,
Maurice Carter.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
My name is Maurice Carter a purchasing manager with Monopoly Warehouse. I found your webpage on an online advertisement. I require your help to customize some labels for a client and below you will find information:
Size: 6″ x 12″
Quantity: 1,000pcs
Usage: Outdoor
Mount: A smooth wooden surface
Logo: See attached
I humbly request pricing based on information provided or something in similarity which will probably suit my clients proposal. Likewise, advice if there’s an applicable fee on credit card payment.
Thank You,
Maurice Carter.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
I received this one today:
My name is Maurice Carter a purchasing manager with Monopoly Warehouse. I found your webpage on an online advertisement. I require your help to customize some labels for a client and below you will find information:
Size: 6″ x 12″
Quantity: 1,000pcs
Usage: Outdoor
Mount: A smooth wooden surface
Logo: See attached
I humbly request pricing based on information provided or something in similarity which will probably suit my clients proposal. Likewise, advice if there’s an applicable fee on credit card payment.
Thank You,
Maurice Carter.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
I JUST got an email for the exact thing you’re talking about, from a John Smith. I first ignored the email, then he was persistent, so I quoted him a ridiculous amount, an amount no one would agree to pay. Then told him I had to have a credit card payment in full and cleared before we could even start printing. He agreed and sent me the email below.
from: John Smith
to: Megan Fisk
date: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 9:57 AM
subject: Re: Order.
Hello ,
Thanks you very much for the time and support in regards to the pricing.I will like to proceed on with the payment of the order and i will like you to first of all get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to Haiti. overseas.I want to recommend a shipping company which i want you to contact with the order information and get the freight charges.As soon as you get that information from them,Kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the shipping charges so that i can make the full payment for both the order with the shipping to you.Below is the contact details for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Diamond Star Freight Company.
2.Contact Name : John MCLaren.
3.Email Address:
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Full pick up location address
2.Size and quantity/weight of the order to be picked up
3.Shipping Or Delivery address
Below is the delivery or shipping address to were the order will be shipped.
John Smith & Sons Inc.
60 Avenue Lamartiniere
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
I will like you to kindly go a heard and contact the shipping company with the needed information and get me the freight charges and as soon
as that is received get back to me with the totals for us to proceed with the payment as soon as possible best regards.
I received this one today.
Hello Sales Department,
My name is Terry Davis and with regard of your business I write to inquire availability and pricing information on work gloves to purchase.
Let me know if there’s a possibility for pick up order and advice if there’s a surcharge on credit card payment. If you should have any questions relating to my proposal, Do not hesitate to call or email back so that we can proceed further.
Thank You.
Terry Davis.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
we get these about every 3 months of so. Here is today’s
From: Rev Larry Page
Date: Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 4:41 PM
Subject: Printing Quotation Request ( Orphanage home )
To whom it may concern –
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity : 120,000 Copies .
B. 80# Gloss Text.
C. 0.25 – White boarder.
D. Full Colour.
E. One sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 5-7 Working Days ) .
I. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment.
j. Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location .
I will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
George Best
Apr 21 (6 days ago)
to cspowers2010, bcc: me
Good day,
My name is George Best and l want to order some flyer’s and i will need the Qty 100,000 with the size of 8.5”x11” in full copies blue Ink on orange paper.l need this message on the flyer’s (Give,& it shall be given unto you) and should be printed double sided.I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of of payment you accept for us to proceed.Hope to hear from you as soon.
Thank You.
George Best.
they use god alot…so messed up.
Another one from George Best:
From: George Best
Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: order
Hello —–,
Thanks you very much for the time and support in regards to the pricing.I will like to proceed on with the payment of the order and i will like you to first of all get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to Haiti. overseas.I want to recommend a shipping company which i want you to contact with the order information and get the freight charges.As soon as you get that information from them,Kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the shipping charges so that i can make the full payment for both the order with the shipping to you.Below is the contact details for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Diamond Star Freight Company.
2.Contact Name : John MCLaren.
3.Email Address:
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Full pick up location address
2.Size and quantity/weight of the order to be picked up
3.Shipping Or Delivery address
Below is the delivery or shipping address to were the order will be shipped.
George Best & Sons Inc.
60 Avenue Lamartiniere
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
I will like you to kindly go a heard and contact the shipping company with the needed information and get me the freight charges and as soon
as that is received get back to me with the totals for us to proceed with the payment as soon as possible best regards.
George Best.
We received this nonsense today. Thought it was legit until he requested it go overseas: here is the emails so you all know what to look for:
Hello ,
Thanks you very much for the time and support in regards to the pricing.I will like to proceed on with the payment of the order and i will like you to first of all get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to Haiti. overseas.I want to recommend a shipping company which i want you to contact with the order information and get the freight charges.As soon as you get that information from them,Kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the shipping charges so that i can make the full payment for both the order with the shipping to you.Below is the contact details for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Diamond Star Freight Company.
2.Contact Name : John MCLaren.
3.Email Address:
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Full pick up location address
2.Size and quantity/weight of the order to be picked up
3.Shipping Or Delivery address
Below is the delivery or shipping address to were the order will be shipped.
George Best & Sons Inc.
60 Avenue Lamartiniere
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
I will like you to kindly go a heard and contact the shipping company with the needed information and get me the freight charges and as soon
as that is received get back to me with the totals for us to proceed with the payment as soon as possible best regards.
George Best.
On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Rebecca wrote:
Please find attached estimate and let us know if you have any questions.
From: George Best []
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 1:15 PM
To: Sarah
Subject: Re: Quote Request.
Hello Sarah,
thank you for the response,I have attached the art work for the flyers.Hope to hear from you soon with a quote.
Thank You.
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 3:37 PM,
Good Morning and thank you for your request for quote. I have cc’d Rebecca (our estimator) as she will be the one that will be emailing you your estimate. We accept as method of payment check, visa, master card, AMEX or wire.
From: George Best []
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 4:29 AM
To: Sarah Andreano
Subject: Quote Request.
Good day,
My name is George Best.I am emailing to inquire on some flyers I will need 100,000 Qtys with size 8.5”x11” in full copies blue Ink on orange paper.l need you to inscribe (Give,& it shall be given unto you) on the flyers and should be printed double sided. I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of of payment you do accept. Awaiting your response.
Thank You.
George Best.
The way I usually shut these guys down is request payment in the form of a wire transfer before any work can begin. Especially for any overseas shipment. They usually go away quietly
Good Luck
Your Name: Wayne Adkins
Phone Number: 213-258-1486
Email Address:
How Can We Help You?: Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about Shredder products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Please view below for another fraudulent RFQ.
Hello Sales Department,
My name is Wayne Adkins and with regard of your business I write to inquire availability and pricing information on Bins to purchase.
Let me know if there’s a possibility for pick up order and advice if there’s a surcharge on credit card payment. If you should have any questions relating to my proposal, Do not hesitate to call or email back so that we can proceed further.
Thank You.
Wayne Adkins.
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
I received this non-sense today…
Same idiot(s) as above..
Hello Sales Department,
My name is Wayne Adkins and with regard of your business I write to inquire availability and pricing information on vacuums to purchase.
Let me know if there’s a possibility for pick up order and advice if there’s a surcharge on credit card payment. If you should have any questions relating to my proposal, Do not hesitate to call or email back so that we can proceed further.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
I get these all the time.
Here’s one that came in today:
My name is Scott Palmer with Monopoly Warehouse, I write to inquire about wire rope. I will appreciate a mail back with a catalog on your wire ropes or a call to discuss about the inquiry. Your prompt attention will be greatly be appreciated
Thank You
Scott Palmer
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
I got this email this morning, didn’t bother answering or calling.
If you know what you sell and they contact you without any knowledge of what you do, that’s a red flag off the top.
Terry Davis
Attn Sales,
My name is Terry Davis with Monopoly Warehouse and I am contacting your business to inquire Crates Plastic to purchase. Kindly email a link/ catalog along with pricing information of various types of Crates Plastic you carry so that I can browse through to make a choice. Do not hesitate to contact me regarding my proposal. Please advice if there’s any financial charge paying via credit card.
Thank You,
Terry Davis
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
Received this today. still at it
I am Andy Koster with Monopoly Warehouse. I write to inquire about Lighting fixtures which I would like you to call me on the number below to discuss or send me an email with a link/catalog to your adverse lighting fixtures offerings so that I can make suitable selections. A prompt response will be appreciated.
Thank You,
Andy Koster
Office Manager
Good day,
My name is George Best. I am emailing to inquire on some flyers. I will need 100,000 Qtys with size 8.5”x11” in full copies blue Ink on orange paper. l need you to inscribe (Give,& it shall be given unto you) on the flyers and should be printed double sided. I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of payment you do accept. Awaiting your response.
Best Regards.
George Best & Sons Inc,15 Fairway Rd Newark, DE 19711 302-918-4631
I give him a quote for 1 million dollars and $50,000 shipping and handling and he accepts LOL!
He responds:
Thanks you very much for the time and support in regards to the pricing.I will like to proceed on with the payment of the order and i will like you to first of all get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to Haiti. overseas.I want to recommend a shipping company which i want you to contact with the order information and get the freight charges.As soon as you get that information from them,Kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the shipping charges so that i can make the full payment for both the order with the shipping to you.Below is the contact details for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Diamond Star Freight Company.
2.Contact Name : John MCLaren.
3.Email Address:
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Full pick up location address
2.Size and quantity/weight of the order to be picked up
3.Shipping Or Delivery address
Below is the delivery or shipping address to were the order will be shipped.
George Best & Sons Inc.
673 Ring Road
HT6110 Port-au-prince,
I will like you to kindly go a heard and contact the shipping company with the needed information and get me the freight charges and as soon
as that is received get back to me with the totals for us to proceed with the payment as soon as possible best regards.
George Best.
I tell him I cannot fulfill his shipping requirements, thank you & blessings to you (karma & reaping-he will get it in the end!).
Wayne Adkins []
Hello Sales,
I am Wayne Adkins of Monopoly Warehouse and I write to inquire about Strapping products. I will like a catalog with products information to browse through and get back to you.
Thank You
Wayne Adkins
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Tel : 213-258-1486
We have also been contacted by this co. Monopoly Warehouse @ 1155 E Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, looking for copper tubing shipping into Madagascar. the shipping co was crown freight inc. out of NJ,
huge freight cost plus as noted you would have to wire transfer the freight funds to the carrier. Yeah quote has been killed.
We get these all the time for solar goods. The phone numbers ware usually Google Voice, being monitored in Central Africa (usually known as Nigerian Scams because they’re so common from there – and that’s NOT an ethnic comment). As stated before, a couple of tip-offs are an email asking for a quote when the product is on the web page, or asking you to call them. That’s so they don’t have to waste their time, you waste yours. Another is the rush shipping for items that are not usually needed in a hurry. Somtimes I call to verify web orders, and the other party can’t pronounce the name of their supposed city. Also, you can Google Map their address, and ask what’s across the street. That’s ended in a hang-up a few times. the sad part of all this is that there is no method in place by the banks to get notifications of suspicious activity from us merchants. They don’t care – they don’t eat the fraud, we do.
We manufacture industrial equipment and they have tried us too.
Kendrick Omari
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90021
We just received this email today…
“Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Generators with the following specs.
5000 W Generators
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt”
We have seen this enough now (every couple months from one person/company or another) that I immediately respond with the fact that they would have to pay up front and in full, including shipping, by bank wire transfer only. I usually never hear from them again. And if they do write back, I am happy to play their game.
I received the same mailing as one of the posters above, with a different product though.
I replied and linked him to this page. These type of people make me sick. Thanks for sharing. Here is the email:
I am Andy Koster with Monopoly Warehouse. I write to inquire about fabricated enclosures which I would like you to call me on the number below to discuss. Kindly get back to me as I am looking forward to work with you on this project.
Thank You,
1155 E Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90021
Andy Koster
Office Manager
Dear Sales,
My name is Leon Duelm , one of the purchasing officers at Regal Enterprise. My company is out in the market sourcing for Greenhouses suppliers of which we came across your company.
I will appreciate if you would kindly send me a catalog including the types of Greenhouses you manufacture or deal with, better still a link to your webpage with your products so I can go through your Greenhouses and get back to you with desired choices.
I believe you do accept pick up orders as well as credit card payment on purchases. I will be honored to receive a timely response with information and proceed with the order.
Best Regards ,
Leon Duelm
Regal Enterprise
651 Holiday Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Tel :213-258-1486
These scumbags try this all the time.
These people are 10′ lower than scum of the earth. They pray on small business owners & collect there stolen money through loopholes created through bogus shipping companies. Don’t fall for this trap! Put there email on blast so the world can look up there bullshit.
Here’s another douche bag.
Tim William [] A FRAUD!
Glad I looked into him further before proceeding. Here is the email thread so you all know who to stay away from… wish I had an uncle in the F.B.I. too! *Notice I quote FOB MN, and he wants to “pick up at our location” but he has NO IDEAS where that is.. just somewhere in Minnesota, and our company is in MA! At least this toolbag keeps screwing up his M.O. enough to alert right minded people like us to check his ass out… what a tard….
“Thanks for your reply. am OK with the total . And i will be using my credit cards for the payment? Let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location .Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards
On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 11:43 PM,
(my name) wrote:
Hi Tim,
Thanks for your request.
Where are you located, and what is your business?
Here is our quote for your blanks:
300 pcs 24”x36” Galv. Blank 16 GA
.0634” G90 Material
$23.54 ea.
Delivery 3 weeks
Let me know if we can help you with this, and feel free to call me with any questions at the number below.
Thanks again.
(our company here)
From: Tim William []
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 1:48 PM
To: Tim William
Subject: Quote Requested
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt”
Attn : Label Sales Department
My name is Maurice Carter with Monopoly Warehouse and I am contacting your company to inquire about Labels to purchase. Kindly email a catalog along with pricing information per various types of Labels you stock so that I can choose from. Do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding my inquiry. Please advice if there’s a surcharge paying via credit card.
Maurice Carter
Monopoly Warehouse
1155 E Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90021, USA
Phone: 213-258-1486
Address resolves to a medical marijuana dispensary per Google Maps. No Monopoly Warehouse.
Thanks for posting about this; our company received one of these scam quotes this morning, and my boss rightly thought something seemed off and asked me to look into it. (I have included the email below)
“From: Tyler Woods []
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 3:52 AM
Subject: Urgent Order
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is Tyler and I will like to order ( COMMERCIAL CABINETS ) Do get back to me with the types and cost for the ones you do carry and let me know if there is an extra cost when using visa or master card. Kindly get back to me with your name .Are you the sales manager or the owner?
Tyler Woods”
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is Tyler and I will like to order ( COMMERCIAL CABINETS ) Do get back to me with the types and cost for the ones you do carry and let me know if there is an extra cost when using visa or master card. Kindly get back to me with your name .Are you the sales manager or the owner?
Tyler Woods
Tyler Woods
Thank you for saving me time and headache. I am an estimator and just received the EXACT email you received. I always try to research a customer I am unfamiliar with and this scam alert was the first hit from a quick Google search.
From: Tim William []
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 1:35 PM
To: Tim William
Subject: Quote Requested
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
Received a very similar sounding request this morning, but was a little suspicious because it seemed that English was not the writers first language, but the request was specific on the item wanted. I did return a quote to Tim William of William and Sons Lnt. Received a reply immediately with an approval;however, I noticed that the date/time stamp on the email I sent him was 8 hours ahead of us, putting him somewhere in Europe. Did a Google search and found this site. His original quote request is below.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
Good Day,
My name is Aaron and Can you please quote me on printing 80,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
A. Measures 8.5′ x 11′
B. 80# Gloss Text
C. 0.25 – White border
D. Full color
E. It Should be Flat
F. One Side printing
G. Do you accept credit card payment.
Please provide quote on 80,000 copies.Kindly quote accordingly for me to supply art-work.Awaiting for your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
Aaron Rodger
Rodger Business Ltd,
4002 Ronson Court,
San Diego, California 92111
United States
….I told him that if I heard from him again, that I was going to have my uncle, who’s in the FBI, track his ass down.
I’d prefer not to put my company name or my work email. I’ve received a request almost exactly like the one above from a “Joshua Frankenfield”. I responded to him that I received his request but never heard anything more.
Another request came from is “Tim Williams LTC” for large qty but not artwork.
And then a “Larry Downing” which was worded almost exactly like Tim Williams.
From Tyler Woods (
Calendar Printing
Can you please provide a quote on 10,000 & 20,000 of calendars printing with the following specs?
Binding: Saddle Stitch
Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Pages: 12 pages (4 cover, 8 inside)
Cover Paper: 120 lb Dull Book with Matte Finish
Color: 4/4 (Color both sides)
Quantity: 10,000 & 20,000
Year: 2015
Turnaround Time: Standard
Ty Woods
3550 Watt Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821
Tel: 727-456-9772
Tyler Woods
3550 Watt Ave
Sacramento, CA 95821
Tel : 727-456-9772
Asked for pricing on banners, than ordered them to ship to Azerbaijan with their Freight company
Name: Urbans Freight
Contact Person Name: James Fox
Freight Company Email Address : ( )
Received same scammer request. This time he is asking for empty wooden crates to be shipped to South Africa. He said he would be paying by credit card. When asked what company he represents he says “I am individual. I live in States.” He then directs you to contact another company by email:
He wants items delivered to:
Chris SOS Home
37 Strand Street
Cape Town 5001
South Africa
Phone he is using:
(216) 640-7969
This also appears on Caller ID (no name tag visible).
He did this Monday morning 10:40 AM 12/15/2014
Be Careful.
Here is his original fishing email:
From: John Larry []
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2014 11:56 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Urgent Order….
Dear Vendor,
Am sending you this email in regards to make inquiry for (Wooden Boxes) from your company.i will be very glad if you get back to me with the available sizes/models or a link. And also i want to know if you do accept credit card for this purchase and Let me know if you accept pickup at your location.. Hope to hear from you.Are you the Sales Manager or the Owner?Awaiting for your prompt reply.
Thank You
John Larry
Here is contents of his email writing this morning responding to requests for info:
Thank you for the reply , Well i am okay with the total price for the create, I will like you to contact st.dovelyn freight services via email [] with your store location,the total weight on the createwith the delivery address below and request for a freight quote. Please let me know how much it will cost me in totality to have these crate to the address below .
The delivery address is as Follows :
Chris SOS Home
37 Strand Street
Cape Town 5001
South Africa
And as soon as you get the freight quote email me back with the grand total.Hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards
John Larry
When asked what address he is calling from he gives:
205 Valley St.
Dayton, Oh
(505) 906-6153,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.81828268,d.cGU&ion=1&biw=1217&bih=874&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ei=ZC-PVM7hHpTloASt64KgCQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ
Fictional address.
Received this (scam) quote request 12/11/14 from the email address
Can you please provide quote on 60,000 copies of flyer printing with the following specs?
1. Measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White border
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. What method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
Baron Davis.
I received this one :
From : Baron Davis
Can you please provide quote on 60,000 copies of flyer printing with the following specs?
1. Measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White border
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. What method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
Baron Davis.
Submitted on Mon, 12/08/2014 – 02:04
Submitted by anonymous user: [] Submitted values are:
Name: John Larry
Company: Individual
Phone: (505) 906-6153
How Did You Find Us: Internet Search
Good Day,
Can please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing with the following specs.
1. measures 8..5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
With Kind Regards,
John Larry
Received this same message from two email accounts today: Baron Davis and Baron Davis
Can you please provide quote on 60,000 copies of flyer printing with the following specs?
1. Measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White border
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. What method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
Baron Davis.
I received this email myself:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
Good Day,
My name is David and Can you please quote me on printing 80,000 copies
of Flyers with the following specs.
A. Measures 8.5′ x 11′
B. 80# Gloss Text
C. 0.25 – White border
D. Full color
E. It Should be Flat
F. One Side printing
G. Do you accept credit card payment.
Please provide quote on 80,000 copies.Kindly quote accordingly for me
to supply art-work.Awaiting for your prompt reply.
Best Regards,
David Parker
Received this (Scam) request for quote 11/16/14
Good Day,
Can please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8..5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
With Kind Regards,
John Larry
Just received the following email from
Good Day,
Can please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8..5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
With Kind Regards,
John Larry
Scammer Email:
Good Day,
Can please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8..5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
With Kind Regards,
John Larry
341 Don Gaspar,
Suite 300 . Santa Fe ,
NM 87503 .
PH: 305-907-9832
Hello Owner/General Manager,
How are you doing? My name is Kim Richard, I’m sending you this mail because i will be needing your service. I have a seminar coming up on 21th of November by 3pm.I hope you do screen printing on T-shirts and accept all major credit cards as method of payment! if yes, I have some T-shirts I need you to do Screen Printing on T-shirts. there are a total of 35dozens of T-shirts, all white in color, and i’ll like to put at the front of the T-shirts (ARISE AND SHINE), you move down lower and put (ISAIAH 60:1)
I need a perfect job on the T-shirts. the total of the T-shirts are 420pcs, sizes are M=74cm 140pcs, XL=78cm 140pcs and XXL=80cm 140pcs.
I will have a private carrier that will have the T-shirts delivered to your shop so you can start the work on them as soon as possible. so kindly get back to me with the requested information below..
Full Name:
Shop Address:
Cell phone and Business phone number:
Types of credit card you accept:
Total cost of your service:
Best regards
Rev. Richard
This actually came across the fax machine and says. “Hello my name is Paul Morgan. I would like to know if you have in stock NGK spark plug 7090 BKR5EGP. If you have it in stock or you can help to special order it kindly get back to me with the cost of 1000 plugs while I will forward mt credit card information to you and send FedEx for the pick up. kindly get back to me via my email at, I will be looking forward to your response. Thanks Paul Morgan. I get theses all the time from different people for the same thing. Just usually throw them away but was bored today and thought I would look up the email account to see who else got these things. I just laugh at them.
Received this (scam) request for quote 19/10/2014
From: [] On Behalf Of Paul Berry
Sent: 19 October 2014 21:49
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Printing Of Flyers….
Good Day,
Can please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8..5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
With Kind Regards,
Paul Berry
Just got this scam email.
Hello Sir/Madam
My name is Frank Lukas and I do understand that you handle some Pumps in stock for sale. I will like to see the Model that you have and prices range On each. I will also like to know if Credit Card is accepted as a form of payment. Thank you
Best Regards
Frank Lukas
Pumps Needed……
9/23/2014 We received the exact same message yesterday. I knew it sounded suspicious. Thank you for having this forum to discuss items of this nature. Below I have pasted the body of the email we received:
Good day,
My name is Zach Muhr and i want to make a inquiry of some
Banner,the type of banner i will like from you is vinyl and the size i
want is 32″x60″ with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the
banner is (Give & It Shall be Given Unto You).Kindly get me some price
for a Quantity of 100 banners and please advise me the Payment method
you do accept and also how long will it take you before getting me
those banners for pickup to be Schedule.Please advice to my email as
soon as you received this email.Thank You Very Much.
Thank You.
Mr.Zach Muh
Just got this this morning:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
Received this email today;
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
Well, I’m certainly glad for sites just like this. I did receive the scam email from Tim William AKA William & Son, looking for 300pcs of 16 gage galvanized 48×36. Just as written above, he agreed with no questions on the price and would pay CIA “since I don’t have established credit with your company” he then gave me his “preferred carrier” as the material was going to be delivered to “The church of god” in Norway. Knowing that credit card charges can be reversed and feeling suspicious about his eagerness I decided to Google William & Sons and found the above. We did in fact run his credit card and had the money but had not started the order yet. We quickly reversed the payment back to his card and informed Mr. Tim William that his order was not going to be processed.
I received this email this morning. 9-3-2014
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
The below is an email from our website contact form. I received this august 25, 2014…
To: Webmaster
Zach Muhr
Good day,
My name is Zach Muhr and i want to make a inquiry of some Banner,the type of banner i will like from you is vinyl and the size i want is 32″x60″ with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the banner is (Give & It Shall be Given Unto You).Kindly get me some price for a Quantity of 100 banners and please advise me the Payment method you do accept and also how long will it take you before getting me those banners for pickup to be Schedule.Please advice to my email as soon as you received this email.Thank You Very Much.
Thank You.
Mr.Zach Muhr
This is the message I received on 8/19:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
received exact same message as above regarding the shower doors.
Received this (scam) request for quote 7/21/2014
Dear Customer Service,
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the custom ordered unit price for this sizes and if you cant do this size or type kindly email me with the custom made you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
We received the same one from Randy Kellermann just over the weekend.
Please quote the following:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided – 100 lb Gloss Text Weight Printing on 1 side: Front Only – Full-color with bleeds
Quantity: 100,000
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
We received this e mail today:
From: Randy Kellermann
Subject: Flyers Quote
Date: July 16, 2014 7:27:45 AM PDT
To: tesslerm8
Please quote the following:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided – 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only – Full-color with bleeds
Quantity: 100,000
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
Please quote the following:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided – 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only – Full-color with bleeds
Quantity: 100,000
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
We received this on July 9th:
Randy Kellermann
date: Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 11:31 AM
subject: Flyers Quote
“Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided – 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only – Full-color with bleeds
Quantity: 100,000
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
“Hi Randy,
Thanks for considering iPrint4Less.
We are a wholesale printer who has been in the Chicagoland area since 2004, providing High Quality, Low Cost printing. While we initially only served the Non-Profit community, in 2008 we opened our doors to the general public. Our background is in advertising & marketing & our goal has always been to help Churches, Charities & small business owners find cost effective & efficient marketing solutions.
Below you will find a quote for the specific item you requested info for. We will also include another option for you that 90% of our customers find quite appealing.
Standard Sheet Fed Press:
100, 000 Full Color, 8.5 x 11, 1-sided on 100# Gloss coated paper stock-
100, 000 Full Color, 8.5 x 11, 1 or 2-sided on 70/80# Gloss coated paper stock-
Thank you for allowing us to serve you & your printing needs!”
They almost got me!! Glad I checked it out!! Here is what he said:
Randy Kellermann
Jul 4 (3 days ago)
Please quote the following:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided – 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only – Full-color with bleeds
Quantity: 100,000
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
and the 2nd email:
Hi Marc,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Pacific Shipping via
email and request a quote for shipping the order
from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including
the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my
MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you with the estimated quote from the
freight forwarder. Artwork attached.
Received this email this morning… thought it was a little odd, so I did some research.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Do you carry Generac Standby Generators.I need a Generac automatic standby generator natural gas 20kw.Kindly email me the pricing and also availability on them.I need the pricing including a 200AMP switch.I want the total quote for two of this Generator.I do not need installation.This is a pick up order.How soon can you get them for me as soon as an order is placed for them.What major credit cards do you accept.Kindly email me your full contact details for reference.
Rev. Matthew
Note:Kindly let me know if you do carry other Brands and Power tools.
zPlease quote the following:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided – 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only – Full-color with bleeds
Quantity: 100,000
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
Just received the email below on 6/30/14 at 10:21 am CDT. It looked fishy so I deleted it. It looks like that was a wise decision.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
I own a print shop in Georgia and received a request on 6/25/14 from a Randy Kellerman ( for 100,000 single sided 8.5×11 flyers printed 4 color process on a 100# gloss text. After providing a quoted rate via email this was the response I received:
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Pacific Shipping Inc. via
email and request a quote for shipping the order
from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including
the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my
MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the
freight forwarder. Artwork attached.
From: Randy Kellermann
Subject: Flyers Quote
Date: June 23, 2014 11:59:04 AM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Please quote the following:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided – 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only – Full-color with bleeds
Quantity: 100,000
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
I received this this morning…strage thing is, I do have a site for the sheet metal industry…just not a business that sells products or services.
Tim William
8:59 AM (9 hours ago)
to bcc: me
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Got this today:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Tim William
Email came directly from our website, which states we are not a supplier of such materials, but an installer! Teresa~~
From this email address
Greetings how are you doing today? My name is Darrin floyd i’m sending you this email because i will be needing your service i have a seminar coming up in the city here on the 5th of june by 3pm …I hope you do Screen printing on Tshirts ?. i have some T-shirt i need you to do Screen printing on all together are 150 dozen of T-shirts white in color and i’ll like to put at the front of the T-shitrs (ARISE AND SHINE) you move down lower and put (ISHIA 60:1) i need a perfect job on the T-shirts the total of the T-shirts are 1800Pcs.Sizes are M=74Cm 600pcs, XL=78cm 600pcs and XXL=80cm 600pcs.i will have a private carrier have the T-shirts deliver to your shop so you can work on them…so kindly get back to me the request information below..
Full name..
Shop Address..
Cell phone and Business phone number..
Total cost of your service..
NOTE: Payment is via check
Thank you in anticipation of your prompt and favorable reply..
Best regard
I received the same exact one from South Africa as Anon Print. shipping company @ gave it away for me. Always beware of international orders.
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Pacific Shipping Inc. via
email and request a quote for shipping the order
from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including
the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my
MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the
freight forwarder. Artwork attached.
Sent us the Galvanized scam a few months ago, today was the same item he switched to Stainless Steel
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of Stainless Steel with the following specs.
304 Stainless Steel .062 (16 gauge) x 24″ Wide x 36″ Long
1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
This is what my Boss received and gave it to me. Once I read it I thought SCAM!! so I looked it up and found this page:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order 304 Stainless steel with the following specs.
24 X 36
1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Best Regards
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
received this morning. im gonna call him a scammer in my reply.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim William ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Best Regards
Tim William
William And Sons Lnt
@Anon Print – Got the exact same email on 5/7/2014. Suspected it was a scam. looked it up and killed order.
Another one…
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
Galv Sheet Blanks Plain Galv Blanks (609x 914) 1.5mm thick
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
I received the following email requesting a printing quote.
To:Karen Moore
Name:James Moore
Message:Dear sir/madam
My name is James Moore, and I would like to know if your company can
handle a printing project of FLYERS in the following specifications;
Flat Size : 8.5″ x 11″
Paper Type : 100# Gloss Cover
Color : Full Color Front, No Back (4/0)
Folding : Flat (None)
Quantity : 80,000 Copies
Print Turnaround : 1 – 2 Weeks
Artwork : PDF (To Be Provided)
If yes, I will be glad if you can provide me with an estimate quote
for this job, excluding shipping and I will be happy to confirm and
proceed further once I receive the quote.
Question: Do you accept CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS.
Thank you,
James Moore
After going through the motions of working up a quote. It was immediately accepted via email… see below!
Attention : Karen Moore
Thanks very much for the Quote. I hereby wish to confirm to you that I accept the Quote for the Order as per my request, as it is at the moment. I would like to have the order picked-up from you and i want you to contact the below Freight Forwarder on their e-mail address to obtain a freight pick-up quote for me…
Contact person : MR. DONALD C. WEBB
You will need to include the delivery address listed below for them to provide you with the accurate freight quote using their freight service for this shipment;
Port of Rio de Janeiro
Avenida Rodrigues Alves, n 20
Praca Maua
Rio de Janeiro, RJ CEP 20081-250
Also, they will require the following information from you to be able to provide you with a freight quote.
1). Pick-up address information
2). Items to be pick-up description
3). Items to be pick-up size dimension
4) Items to be pick-up approx total weights
Kindly go ahead and contact them to obtain a freight quote, add it to the order cost and get back to me with the full total costs so that I can proceed with the full totals payment before you place/process my order.
Thank you!
With Regards,
James Moore
Then followed up with a phone call from a “Private Number”. The accent was so strong I could barely understand them. Although they did claim to be James Moore. I suggested that he pay his own shipping. He then insisted that I take care of it. I refused an he hung up!
Thats my story…. Be ware all!
Nothing ever came of it but back on March 12, 2014 created a new account @ which offers online printing services. Thankfully, James Wilson did not start the scam process with us, but he was at least trolling.
Thank for this forum,
This one came through our web site yesterday and we pulled the plug on it this afternoon, no loss
Feedback entered on website:
Questions/Comments: Dear sir/madam My name is James Moore, and I would like to know if your company can handle a printing project of FLYERS in the following specifications; Flat Size : 8.5″ x 11″ Paper Type : 100# Gloss Cover Color : Full Color Front, No Back (4/0) Folding : Flat (None) Quantity : 80,000 Copies Print Turnaround : 1 – 2 Weeks Artwork : PDF (To Be Provided) If yes, I will be glad if you can provide me with an estimate quote for this job, excluding shipping and I will be happy to confirm and proceed further once I receive the quote. Question: Do you accept CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS. Thank you, James Moore
Select Account Executive: None
Name: James Moore
Company: N/A
State: Minnesota
Telephone: 724 965 0150
I work for a print shop in Ohio and received a request on 4/15/14 from a Ronald Barkley ( for 120,000 single side 8.5×11 flyers. After providing a quoted rate via email this was the response I received:
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Pacific Shipping Inc. via
email and request a quote for shipping the order
from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including
the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my
MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the
freight forwarder. Artwork attached.
Just received the same type of inquiry for the purchase of generators from Rev Matthews Kings. His acceptance of the quote just seemed way too easy. Decided to goggle the name and found this article. Thank goodness
Hello, i am Larry and i want to know if you can get me Blank t-Shirt with the following details
Short Sleeve
Size: Adult small
Color:Dark chocolate
50/50% Cotton
Quantity: 500Pcs.
Brand: Gildan OR Hanes
Short Sleeve
Size: Adult small
50/50% Cotton
Quantity: 500Pcs.
Brand: Gildan OR Hanes
They are now onto countertops:
With Regards to your Company This is Tim Williams i sending you email regarding to Order Granite counter tops and i will need you to fabricate some counter tops for me and as soon as it is done and paid for it will be picked up from your locations so i will need you to get back to me with the total quote for the following counter tops without installation but i need the total cost with tax only and i will handle the installation my self.. This is what I need.
Absolute Black Island 36 X 76 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
Absolute Black Island 42 X 84 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
And I will like to order those and i will handle the installation my self so i will need you to get back to me with the pick up price for the two counter tops and? and I will be looking forward to your reply ASAP.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
This was the first email:
Attention : Sales Person/Estimator
Good day, I would like to know if your company can do a printing of FLYERS in the following specification for me;
Paper Size : A4 (210 x 297mm)
Paper Type : Premium 150gsm, Gloss Coated Paper
Color : Full Color Front, No Back (4/0)
Folding : Flat (None)
Quantity : 90,000 Copies
Print Turnaround : Economy
If yes, kindly email back with the QUOTE excluding DELIVERY.
Note = What are your PAYMENT TERMS.
Thank you!
James Wilson
20 Gladdyr Street.
Capalaba, QLD 4157
Email :
Google Street View indicated that the Queensland address was a suburban house. The use of a gmail email address made me suspicious as well.
I responded, and got this reply:
Thanks very much for the Quote…I hereby wish to confirm to you that I accept the Quote for the Order.
I would like to have the order picked-up from you and i want you to contact the below Freight Forwarder on their e-mail address to obtain a freight pick-up quote for me…
Contact person : MR. BERNARD HAYFORD
You will need to include the delivery address listed below for them to provide you with the accurate freight quote using their freight service for this shipment;
Mr. Larry Nacey
15, Clercine 14
Grald Bataille
HT 6110, Haiti
Also in order for them to provide you with a freight pick-up quote, they will require for you to add the following information for them to be able to provide you with a freight quote.
The sudden shift of destination from Queensland, Australia to Haiti, plus the Outlook address for the freight forwarder, made me even more suspicious, confirmed by a Google search which found this page.
I’ll string this bastard along by saying that our ‘despatch department’ handles all deliveries, and will now chase him for the artwork.
Thanks for the info!
>>>> Dear Sir / Madam
>>>> Am Mr. David i got in contact with your company to see if you sell
>>>> ( Lights
>>>> ) , if you do i will like you to email me with the picked up price
>>>> including tax and if you accept Master or Visa credit card as a
>>>> form of payment, but if you don’t have this type kindly email me
>>>> with the types that you have or the one nearer to the one am
>>>> requesting or you can direct me to you website so i can see what you have for sale.
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Mr David May
Thank you very much for the time and support. i will like to proceed on with the payment of the order with my credit card and i will be very grateful if you can kindly get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to (Presbyterian Church of God).I am recommending you to a Freight company which i will like you to kindly contact.Send an email to the freight company requesting for the freight charges and as soon as you receive a delivery quote from them,kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the delivery cost.Below is the contact email for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Wil Phillip Freight Transport
2.Contact Name : Phillip Donald
3.Email Address: (
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Pickup address.
2.Size,quantity or weight.
3.Delivery address.
Below is the delivery address:
Presbyterian Church of God
Fagerborggaten 12
N-0360 OSLO
And include your pickup location and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,then ad it to the unit cost and email me with the grand total of the unit including shipping all together so that i can finalize the order with my credit card.Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Note : Advice the shipping that is Urgent Okay
We received this order as well:
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tim William
Date: March 5, 2014 at 11:04:53 AM MST
To: James Hooper
Subject: Re: Price Quote Requested
Thanks for your reply. am OK with the total $3,120.00 And i will be using my credit cards for the payment? Let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location .Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:56 AM, James Hooper wrote:
Tim, the price for-
60- 5 lb. ABC Ansul Fire Extinguishers would be
$3,120.00 plus tax. Please let me how else I can help you!
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 5, 2014, at 7:26 AM, “Tim William” wrote:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
I responded with this…
Hello Tim,
Me is Chris and I is very happyness to supply your requestings.
5lb extinguisher = £7500 each + vat – Total= £450,000 + 20% @£90,000 = £540,000 plus administration charges and waste of time fees, charged at £8000 per hour (you have wasted 20 minutes so far).
Extinguishers must be collected from my shady back street location and you must pay cash before you see goods, come alone! No emergencies, No churches, no funny business!
I look forward to seeing your money now you have committed yourself, don’t let me down Tim!
Best regards
Hatchet Chris
Here we go again, now they are into stainless steel tiles.
On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Tim William wrote:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of Stainless Steel with the following specs.
304 Stainless Steel .062 (16 gauge) x 24″ Wide x 36″ Long
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
We also got an email from this person, here it is:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
When we responded to him he sent this:
Thank you very much for the time and support. i will like to proceed on with the payment of the order with my credit card and i will be very grateful if you can kindly get the freight charges for the order.I am sending the order to (Presbyterian Church of God).I am recommending you to a Freight company which i will like you to kindly contact.Send an email to the freight company requesting for the freight charges and as soon as you receive a delivery quote from them,kindly email me back with the total cost of the order with the delivery cost.Below is the contact email for the shipping company and the delivery address.They require the deliver and pickup address for them to be able to provide a quote.
Contact Details for the Recommended Shipping Company
1.Carrier Name : Wil Phillip Freight Transport
2.Contact Name : Phillip Donald
3.Email Address: (
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Pickup address.
2.Size,quantity or weight.
3.Delivery address.
Below is the delivery address:
Presbyterian Church of God
Fagerborggaten 12
N-0360 OSLO
And include your pickup location and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,then ad it to the unit cost and email me with the grand total of the unit including shipping all together so that i can finalize the order with my credit card.Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Note : Advice the shipping that is Urgent Okay
For a moment I thought this was real but I decided to google the email address because something didn’t make sense.
We received this email too, here is a copy;
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i will to order Galvanized Sheets with the following specs.
24 X 36
I will like you to send me an email response with the price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
Looks like he is expanding his portfolio of products!
From: Tim William []
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:23 AM
To: Tim William
Subject: Price Quote Requested
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available kindly email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
Got this one today.
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 07:09:53 -0800
From: Tim William
Reply-To: Tim William
Subject: Price Quote Requested
To: Tim William
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available kindly email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
Name: Tim Williams
Phone: 305 809 8769
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available kindly email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
Here is the scam: They want to purchase your product but want you to use their preferred shipping company. This shipping company must be pre-paid. The buyer will give you a credit card to pay for the shipping cost, the credit card is approved, you pay the shipping company, they have your product and your money. A week later you get a notice from your credit card company that the card was invalid and they take the money out of your account. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!! Terry Alex,, Pioneer North Inc
Here is the one I received today:
(Please note: 60 5# fire extinguishers)
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available kindly email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG –
Version: 2014.0.4259 / Virus Database: 3684/7064 – Release Date: 02/05/14
From: Fred Donelly []
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Pacific Shipping Inc. via
email and request a quote for shipping the order
from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including
the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my
MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the
freight forwarder. Artwork attached.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available kindly email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
I received this email too, but it was not for printing anything, but for one of the products we sell (portable Fire Extinguishers). Here is a copy:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this type and if you don’t have this type available kindly email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
So it looks like it’s not just for the “printing” scam.
These people are using businesses to do their work for them. They work for companies that offer pricing info to consumers. They enter all of our qoutes into their data base so they have pricing all over the country for all types of different services and materials.
Sent: Thu, Jan 23, 2014 7:33 am
Subject: Price Quote Requested
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the custom ordered unit price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
We received a request to quote blank t-shirts, no printing. We became concerned and googled him to find this alert.
He may be changing his MO. Be ware.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the custom ordered unit price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
They’re moving into all kinds of fields:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the custom ordered unit price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
My response:
Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx so we can review your request and provide you with this quotation.
On the off chance they’re legit, I try to give the benefit of the doubt, but I *always* check on website enquiries. I’m glad someone else posted this scammer’s email address to be found on an internet search.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the custom ordered unit price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
Got the request from but gave them quote and their response was automatic without answers. so I assumed it was scam, it comes up Tim Williams.
another giveaway was improper use of English language
Thank you for your site – I just received the same scam. Must admit it did seem a little fishy. You just saved me a lot of money!
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
Great post, we have been wise to these scams for a number of years but interesting to see how many companies they are still trying to fool.
I always check the web address, and to be honest if the return email is a generic provider we steer clear everytime. A bonafide company would never try and do business that way!
Email sender is now blocked 🙂
Heres the latest one:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
They are now doing this to locksmiths such as myself now. I ended up turning them away once they wanted to order 500 padlocks equaling over $7,000 which just seemed an outrageous quantity. They wouldn’t say what they were going towards just to give them 3 padlock pricing. I asked for tons of information such as what size,shape,keyway,color,grade they wanted and they would only repeat i need pricing for 3 different padlocks. I decided to see what they actually wanted so I gave them the list of pricing of what we stock and that’s when they wanted to order 500 of a certain one.
The following is the address they wanted me to ship it to which is when I found out it was bogus.
David And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Gotta be careful these days.
Just got this today and I was curious, I normally don’t receive quote requests, and if I do I usually have met the people sending it to me. I googled the company, and found this post. Thank you.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
We got the same scam. How do they make money off of this I’m not sure I understand? And are the credit card companies at least paying the people who printed for these scammers since they approved the transaction?
Dear Customer Service
My name is James McClure ,am with McClure And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
James McClure
McClure And Sons Inc
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williams ,am with William And Sons Lnt can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Tim Williams
William And Sons Lnt
This is a great post. I get this kind of email at least once/week, never even bother replying. But I can see how someone new in business might get excited about this and even fall for it, it’s good to spread the word to stop these scammers.
This is the second time this scam has been tried on me. This guy was much better than the last, and I went for it the first time, the credit cards they gave me were all declined or I would have been pulled in.
I sell cooling towers, so it was not printing, but the same format.
Thank you for taking the time to put this on the internet so others can be saved from falling for this kind of stuff.
This guy uses the same Bill Garret name as your scam.
Mac Word
Dear Customer Service
My name is James McClure ,am with McClure And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
James McClure
McClure And Sons Inc
Nov 12, 2013 04:46:41 AM, wrote:
Dear Customer Service
My name is James McClure ,am with McClure And Sons Inc and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the custom unit price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
James McClure
McClure And Sons Inc
Dear Customer Service
My name is James McClure ,am with McClure And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
received today:
Dear Customer Service
My name is James McClure ,am with McClure And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
James McClure
McClure And Sons Inc
Dear Customer Service
My name is James McClure ,am with McClure And Sons Inc and i contact to make an inquires of Stainless Steel with the following specs.
304 Stainless Steel .062 (16 gauge) x 24″ Wide x 36″ Long
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
James McClure
McClure And Sons Inc
Is this another scam ?
Kevin Maxwell
Dear Valued Customer,
My name is Mr. kevin maxwel. I am interested in ordering some BANNERS from your company but since this is the first time am ordering these kind of products then I would be very glad if you can provide me with a list of sizes and pricing of the BANNERS you carry in stock for sale. Also let me know if you do take a surcharge when accepting either a Visa or Master Credit Cards payment.
I Look forward to hear from you soon
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
“James Mcclure”
Tue, 1 Oct 2013 07:13:47 -0700
Price Quote Requested
Dear Customer Service
My name is James McClure ,am with McClure And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
James McClure
McClure And Sons Inc
I received an email asking for a quote on 60,000 flyers from a Rev. John Larry ( I thought it seemed weird and wondered how he got our info, but I sent him a quote. He responded to the quote and sent me artwork that had a picture of Jesus on it. He recommended a company for shipment because he wanted to ship them to Sweden. Asked me to email them ( and get a shipping quote. At this point I Googled his email address and found this article! Thank you so much for posting this! If I stop responding, do you think he already has enough information about me to do anything? He has my name, number and probably can look up our company’s billing address from our website.
I am Mr Bill Garret Could you please quote the following?
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided
Quantity: 150,000
Text Weight: 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only
Full-color with bleeds
Please advise total pricing and tax and let me know the cost, also how long it will take to have these flyers printed, And do you accept credit card for this order.
Mr Bill.
We get these requests all the time, We ALWAYS ask fro them to call our office or give us a number to talk over the phone, they never respond…….. No matter how tuff business is or how you think this could be your next big order, STOP!!!! and think about it…..Its not worth IT!!!! , my customers ask for a proof on something as little as $10, if there not worried about what there are getting, then its a scam!!!! actual email attached:
from: Rev. Matthew Kings (
I would like to place an order for some banners.Here is the
information on the banner.
Size?……..10″x38″ INCHES
Quantity?…….500 pcs
Indoor or Outdoor?……Outdoor
How long do you plan on leaving this banner up?3 MONTHS
What do you want the banner to say? WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE
This will have to be white background with blue lettering.This will be
hanging.I need grommets on the two top sides.This has to be the upper
part.I need the quote on this banner and how soon you can get them for
me.What major credit cards do you accept.Can I make a deposit payment
and pay the balance upon pick up.Kindly email me your full contact
details for reference.
Rev. Matthew
Note:Do you also carry plain white t shirts.
got it lest week but remember from a few year ago the same story …..
Got this scam over the weekend. It was very well done – at least a plausible print request. Except that a request from someone in San Francisco asking me (in Ohio) to send something to South Africa was enough of a stretch that I Google’d the name and found this information. Thank you for taking a few things off my plate for the day. !!
Being in the marketing field, this email caught my attention. Good thing I googled the email address. Here’s what my spammer-scammer had in mind:
( Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Here’s the one we got at our shop…
Rev. Matthew Kings []
I would like to place an order for some banners.Here is the information on the banner.
Size?……..10″x38″ INCHES
Quantity?…….500 pcs
Indoor or Outdoor?……Outdoor
How long do you plan on leaving this banner up?3 MONTHS
This will have to be white background with blue lettering.This will be hanging.I need grommets on the two top sides.This has to be the upper part.I need the quote on this banner and how soon you can get them for me.What major credit cards do you accept.Can I make a deposit payment and pay the balance upon pick up.Kindly email me your full contact details for reference.
Rev. Matthew
Note:Do you also carry plain white t shirts.
Just got this email today from Rev. Matthew Kings :
I would like to place an order for some banners.Here is the
information on the banner.
Size?……..10″x38″ INCHES
Quantity?…….500 pcs
Indoor or Outdoor?……Outdoor
How long do you plan on leaving this banner up?3 MONTHS
What do you want the banner to say? WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE
This will have to be white background with blue lettering.This will be
hanging.I need grommets on the two top sides.This has to be the upper
part.I need the quote on this banner and how soon you can get them for
me.What major credit cards do you accept.Can I make a deposit payment
and pay the balance upon pick up.Kindly email me your full contact
details for reference.
Rev. Matthew
Note:Do you also carry plain white t shirts. and – complete scammers !
FYI – Got this a couple of days ago:
My name is Rev Larry John ,Am contacting to make an inquires of printing flyers
can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies . Try as much as you can to get back to me
including your name and contact number.Thank You
Best Regards
Rev Larry John
I responded with a quote, and he responded with this:
Well here is the attachment of the artwork.I will like to know the form of payment you do accept
and the turnaround time so we can proceed.
Thank you
I’ve responded to his questions, lets see what he says next.
another dan henderson:
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Midwest Logistics via
email and request a quote for
shipping the order from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re
ready to ship.
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder. Artwork attached.
Could you please quote the following?
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided
Quantity: 150,000
Text Weight: 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only
Full-color with bleeds
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
I received the scam email this morning and knew immediately that it was most likely a scam. Of course when I Googled “david.may55”, it returned this website. I have received a number of these over the last few years and almost fell for the first one, which was about banners, but, ran it by another shop before replying. Thanks to websites like this one for keeping our industry informed about such scams.
Just got this “lovely” email from “Rev. Matthew Kings” at
I would like to place an order for some banners.Here is the
information on the banner.
Size?……..10″x38″ INCHES
Quantity?…….500 pcs
Indoor or Outdoor?……Outdoor
How long do you plan on leaving this banner up?3 MONTHS
What do you want the banner to say? WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE
This will have to be white background with blue lettering.This will be
hanging.I need grommets on the two top sides.This has to be the upper
part.I need the quote on this banner and how soon you can get them for
me.What major credit cards do you accept.Can I make a deposit payment
and pay the balance upon pick up.Kindly email me your full contact
details for reference.
Rev. Matthew
No telephone number, no street address…and he wants 500? Right. I’ve seen these before, but I want to thank you for compiling these emails, Mr. Poller!
Daniel Henderson
8:52 AM (6 hours ago)
to bcc: admin
Could you please quote the following?
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided
Quantity: 150,000
Text Weight: 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only
Full-color with bleeds
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
AtlanticGoose would have left me with a Goose Egg.
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: James Sperling
To: Gateway Media/Budget Printing
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Flyers Estimate
Hello Loyola,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Atlantic Goose Logistics
via email and request a quote for shipping the
order from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa ,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street ,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re
ready to ship.
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder. Attached is the artwork for
I send a random pricing to this guy and below is what he responded.
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from
your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact
ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a
freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost
for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for
Best Regards
Mr David May
David And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
I got this one today. This is good!!
Almost got me!
We are interested in buying your product in large
quantity for a tender, therefore please quote for
us your best competitive price and also let us know
your payment terms as well the delivery period as
we want to place an order immediately.
Please note that your urgent reply is required by
email ASAP.
Kind regard
Michael Loyld
International Trade Manager
G-Kitchy Product consultancy Ltd
Rua Visconde de Porto Seguro, 1238
+55 92488776
+55 97488166
Just got this.
David May
4:19 AM (4 hours ago)
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Atlantic Goose Logistics via
email and request a quote for shipping the
order from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re
ready to ship.
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder. Artwork attached.
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Pacific Shipping Inc. via email and request a quote for shipping the order from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship.
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Attached is the artwork for printing.
I received the one below last week. I carried it on for awhile just for the fun of it.
From: Daniel Henderson []
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:05 PM
Subject: Flyers Estimate
Could you please quote the following?
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided
Quantity: 100,000
Text Weight: 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only
Full-color with bleeds
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Atlantic Goose Logistics via email and request a quote for shipping the order from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship.
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my Credit Card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Received the message this morning. Thanks for confirming it was a scam.
I received this same e-mail from David and figured it was a BS scam…after 30 years in business they are pretty obvious to me. Why would someone from SF want something made here in the US and shipped to South Africa.
Don’t fall for this!
Here is a new one from today. E-mail address states that is it sent from Baron Davis (, then he signs it as Rick. Not even smart enough to realize that he signed it with a name that doesn’t match the e-mail address!! LOL
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from
your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact
ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a
freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost
for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for
Best Regards
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Received the same email as many above already posted from this morning. We did respond to “him”, but I know how the rest will go. Thank you for posting.
We have been receiving these for years. Got this one today:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
It’s good to know that there is a site out here on the web that is compiling this info. When people conduct searches they will stumble onto this information and hopefully avoid being scammed.
Thanks for your efforts.
I receive them almost daily. Looked up Joshua and Sons today to confirm and found your blog. It is still going strong.
I, too, received the David May email yesterday. I did put a quote together and got the same reply with the globe artwork although the file was 4 meg. Decided to check it out and am glad I did. It would be nice to catch these crooks!
Got this one today via my website contact form. The country of origin was Ghana.
Rev John Larry
My name is Rev John Larry,Am contacting to make an inquires of printing Flayers can you please quote me on printing 70,000 copies of Flayers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 70,000 copies . Try as much as you can to get back to me including your name and contact number.Thank You
Best Regards
Rev John Larry
Here;s another one.
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 1:40 PM, rick barry wrote:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
From: [] On Behalf Of Joshua Crow
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 8:47 AM
Subject: Please provide quote
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
Same attempt from but this time for fire extinguishers.
Good Day
My name is Joshua Crow,I am contacted you in regards to purchase some Fire Extinguishers i want to order from you.Below is my specification for the Fire Extinguisher:
Type – ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers Size – 5 lbs
I would like you to send me an email response with the picked up total cost for this type and if you don’t have this type available email me with the type you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Joshua Crow
I received a quote request from and am fed up with these creeps.
Using the resources I have available to me I intend to make sure they pay.
I received the RFQ & proceeded, just like clockwork the guy calls me a couple of weeks later, provides all the CC info & the shipper info.
Thanks to my heads-up CSR. It made me think. I found this on web 1st try…We stopped the process ASAP
Neal in San Diego
Yep, got one today from Baron Davis
Exactly as described in original post even the artwork the same, while it has bleeds, orders specs say no bleeds, degenerate does not know what that means most likely.
This is so old, i can’t believe they still running it…
from: rick barry
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
I quoted the job, and he responded with this email along with a picture of a globe being held by hands with a quote about giving to the needy…
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from
your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact
ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a
freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost
for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Rick And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Thank you for posting this page.
Here’s what we received Monday 8/19:
From: David May
Date: Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 4:14 AM
Subject: Quote Me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Googled name and found this page. Mapped address and is a parking lot.
Same Lo-Res flyer art as noted.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
Got the same one too. I’ve received a number of these over the past couple of years, if they don’t have a real email address and no phone number, it’s going to be a scam.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
First email: Good Morning,
Could you please quote the following?
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Full Color Flyers 1 Sided
Quantity: 100,000
Text Weight: 100 lb Gloss Text Weight
Printing on 1 side: Front Only
Full-color with bleeds
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax and let me know
how long it will take to have these flyers printed.
D. Henderson
Order email:
Hi Megan,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Atlantic Goose Logistics via email and request a quote for shipping the order from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship.
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder. Attached is the artwork for printing.
We received the “David May” email this morning! I am so glad I searched it before wasting time putting a quote together. Thanks so much for posting it as a scam!
rick barry (rickbarry**
Add to contacts
1:29 AM
[Keep this message at the top of your inbox]
Picture of rick barry
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
R i c k
Same here….didn’t fall for the okie-doke though. I checked the address first.
Thanks for the tip.
BTW….I’m curious….what were your printing quotes?
Mine was $5900 for 120K.
This was the email I fell for today:-
Contact Form Submission:
From: John G*****
Email: john*********
Good Day
With Regards to your Company This is John G***** and can you please quote me on printing of 70,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text sided
4. Full color
Please provide quote on 70,000 copies and i have attached a copy of the art work of the flyer. I hope to hear from you asap
Best Regards
John G*****
I have blanked out the name just incase a real person submits a quote to a printers with a simialr name!
Thank you,
Just got almost the same one from:
James Sperling
He requested 80,000
Thank you for posting. We just received this today and found this page by doing a search.
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Rick And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
> —–Original Message—–
> From: rick barry []
> Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2013 6:28 AM
> To: undisclosed-recipients:
> Subject: Quote Me
> Good Day,
> I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
> will be printed with the following specifications:
> Description: Flyers
> 8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
> High quality, full-color with no bleed One sided
> Paper: 100# Glossy Text
> Time Frame: 7-10 Days
> I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
> pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
> Regards,
> R i c k
>Just got this this morning
Here’s what I received…
From: David May
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 12:21:07 +0100
Subject: Quote Me
Good Day, I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These will be printed with the following specifications: Description: Flyers 8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size. High quality, full-color with no bleed One sided Paper: 100# Glossy Text Time Frame: 7-10 Days I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax. Regards, David
David May
4:16 AM
to bcc: info
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
We got the same exact email from Joshua Crow.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
Here’s our “initial contact email”
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
We received the same email and the same instructions as above. The original email came from “”. I just had a hunch and checked it out before processing. Thank you all for posting.
Mr. “Barry” has been emailing us, as well, to our general email box, looking for said 120,000 “Classic” full-page flyers (whatever the hell that means). Obviously, we flagged him as spam. FYI for all other printers for emails out of the blue: we ONLY sell to clients who “decloak off the starboard bow” and let us know their (a) real/business email address, not just a gmail/yahoo address, (b) real street address, not just a PO Box; and, (c) real land line phone, and not just a cell phone. If said/would-be clients cannot produce these, then their chance of being fly-by-night has statistically and dramatically increased. DON’T SELL TO THEM. Real clients do not hide in the shadows and conduct themselves in a transparent fashion. Best, Sean
I had my suspicions and after seeing so many with the exact same text in the email, plus all the other info, I am now convinced. Thanks for posting everyone! My email was the same text, from David May ( so make sure you junk that one too!
I get these all the time.
Here’s today’s from “Baron Davis”:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Just got an email from Mr. Barry, glad to find this information.
Thank you!
When 3 people in our office received the quote request I immediately knew it was a scam as I have seen this same request years ago. The name on our emails is:
Mr David May
David And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Just received this scam today in the UK, fortunately I did a search and found this website.
The artwork supplied was different to the artwork mentioned above and looked to be more legitimate with the charity logo etc.
Here’s what I received:
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. Please contact Atlantic Goose Logistics via email and request a quote for shipping the order from your location to the delivery address below:
SOS Children’s Villages South Africa,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship.
Contact them with the following:
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my MasterCard. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Hello ,
>Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to
>proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from
>your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact
>ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a
>freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to
>Please contact them with the information below.
>1. Pick-up Address
>2. Delivery Address
>3. Approximate Weight
>Delivery Address:
>Woodmead Willows Bridge
># 19B Morris Street,
>East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
>As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
>including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
>using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
>quote from the freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost for
>the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
>Best Regards
>Mr David May
>David And Sons Ltd
># 891 Davis St
>San Francisco, CA 94111
Thank you for reporting this scam. The email address they used in my case is:
Thank you so much for posting this. My family owns a printshop (I don’t) so when I got the email from of course I forwarded the request for quote. Who doesn’t want 120,000 fliers and the possibility of converting a new prospect?
Googled his email to see if I could figure out which company / organization he was with. Conveniently enough I found your post and was able to warn my family.
Good looking out, thank god for printers that blog!
Received an email from just like this this morning. Googled the email address and landed here! thanks for confirming my suspicions!
He almost had me! but before I went ahead and sent him an invoice I prayed to God and asked for his protection, praise God he is always with me. I can’t thank you enough for posting this you saved me and my family a lot of hurt – Here is one of his emails to me
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Don’t fall for this scam like I almost did and learn from what I just learned, always pray and seek Gods will for every aspect of your life don’t take a breath without seeking God’s will for it! Praise Jesus he saved me again!
Here at Ashley House printing company we received the same scam, same artwork etc. I strongly recommend you junk anything from, relating to print requirements. Fortunately only time lost, not money.
Spread the word.
A copy of what we received below
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like to
proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from
your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact
ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a
freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including
the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit
card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the
freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus
shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Same scam as above this week, thanks for this post to confirm is is bogus!
Just received a scam email. Here’s the info
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like
to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up
from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please
contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and
obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is
ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost
for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for
Best Regards
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
They have sent the files and the bogus freight company to me from multiple email addresses yesterday.
Received Scam today from:
My name is Rev John Larry,Am contacting to make an inquires of printing Flayers
can you please quote me on printing 70,000 copies of Flayers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 70,000 copies . Try as much as you can to get back to me
including your name and contact number.Thank You
Best Regards
Rev John Larry
We received the same request above from “Rick Barry”.
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
He wanted the flyers sent to South Africa. Same scam and active.
From Rev. Ben Williams
I am Rev, Benjamin Williams and I’ll like to know if you can print flyers and T-shirts for us . The details for the flyers are below and I will really appreciate a prompt response with a quote for this flyers if I’m at the right place for this printing and if its an order you can take.
Regarding the tees, I need 600pcs large sized T’shirts. This is a two colors job and STOP CHILD LABOR should be printed front only in Red and Black text.
Flyer size: 8.5′ x 11′
Paper type: 100# Paper Gloss
Printed side: Front only
Quantity: 60000 ( Sixty thousand )
Finish: Full Color
Not to be folded
I am waiting for the PDF artwork file and will forward to you once I receive it. Please send us a quote ASAP.
Rev. Williams
Below scam from
I am Rev, Benjamin Williams and I’ll like to know if you can print flyers and T-shirts for us . The details for the flyers are below and I will really appreciate a prompt response with a quote for this flyers if I’m at the right place for this printing and if its an order you can take.
Regarding the tees, I need 600pcs large sized T’shirts. This is a two colors job and STOP CHILD LABOR should be printed front only in Red and Black text.
Flyer size: 8.5′ x 11′
Paper type: 100# Paper Gloss
Printed side: Front only
Quantity: 60000 ( Sixty thousand )
Finish: Full Color
Not to be folded
I am waiting for the PDF artwork file and will forward to you once I receive it. Please send us a quote ASAP.
Rev. Williams wants 120,000 flyers for pickup. The specs are all non metric which is the first giveaway, seeing as we are in Australia. The second giveaway is that we are a digital design company not a printer!
Try again mr rick!
Sent the exact email as described above. Needless to say I won’t be proceeding with his order of 120,000 flyers
7/2/13, scam process identical to the description above including the art work sent to us. Warning, this scam is still active. Address given:
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
this address is a parking lot!
Same scam her in Australia NSW.
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Rick And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
They wrote to us, too!! Thanks for the blog so we could be protected against this scam.
Here is the e-mail:
From: David May
> Date: June 30, 2013, 6:53:33 PM MST
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: Quote Me
> Good Day,
> I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
> will be printed with the following specifications:
> Description: Flyers
> 8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
> High quality, full-color with no bleed One sided
> Paper: 100# Glossy Text
> Time Frame: 7-10 Days
> I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
> pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
> Regards,
> David
Hi all got pretty much the same mail this morning from a Baron Davis;
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Don’t be fooled by this scam.
got exactly the same email this morning from a
these infuriate me… thanks for the info on how they do it!
I new there was something fishy bout this, thanks for confirming it! He wanted £4500 worth of flyers, not including shipping of course! Even my supplier had to do some sums to give me the quote.
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Thanks for the heads up I got this email and artwork from a boris Davis!!!
The email was sent from however in the signature is used.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
I got one today from Joshua Crow of Joshua And Sons Inc.
It was sent from a gmail address and requested pricing for 60,000 flyers. I did a Google search and found this page.
I’ve also received one from something like the “World Church”
The artwork was very generic like the one shown here. I emailed them asking if they wanted an address or contact info, and they didn’t respond.
For years people have taken advantage of others who want to make a quick buck. Take it easy and be careful!
I receive this email, just a few minutes ago:
—–Original Message—–
From: baron davis
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:42 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Quote Me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Hola, from Salamanca, Spain:
Hemos recibido estos mensajes-estafa del Sr. Morrison.
I am planning an individual/private Spanish course for my two sons (aged 20 & 22 years) based on 4 hours per day (20 hours/week) for 4 weeks. The planned date is from 7th October – 1st November, 2013 (4 weeks flexible) for total beginners. The purpose of the study is to expand their marketing business opportunities.
If this date is fully booked, please advise the next available 4 weeks within November/December, 2013. Also let me know your total cost including taxes, registration fee and cost of materials for the planned 4 week period. Accommodation should not be included.
Kindly let me know if you accept full payment in advance using certified bank check or credit card and note that am not able to make bank transfer due to my present sailing location.
I ask for a quick response so that this booking can be confirmed as early as possible.
Many thanks and kind regards
2) “Hello,
I have seen your total cost for the course and have decided to proceed.
I will prepay you directly with a bank check but before I do so, I want to make a humble request. I have contacted a tour operator to make arrangement for the air travel tickets, car hire service and accommodation for my children during the period.
I have already concluded arrangement with him pending the receipt of his fund in the amount of €7500 and am not able to pay him directly because he does not accept bank check.
Unfortunately, am not able to make bank transfer to neither him nor you due to my present sailing location.
On this note, I have resolved to issue you with a bank check for a total amount of €9000.
On receiving the check, deposit it into your account for clearing. When you have the fund cleared in your account, deduct and keep your course fee of €1500 and proceed to send the amount of €7500 to the tour operator via a swift bank transfer. I will provide you with the operator’s banking details. All taxes, bank charges and commissions will be deducted from the operator´s fee before the transfer is made. An invoice from the operator to you is also available if needed for your book-keeping records.
Find below students´ list for the booking receipt;
Mr. Samuel Morrison
Mr. Edmund Morrison
Kindly confirm this arrangement and get back to me with your NAME (as it will appear on the check) POSTAL ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER for payment.
Mark Morrison
460, Hornsey Road, Upper Holloway,
London, N19 4EE, England”
i got the spam email request yesterday and it appeared to be legitimate as i am in a small area where we have mines and such and this is not an outrageous request. largest i have had but …
i sent ‘david may’ a quote on the ‘world’ artwork and then realized i could do a better pricing for him. when he responded, he approved the FIRST quote and also gave me his info and all that mike mentioned.
this is my response …
“now that i know more of where you are and where this is going, i am CONFIDENT that you don’t know where I am nor that you have checked with anyone closer to you.
i am ALSO confident that you could have gotten this closer to your delivery location for the same if not less cost.
AND, i don’t take credit cards from anyone for 1st – 4th orders. and definitely not for this size order. a chq would be fine from someone close by so i can verify funds. however, since you are so far away and i don’t know you, cash only as there are too many scams going on out there.
the weight of the paper is 2340 lbs. i am in the centre of BC, an hour west of prince george so you can figure out the shipping. i am down a person today so am not able to spend any further time getting you information re shipping at this time.
thanks again for your enquiry into my business. if you decide to go forward, it would be cash required before anything happens further.”
figured it was a professional and diplomatic, yet straight forward, response. i am ALSO confident that i won’t hear from him again.
keep vigilant people!!! and thanks, mike, for giving all the ‘heads up’ on stuff like this. if it seems too good to be true …
This is what we got,
—–Original Message—–
>> From: David May []
>> Sent: June-18-13 1:15 PM
>> To: undisclosed-recipients:
>> Subject: Quote Me
>> Good Day,
>> I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
>> will be printed with the following specifications:
>> Description: Flyers
>> 8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
>> High quality, full-color with no bleed One sided
>> Paper: 100# Glossy Text
>> Time Frame: 7-10 Days
>> I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
>> pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
>> Regards,
>> David
Thanks for the quick response back and i will like to explain to you that the reason why i will like to use the shipping company is because with that shipping company the receiver is not to pay for any additional charges on international shipment at the delivery location such as international taxes,Tariffs,custom and clearance duties etc and sometimes this charges can even be more than the value of the shipment and that is why i want to use them because with the other shipping company’s you will realize that for all international shipment the receiver is propelled to pay for some additional charges before receiving the package and sometimes because these charges are more than the value of the shipment the receivers are left with no option but to leave the package at the carrier facility and so i don’t want to encounter that problem that is why i am using the shipping company and so i will like you to send me an email back with the total cost for the order plus shipping and handling charges so that we can proceed with the payment and so can you send me an email back and let me know the information on my master card that you will be needing to process the charges because i want to make full payment and also i will like you to handle the shipping and so if there is any additional handling or administrative charge you need to add to the total charge for handling the shipping go ahead and so do and will like you to handle the shipping and we will like you to know that they will handle the paperwork (Labels & Commercial Invoice) and all they will need from you is the paid invoice for the order and also as soon as the shipment is picked up from your location it will no more be your responsibility.
Best Regards
Mr David May
Dear Customer Service
My name is Joshua Crow ,am with Joshua And Sons Inc can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Joshua Crow
Joshua And Sons Inc
My name is Mr John Evans with J & E Sector Company and l want to order some flyer’s and i will need the Qty 100,000 with the size of 8.5”x11” in full copies Blue Ink on Orange Paper.l need this message on the flyer’s (GIVE & IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU) and should be printed double sided.I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of of payment you accept foe us to proceed.Hope to hear from you as soon.
Best Regards
Mr John Evans
J & E Sector Company
Sales Manager
Phone : 661-771-6987
Email :
My name is Mr John Evans with J & E Sector Company and l want to order some flyer’s and i will need the Qty 100,000 with the size of 8.5”x11” in full copies Blue Ink on Orange Paper.l need this message on the flyer’s (GIVE & IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU) and should be printed double sided.I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus tax and also advise me the method of of payment you accept foe us to proceed.Hope to hear from you as soon.
Best Regards
Mr John Evans
J & E Sector Company
Sales Manager
Phone : 661-771-6987
Email :
Mary, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Legitimate businesses rarely use gmail and hotmail addresses. If Western Union cash transfers are good enough for them, why don’t you demand the same thing from them? Make them prepay so you can pick up cold, hard cash at WesternUnion. Then ship…
HI There,
I just got the same one and i did send back a quote. Only when he accepted quote with no questions did i google him and find all of this! Thank god i did! We are a small company and this would have been terrible! Email Below:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Then his reply after i sent my quote:
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like
to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up
from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please
contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and
obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is
ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost
including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments
using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder.Get back to me with the total cost
for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for
Best Regards
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
I forgot to say that I googled the first address and it is the Marine Corps in Cleveland. I googled the second address and found it on this website. It may be a t.v. station in Stockholm.
We are a small business, and have been receiving numerous calls and emails from Richard Harrison, Ph: 216-640-7787 and 233244049319, address 1240 East 9th Street, Cleveland, OH 44199. He wants us to ship a very large order to Mr. Steve Morgan, Tegeluddsvagen 5, Stockholm Sweden, SE-11 579.
He says we need to use his freight forwarder, Impex Shipping, Inc. (Mr. James Franco, Tel: 233546674250, Em: Impex says they will only accept payment from the origin and they want over $3,300!!! And via wire transfer!!! We told him we could not do this (thanks to this website!) and now he still wants us to use a shipper that will take it door-to-door. We have found that Fed Ex leaves orders at Customs, but UPS will deliver all the way. So we don’t know if we should accept his credit card. He has a U.S. card. However, it is our understanding that, if it is a scam, the credit card will go through but then they will cancel the order and get their money back on the credit card. Meanwhile, we will have shipped the order and we are out the equipment. The country code 443 on the phone number is Ghana. What should we do?
Third scam email this week…
—–Original Message—–
From: rick barry []
Sent: 12 June 2013 13:06
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Quote Me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
R i c k
This will cost 1 million pounds, we only deliver using our own courier and we require cash up front,
I look forward to your response,
Just received this enquiry here in London for the exact same spec and asking for it to be shipped to South Africa. Don’t these scammers realise the first thing any sensible person would do is Google them. I suppose it only takes one to slip through the net and that’s a few grand added to their deceitful coffers,
From: David May
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.These
will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Thank you for putting this info up – I shudder to think how much I would have lost if I’d gone through with this order!
My spammer was:
Mr. Rick Barry
Rick And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
This is what we received in Puerto Rico. Same Artwork mentioned above. No information on the flyer is what gave them up.
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
R i c k
FROM: baron davis
Good Day, I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Regards, Baron
I love it… especially since we are a franchise printing company in FL and PIP is a dime a dozen in Cali.
Good day ,
My name is Mark and i will like to make a personal order of Retractable Banner Stand,below is the specification of my inquiry:
Retractable Banner Stand ,
Size: 33″ x 80″
Frame Color: Black or Silver
kindly email me with a total pickup price of 20PCs.I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or any other type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. I will like to know the terms or forms of payment you accept, and also if you can create the artwork design for me that will suit everyone who view it with the attach image and this written on top” LET KEEP OUR ENVIRONMENT CLEAN ”,then send me a proof to confirm before you start the printing. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Mr, Mark Suska
3015 S Carolina St
San Pedro,CA 90731
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Rick And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
And another, this time without the postal address:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Sure, of course…..
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
I’m Mr Mr John Evans with J & E Sector Company,Am sending you an email in regards to order of T Shirt.Am looking for Below Job print And Sizes
T Shirt Sizes
300 Qty Shirts small
300 Qty Shirts Med.
300 Qty Shirts Lg.
300 Qty Shirts XL
300 Qty Shirts 2XL
Message on T Shirt : ( CHURCH OF CHRIST )
I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.Would these order be ready within 20 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you
Best Regards
Mr John Evans
J & E Sector Company
Sales Manager
Phone : 661-771-6987
Email :
This is the second time they have tried this on with me, very amateur try at scamming, I gave them a price of ten times more than it was worth and they would still like to go ahead, told them artwork was rubbish and asked them to send me hi res artwork. Played them for about 10 emails then told them how very amateur they were, yet they are still doing the same scam! If anyone falls for this they must be mental and not fit to be in business lol
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr David Anderson
David And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
> Good Day,
>> I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
>> These will be printed with the following specifications:
>> Description: Flyers
>> 8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
>> High quality, full-color with no bleed
>> One sided
>> Paper: 100# Glossy Text
>> Time Frame: 7-10 Days
>> I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
>> pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
>> Regards,
>> David
And the reply to my quotation:
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is
ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for
Best Regards
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Here’s the one we got:
baron davis
3:29 PM (6 hours ago)
to bcc: me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
I received the same from
David Anderson
and gave a quote.
Quote accepted and received the email below. Had suspicions from start and glad I investigated it.
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr David Anderson
David And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
I received the same from
David Anderson
and gave a quote from .
Quote accepted and received the email below. Had suspicions from start and glad I investigated it.
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please
contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
Woodmead Willows Bridge
# 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated
quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
Best Regards
Mr David Anderson
David And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
We are a glass company as well and received the same email. It was sent on April 12, 2013 but I just saw it today in my Spam folder.
Can’t anything be done to track down these people?
Below is the email:
Dear Customer Service
My name is David Turner ,am with David Shop Lnt and Sons Inc and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
David Turner
With Regards to your Company This is David Turner i sending you email regarding to Order Granite counter tops and i will need you to fabricate some counter tops for me and as soon as it is done and paid for it will be picked up from your locations so i will need you to get back to me with the total qoute for the following counter tops without installation but i need the total cost with tax only and i will handle the installation my self.. This is what I need.
Absolute Black Island 36 X 76 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
Absolute Black Island 42 X 84 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
And I will like to order those and i will handle the installation my self so i will need you to get back to me with the pick up price for the two counter tops and? and I will be looking forward to your reply ASAP.
Best Regards
David Turner
David Shop Lnt
This scam pertains to all businesses, not just printing. the BCC is a dead giveaway.
Here’s the one I received today:
david turner
to bcc: info
With Regards to your Company This is David Turner i sending you email regarding to Order Granite counter tops and i will need you to fabricate some counter tops for me and as soon as it is done and paid for it will be picked up from your locations so i will need you to get back to me with the total qoute for the following counter tops without installation but i need the total cost with tax only and i will handle the installation my self.. This is what I need.
Absolute Black Island 36 X 76 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
Absolute Black Island 42 X 84 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
And I will like to order those and i will handle the installation my self so i will need you to get back to me with the pick up price for the two counter tops and? and I will be looking forward to your reply ASAP.
Best Regards
David Turner
David Shop Lnt
I received this today, obviously knew it was a scam, i get loads of them through! Just thought i’d google it this time!!
Dear Sir / Madam
Am Mr. Rick i got in contact with your company to see if you sell (
Carpets ) , if you do i will like you to email me with the picked up
price including tax and if you accept Master or Visa credit card as a
form of payment , but if you don’t have this type kindly email me
with the types that you have or the one nearer to the one am
requesting or you can direct me to you website so i can see what you
have for sale .
Best Regards
Mr. Rick Barry
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
received the following e-mail:
Dear Customer Service
My name is David Turner ,am with David Shop Lnt and Sons Inc and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
David Turner
Hello, if you get these emails, please, report them to
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Best Regards
Mr Baron Davis
Baron And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
I received the same email from David Turner Ministries.
Had a strange feeling about this from the start. Unsolicited and asking for a quote on something we don’t even print and would need to job-out. Then wanted to ship them to Oslo, Norway. Awkward word choices and phrases. And the contact at the shipping company he referred had the same awkward grammar. He was reluctant to share his artwork and when he did it was merely a page with a yellow background with the words, “Save the Children” in white type. He referred me to AFB Freight but their email didn’t match what he had given me, which was spelled incorrectly. AFB doesn’t even ship internationally. Maybe scam artists should use their creativity in a positive way.
I’m not with a printing company but I’m glad you have this up. I just received this e-mail to my glass company:
david turner
7:08 AM (31 minutes ago)
to bcc: sales
Dear Customer Service
My name is David Turner ,am with David Shop Lnt and Sons Inc and i contact to make an inquires of Shower door Units with the following specs.
60″ width x 74″ height.
3/8 clear glass sliding
bi-pass brushed nickel frame finish
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
David Turner
My Scammer:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Rick And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
Dear Customer Service
My name is David Turner ,am with David Shop Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards
David Turner
Just got this back from
Thanks for your ok with the price
Do you accept the major credit cards as a form of payment?
Let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location
I await your response soon.
Best Regards
David Turner
email from
Dear Customer Service
My name is David Turner ,am with David Shop Lnt and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards
David Turner
(I sent the scammer this reply.) –>
Yes. We accept credit cards. Your banners will cost you $500’500’500.50 per banner. Please send us cash in advance.
Oh great. Another scam. Here is what I got —
From: Murray Casey []
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 9:57 AM
To: Matt Mundorf
Subject: Banners Order
Good Day,
This is Mr.Murray Casey from JB Deco and am willing to purchase some banners from your shop.The description is as shown on the artwork with the same colors.
Quantity………………….. 150pieces
I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed.If you cannot have it within 21 working days in your shop for pickup, please notify me immediately.Get me the total price of the banners ASAP so that we can proceed.Do you accept credit cards?
(One of the Red Flags to tell it’s a scam is their bad grammer.)
My name is Daniel and i would like to order banner from your shop.please create a proof and a quote so the i can have it approved.
Description……white vinyl material with grommets and hammed at each corner,and lettering.Outdoor use.
Text on banner……..”LA PANDORA SUPER MARKET DISCOUNT 15%” in RED ink.
Quantity…………150 pieces
advise me the Payment method you do accept and how long will it take you before getting me those banners for pickup to be Schedule. Please advise to my email as soon as you received this email.
Thank You Very Much.
Daniel Smith
From: John Evans []
Sent: March-05-13 11:55 AM
Subject: Order
Am Mr John Evans and am Emailing you Concerning Monuments am interested in.Let me Know the Price Each of the Monuments Types Below Pick-Up at your Store:
24″ x 6″ x 20″ (Flash Black)
Polished Front and Back only
Includes flat carved lettering and design on front surface
48″ x 6″ x 24″ (Georgia Gray)
Polished Front and Back only
Includes flat carved lettering and design on front surface
If you don’t Carry This advise and let me know any similar one you do carry with stock with the pricing.
And what Terms of Payment Method Options you Accept.
Best Regards
Mr John Evans
J & E Sector Company
Sales Manager
Phone : 661-771-6987
Email :
From: rick barry []
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Barry And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
Hi- I kind of figured the email was a scam, and I stumbled across this post while Googling it. The scammer obviously did not do any homework, since my company is a non-profit org not a printer.
From: rick barry []
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 11:40 AM
Subject: Quote Me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Barry And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
Got this one too. (See below) I called the number and actually spoke with a real person… English was a barrier, said contact was “in a meeting.” Business listed in CA. No LTD entity named as such was found in the CA Government Business Registry. Why were we suspicious of this? 1) Unsolicited, 2) Seemed too “generic” and 3) Oh, yeah, we’re not a printing company.
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Best Regards
Mr James Fred
Fred And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
got this one today as well…….
From: Bob Lucas
Subject: Quote Me
Date: February 26, 2013 11:50:31 AM EST
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Best Regards
Mr Bob Lucas
Lucas And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
Another Scam email…apparently this is a pick up order even though we are located on the east coast and they are on the west coast.
rick barry
11:33 AM
to bcc: me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Best Regards
Mr Rick Barry
Barry And Sons Ltd
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (814-580-2250)
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of the and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
SOS Children’s Villages,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
I have had many attempts of being scammed by these emails and researched and found them to be what they were. Had a customer fall for the scam even though we tried to counsel him about it. He lost his business because of it, he went with someone who would print the banners for him. I received this email today and feel it is a scam but can’t find anything on it. Just my gut tells me it is. Here’s the email:
From: Murray Casey
To: “”
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 10:21 AM
Subject: Banners Order
Good Day,
This is Mr.Murray Casey from JB Deco and am willing to purchase some banners from your shop.The description is as shown on the artwork with the same colors.
Quantity………………….. 150pieces
I would like this order to be pickup at your shop when completed.If you cannot have it within 21 working days in your shop for pickup, please notify me immediately.Get me the total price of the banners ASAP so that we can proceed.Do you accept credit cards?
The language has the same flair as the “Save the Children” or “Feed the Hungry” banners. This is still a low res file they sent but different verbiage, it is about summer sports camp. However, I have never had anyone want to order 150 banners that said the same generic thing either. So, I sent back a reply refusing the order.
Anyone know anything about this one?
Got this today:
“From: Tim Williamson
Subject: Please provide quote
Message Body:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Tim Williamson ,am with Williamson Shop Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards
Tim Williamson
Had him send a file for giggles – it was a letter-sized PDF and all it said was “SAVE THE CHILDREN” in big white block letters with a drop shadow on a yellow background. Nothing else. I thought that was pretty funny.
Subject: Quote Me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
Yeah right, pick up from Germany to the US, and I was born yesterday as the king of China.
Thanks for the original post, btw.
from: James Fred Hall
date: Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 5:11 PM
subject: Quote Me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
Received the print scam below this morning – they are not very bright though as it says its a pick up job… from California to the UK!
scam read…
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
This today from James Fred Hall
Hello ,
Thanks for your email. I am okay with the total cost of the and i’d like to proceed and finalize payment. The order is going to be picked up from your location when they’re ready to ship. I want you to please contact ZimLine Freight Co at ( ) and obtain a freight quote. They will carry out pick up when the order is ready to go.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. Pick-up Address
2. Delivery Address
3. Approximate Weight
Delivery Address:
SOS Children’s Villages,
Woodmead Willows – 19B Morris Street,
East Woodmead 2191 South Africa
As soon as you hear from them send me an email with total cost including the freight charges for me to proceed with full payments using my credit card. I look forward to hearing from you the estimated quote from the freight forwarder. Get back to me with the total cost for the order plus shipping charges. Attached is the artwork for printing.
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
Art is lo-res 72 dpi anyway and shows a pair of hands holding the world with title across the top “Give a hand to the needy” Lol
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
G a r y
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 8:47 AM, James Fred Hall wrote:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
Matches your others exactly:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
A few years ago I received the same scam for the first time. They actually provided artwork. I was asked to split the cost over 2 credit cards. Both were approved. Being the suspicious type, I called my credit card processor who gave me the name of the issuing banks for the two credit cards. I called the issuing banks and was informed that although both cards were active, the names on the cards didn’t match and the whole thing was, in fact a scam. What I want to know is how the credit cards were approved when there was no name, expiry date and CVV match. Our terminal is set to reject none matches for these items.
It’s not print related but, the scam is the same. This email came to me at work – an industrial tool supply company:
——— start scam email ———
From: dave Bills []
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 2:43 AM
To: Charles Haven
Am Dave Bills.
I want to know whether you carry (MPU 2400 Hydraulic Power Unit) in stock for sale if you do so email me with the sizes and the price ranges on that so that i will know the quantity to offer .Awaiting for your prompt reply. And do you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you.
Dave Bills.
——— end scam email ———
I’d also like to add our that he sent us artwork, when we requested it. his company is : SOS Children’s villages South Africa. after that i sent him the following:
Hi tim, that’s not a problem at all. We can also ship out if you are not local.
The total cost would be $79,000 including tax plus shipping. For a job this size we do require a deposit of 2/3 the cost which would be $52,666.66. If you’d like to call or email a credit card we can begin printing your job. We also accept money orders via moneygram, westernunion and paypal payments.
Please let me know!
From: Tim Morton []
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 4:39 AM
To: {email ommitted}
Good Morning!
I need a quote on printing the following job:
Description: Flyer – Full Color, 1 sided, full bleed, 100# gloss text.
Size: 8.5 x 11.
Quantity: 100,000 copies
Turn Around: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval.
No delivery – Will pick up.
Please advise the total cost including applicable taxes.
Good day,
we require to know if you can print some flyers for us. Below are the specifications :
See specifications for the flyers below :
Job description: A5 Flyer
Artwork/Design: Supplied to Printable Solutions
Size: 210 x 148mm (A5)
Stock: 100gsm
Colours: Black
Sides: 1
Finishing: Trimmed to size
Supplied loose in cartons banded in 500’s.
QTY : 100,000 copies.
Artwork attached, also advise if you accept credit cards. Let me know how you can be of assistance.
Thomas Lambert
Found this website by searching on the emailer’s address. This doesn’t match your article. Maybe it’s a new scam?
>Tim Morton
>8:35 AM (1 hour ago)
>to me
>Good Morning,
>I want to make an inquiry regarding the New American >Standard Bible (NASB).
>Could you please advise if you do have these in stock?
From: Kelvin Brown []
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 1:15 AM
Hello ,
I will like to order some fliers and the types are as below:
This is the specification on the fliers
1.. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text or
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
Please provide a quote on 60,000 copies.Please send me the total cost plus tax for the above material.What type of payment do u accept.Please include your address and phone number.
Thank you and you have a great day
Best Regards,
Thanks for your site. In tough economic times, we might sometimes bite on something we previously would have ignored!
—–Original Message—–
From: Tim Morton []
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 11:09 AM
To: (I deleted my email address)
Good Morning!
I need a quote on printing the following job:
Description: Flyer – Full Color, 1 sided, full bleed, 100# gloss text.
Size: 8.5 x 11.
Quantity: 100,000 copies
Turn Around: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval.
No delivery – Will pick up.
Please advise the total cost including applicable taxes.
From: James Fred Hall
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
SOS Children’s Villages,
# 891 Davis St
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone Number : (415) 944-1125
From: Chris Joe
Date: October 30, 2012 4:47:34 AM CDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Printing Of Flyers
Good Day,
Can you please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8..5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept.
7.It should be flat
With Kind Regards,
Chris Joe
Perry Moore []
Good Morning!
I need a quote on printing the following job:
Description: Flyer – Full Color, 1 sided, full bleed, 100# gloss text.
Size: 8.5 x 11.
Quantity: 100,000 copies
Turn Around: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval.
No delivery – Will pick up.
What is the total cost including applicable taxes?
Perry Moore
I received this email this morning, and also an identical one from James Fred Hall.
So glad I found this forum !
From: baron davis []
> Sent: 02 October 2012 19:45
> To: undisclosed-recipients:
> Subject: Quote Me…..
> Good Day,
> I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
> These will be printed with the following specifications:
> Description: Flyers
> 8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
> High quality, full-color with no bleed One sided
> Paper: 100# Glossy Text
> Time Frame: 7-10 Days
> I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
> pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
> Regards,
> Baron
I am Benjamin Williams and I’ll like to know if you can print flyers and T-shirts for us . The details for the flyers are below and I will really appreciate a prompt response with a quote for this flyers if I’m at the right place for this printing and if its an order you can take.
Regarding the tees, I need 600pcs large sized T’shirts. This is a two colors job and STOP Child Labor should be printed front only in Red and black text.
Flyer size: 8.5′ x 11′
Paper type: 100# Paper Gloss
Printed side: Front only
Quantity: 40000 ( Forty thousand )
Finish: Full Color
Not to be folded
I am waiting for the PDF artwork file and will forward to you once I receive it. Please send us a quote ASAP.
Ben Williams
Tel: 210-401-4087
Date: 2 October 2012 18:50:35 GMT+01:00
From: James Fred Hall
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Recived the same today,
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Hi all,
seems James Fred is till doing the rounds – we got our enquiry this morning. A quick Google search led me to this site.
Here is the email, sames as the previous ones. (No imagination really.)
“Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11” Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
James “
Just got this today…. I always search before quoting when they sound a little fishy (like having a clue where they would be picking up an order but no address for our location is listed on our site).
Quote Me
James Fred Hall
11:02 AM (5 hours ago)
to bcc: orders
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Thank you so much for this site. I got this e-mail today and after a Google search I found this page.
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Scammer dave Bills ;
Here was the latest message:
Thank you very much for your email, with the total price of $6,930.00 , And I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost (OCEANCARGOFREIGHT@MAIL.COM) for the pick up of the items to ( SINGAPORE ).. Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address below
3. The total weight on this shipment
Shipping Address
K $ H co Ltd
Blk 35 Mandalay Road
# 13-37 Mandalay Towers
Shipping Company Contact Info.
Contact Person Name: Mr Smith Cafrrey
Freight Company Email Address: OCEANCARGOFREIGHT@MAIL.COM
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company.
And including the pick-up location and they will surely get you a freight quote .As soon as you hear from them let me know so that i can proceed with the transaction . I will make payment with my Credit Card, And also email me with your full name and your telephone number.
Thank you.
We get a lot of these:
Good Morning!
I need a quote on printing the following job:
Description: Flyer – Full Color, 1 sided, full bleed, 100# gloss text.
Size: 8.5 x 11.
Quantity: 100,000 copies
Turn Around: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval.
No delivery – Will pick up.
What is the total cost including applicable taxes?
Just received an unusual order for minerals from a guy presenting himself as Albert Whitman from Poland Obviously knows nothing about minerals. Asked to use Timeless Freight.
We’ve been back and forth for couple of times- shipping issue just came up. Asked to use Timeless Freight gave only email address
Pretty sure it’s a scam by now.
Thank you very much for your email, with the total price of $—- , And I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost (OCEANCARGOFREIGHT@MAIL.COM) for the pick up of the items to ( SINGAPORE ). Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address below
3. The total weight on this shipment
Shipping Address
K $ H co Ltd
Blk 35 Mandalay Road
# 13-37 Mandalay Towers
Shipping Company Contact Info.
Contact Person Name: Mr Smith Cafrrey
Freight Company Email Address: OCEANCARGOFREIGHT@MAIL.COM
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company.
And including the pick-up location and they will surely get you a freight quote .As soon as you hear from them let me know so that i can proceed with the transaction . I will make payment with my Credit Card.
Thank you.
Jim Brown Co Ltd
13156 Sherman Way
N. Hollywood, CA 91605
email address used was
Got this one today. Is also odd as they have the recipient as someone else (sales though it came to me – and very likely that they just ‘stole’ their email too – I would be consolidated press is a victim also:
From: andrew.rogas020
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 8:25 AM
Subject: Printing Request
Good morning,
This is Andrew
I’d like to get a quote on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyer
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with bleeds
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-8 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a
pick up order, please advise the total cost including tax.What kind of credit card do you accept.
Andrew Rogas
Great, they’re sending it to freelance art directors for interactive and social media, I don’t even do printing.
Below is what I was sent, it’s the usual…
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Was bcc’ed on this request for quote, and thought it odd, since I’m not a printer, and it wasn’t addressed to me. googled the email address and found this page.
From: James Fred Hall
Bcc: Gillico
Received: by with SMTP id xy1csp620309vec; Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:38:28 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id b20mr275638vdj.115.1345703907889; Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:38:27 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from ( []) by with ESMTPS id dy10si1072434vdb.142.2012. (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=OTHER); Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:38:27 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by vbbfo1 with SMTP id fo1so507944vbb.8 for ; Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:38:27 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id p7mr267432vdt.126.1345703907547; Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:38:27 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:38:27 -0700 (PDT)
Received-Spf: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); dkim=pass
Dkim-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=yPi2qtoV5JXkyvpv0U5dkq69D/4XdDUwa++cRhTzY4k=; b=kVlmZbEmSkUUtsy6WSUxATj2Xz/2m0UwUmip0IkQg/AsSFIQwxnSaI2jiUmiad2b+f +Byg4+2FhHfFUOIdYySQGOYbpXPrDjeJkQ28bg5b7auzqzempyU/JC4rYSwmDwZ5cHcf EQtqRsRqT2lrXA9jdaoYvKE1NXau4a9NNH3wDY/hmnDp63ZltFUaB8ocu6vW7eC9DmSp TX3STULHf9FfElPEKqfEJFLrIgy+PpsHpCii1ujSmuCAPyS9XdxIIQSWSgT/o0fIl7VY yAaCLxGhf4qfdWFexkFPPmps5Gtj2+B4xq42KK3uj9ICqinOyTV+9JxOXkJ2XffK+LO+ lewg==
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Quote Me
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick
up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
I received an email this morning from James Fred Hall (
After sending the quote and seeing how easily and quickly he replied back saying:
I decided to do a Google search on the email address and sure enough found this page.
The red flags for me were:
1) Quick response to the quote amount
2) No proof request
3) Freight service to South Africa
4) Using a freight company that he would like me to pay for using my credit card number
From: Perry Moore []
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 11:32 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Print Quote
Good Morning,
Could you get me a quote on printing 100,000 copies of flyers?
Flat Size: 8.5 x 11
Paper Type & number of sheets per item: 100# gloss text
Ink Color(s): Full Color
Printing Style: One sided with bleeds
Turn Around Time: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval
This is a pick up. Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax.
Perry Moore
Subject: Re: [Spam] ORDER NEEDED….
To: “dave Bills” ,
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 2:26 PM
Dave Bills Co Ltd
13156 Sherman Way
N. Hollywood, CA 91605
Thank you very much for your email, with the total price of $5,685.00 and I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost (OCEANCARGOFREIGHT@MAIL.COM) for the pick up of the items to ( SINGAPORE ).. Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
Shipping Address
K $ H co Ltd
Blk 35 Mandalay Road
# 13-37 Mandalay Towers
Received an email from this person(s?) this morning. There are two different names attached to this one.
James Fred Hall []
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Print Quote
Monday, August 13, 2012 5:42 AM
From: “Perry Moore”
I need a quote on printing the following job:
Description: Flyer – Digital Color, 1 sided, full bleed, 100# gloss text.
Quantity: 150,000
No delivery – Will pick up.
What is the total cost including applicable taxes?
Perry Moore
received from 8/6/2012
sent to
Could you get me a quote on printing 100,000 copies of flyers?
Flat Size: 8.5 x 11
Paper Type & number of sheets per item: 100# gloss text
Ink Color(s): Full Color
Printing Style: One sided with bleeds
Turn Around Time: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval
This is a pick up. Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax.
Mr. Perry Moore
I responded with: $59,020.00 – Cash in advance.
We received one too! This one from a Terry Alex. This blog saved me!! Thank you!!!
Dear Customer Service
My name is Terry Alex , and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Terry Alex
We received an email from this morning and it seemed fishy! We did not respond to it:
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers.
These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pick up order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Email received from with subject Quote Me (below). I responded with a request for a phone number to confirm the request. [wish I would have seen this blog first]
Good Day,
I’d like to get a quote on printing 120,000 copies of Flyers. These will be printed with the following specifications:
Description: Flyers
8.5″ x 11″ Classic full-page size.
High quality, full-color with no bleed
One sided
Paper: 100# Glossy Text
Time Frame: 7-10 Days
I will be providing a PDF file ready for printing and since this is a pickup order, please advise the total cost plus applicable tax.
Got this one around 4:00 today. The recipient name shows his, not my email address. Sent from
Dear Customer Service
My name is Terry Alex , and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Terry Alex
Do these guys ever succeed in these requests?
Here is my Interaction so far.
I sure hope my printer doesn’t break down, or I may have to ask one of you to finish this job for me! 😀
Truthfully though, my printer IS broken down at this moment, and parts are in the mail, yikes!
On 7/18/2012 1:42 PM, Martin Bush wrote:
Hello Sale
I’m Martin Bush with Continental Martin Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Banners.Am looking for Size 16″x24″ with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the banner is ( Church of Christ ) .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 50 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Martin Bush
Continental Martin Bush
Phone :661-771-6987
Email :
Please send me your bank account number, and your credit card information (Cardholder info, Address, Zip Code, and 3 Digit Number on the back please).
Once I receive a Clear, Non-Refundable Deposit of $2,300.00 USD for the banners, I will begin the sketch.
After your acceptance of the sketch, I will require the Balance of an additional $2,500.00 USD, before I will begin production.
At that time, I would be able to release the Banners to you.
If that is acceptable, please begin the process, and we’ll go from there.
Since this is urgent on your part, I will need to know by 3:00pm US Eastern Time, Thursday July 19, 2012
On 7/19/2012 1:46 PM, Martin Bush wrote:
I want you to contact affordableshipping company I would like them to pick up these Order up for me.So i want you to assist by sending them the information’s that they required which is listed bellow:
1. Location or physical address where to pick up the product ( Order)
2. Weight and dimension of the product ( Optional )
3. Your contact name and number
4. Shipping Address, which is Below
Hatfield Christian Church
456 Parnell Road
New Zea land
5. The best time for the pick up
Below is the shipping company’s You will get their email address and send them all the details as above.
affordableshipping CO.LTD.
Contact Name : Dr Steve Smith Jr
Email Address :
I will be waiting for your email after you contact and got respond from the affordableshipping Company.Send this info to them as soon as possible,Hope to hear from you asap.
Best Regards
James Wesley
Martin, or James,
No Credit Card Information was included with your correspondence.
Nothing begins without deposit.
Nothing ships without Balance Paid in Full.
If I don’t have verification by 3pm today (Eastern Time, US – ONE hour from now) I cannot promise a completion date that will satisfy your needs.
Sorry if that is not acceptable to you.
After 3pm, there will be Rush Charges Applied to the Order, and that would add 30% to the entire Order.
If you wish to proceed, then please send the Credit info I requested in the initial email response.
After that, it will be up to YOU to contact Affordable Shipping to arrange pick up.
Any Delivery Charges will be Additional to your order.
I cannot deal with a shipping company that has a gmail account.
It must be verifiable.
I received this email few days ago, I felt something is not right, I sent them credit card authorization form and requested a copy of ID, never got a response, I wasn’t going to proceed with the order unless they signed the paper, and now I found this article and it confirmed my suspicion, this the email I received:
I am Mr. Palmer and I’ll like to know if you can print flyers and
T-shirts for us . The details for the flyers are below and I will really
appreciate a prompt response with a quote for this flyers if I’m at the
right place for this printing and if its an order you can take.
Regarding the tees, we need 600pcs X-large sized 50/50 white T’shirts. *
STOP CHILD LABOR * should be printed on the front only.
Flyer size: 8.5′ x 11′
Paper type: 100# Paper Gloss
Printed side: Front only
Quantity: 30000 ( Thirty thousand )
Finish: Full Color
Not to be folded
(*** *STOP CHILD LABOR * ***) should be printed on these flyers on a red
and black background with white and yellow text. I will send you the
artwork file for approval.
Maurice Palmer
We got the Terry Alex scam ordering 100 fire extinguisher from our company today. Thanks to all of your cmments we realized this was a scam. The key clue was the grammer in his replys. We would have never figured this to be false, again thank you for your help.
Thank you,
Citywide Fire Protection
Chardon, Ohio
My company supplies fire extinguishers and yesterday received a request for a quotation for 5lb Dry Chemical extinguishers. That was immediately followed by an order for 100.
The email is so poorly written I knew it was a scam but just wondered how they profited from it. Glad I read the other responses here.
Unicorn fire & safety solutions Ltd
I am Mr. Palmer and I’ll like to know if you can print flyers and T-shirts for us . The details for the flyers are below and I will really appreciate a prompt response with a quote for this flyers if I’m at the right place for this printing and if its an order you can take.
Regarding the tees, we need 600pcs X-large sized 50/50 white T’shirts. STOP CHILD LABOR should be printed on the front only.
Flyer size: 8.5′ x 11′
Paper type: 100# Paper Gloss
Printed side: Front only
Quantity: 30000 ( Thirty thousand )
Finish: Full Color
Not to be folded
(* STOP CHILD LABOR *) should be printed on these flyers on a red and black background with white and yellow text. I will send you the artwork file for approval.
Maurice Palmer
I got the Marlon email also:
Good Morning,
Could you get me a quote on printing 100,000 copies of flyers?
Flat Size: 8.5 x 11
Paper Type & number of sheets per item: 100# gloss text
Ink Color(s): Full Color
Printing Style: One sided with bleeds
Turn Around Time: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax.
I just received this email:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Terry Alex ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of Fire extinguisher with the following specs.
Abc 10lbs Dry Chemical Fire extinguisher
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Terry Alex
Poineer North Inc
I almost bought into it but he was too quick to accept the price so I decided to Google the company name and thank God I found this site.
From: Terry Alex []
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 10:32 PM
Subject: orders
Dear Customer Service
My name is Terry Alex ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of Fire extinguisher with the following specs.
Abc 10lbs Dry Chemical Fire extinguisher
I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Terry Alex
Poineer North Inc
I recieved a quote solicitation on July 1 from Marlon Friedel. 100,000 copies with bleeds, for pickup. Wants the cost plus tax. Just emailed him my promise to quote him tomorrow. So I decided to Google him since he had a gmail email. And this site pops up.
Received this request on 6/26/12 called the church and they said I was the 3rd call they received in a week. He was requesting we ship the material to Zimbabwe 00263. Via TIMELESS FREIGHT FORWARDERS total scam!
From: Patrick Gutcher []
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 11:32 AM
Subject: Quote
QUANTITY: 40,000
FINISHED SIZE: 11” x 17″
We got this today and automatically deleted it.
Dear Customer Service
my name is Jeff Reid ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# gloss text
3. full color sided
please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that i can proceed with the order.thanks and hope to read from you soon.
best regards
best regards
company owner
Jeff Reid
poineer north inc
email :
From: Michael Kessler
Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:14 AM
Subject: order inquiry
Dear customer,greetings and kindly bear with me if i contacted a wrong company.I need some flyers as part of a project i am embarking and will need to know the total cost excluding delivery of 60,000copies of flyers with specifications below:
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
I await your prompt response and hope to do further business with you.
Best Regards
Michael Kessler
Don’t forward emails that come in with this type of format,
Andrew Moore ■ IT Manager
Unique Litho, Inc ■ Direct: 720-287-5760
Company: 303-830-2999 ■ Fax: 303-830-0402
9 Inverness Drive East ■ Englewood, CO 80112 ■
■ Unique Litho is Colorado’s 1st Gold-Level Environment Leader for Printing!
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Michael Kessler
Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:14 AM
Subject: order inquiry
Dear customer,greetings and kindly bear with me if i contacted a wrong company.I need some flyers as part of a project i am embarking and will need to know the total cost excluding delivery of 60,000copies of flyers with specifications below:
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
I await your prompt response and hope to do further business with you.
Best Regards
Michael Kessler
Got this message this AM about a printing job…we live in a small area, I knew for a fact this guy was not local. There was little information, no phone call just this email. I am not falling for it.
Good Morning,
Could you get me a quote on printing 100,000 copies of flyers?
Flat Size: 8.5 x 11
Paper Type & number of sheets per item: 100# gloss text
Ink Color(s): Full Color
Printing Style: One sided with bleeds
Turn Around Time: 7-10 business days in production after proof approval
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax.
Received email this morning from Marlon Freidel. The google seach turned you up and thank you for sharing. I won’t be answering any more emails.
We received something similar but via fax. There was nothing on the top or bottom of the fax(such as phone #, date, time, etc…)
The grammer and punctuation were the first clues of a scam. They didn’t even get the Part#’s correct.
Glad I googled it first!
I received the same type of message and thought right off the bat that it was a scam…but one never really knows; so I did reply. I did not include much information in my reply as I would typically when attempting to assist a customer.
From: dave Bills []
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 11:51 AM
Subject: Contact Freight For Quote
Thank you very much for your email, with the total price of $5,975.00, you provided, And i will like you to know that i am shipping this Unit to my client in NETHERLANDS and I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost (OCEANCARGOFREIGHT@HOTMAIL.COM) for the pick up of the items to ( NETHERLANDS ).. Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address below
3. The total weight on this shipment
Shipping Address
K $ H co Ltd
Blk 35 Mandalay Road
# 13-37 Mandalay Towers
Shipping Company Contact Info.
Contact Person Name:Mr Smith Caffrey
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company. And including the pick-up location and they will surely get you a freight quote .As soon as you hear from them let me know so that i can proceed with the transaction . I will make payment with my Credit Card, And also email me with your full name and your telephone number.
Thank you.
Dave Bills Co Ltd
13156 Sherman Way
N. Hollywood, CA 91605
— On Wed, 6/27/12,
To: “dave Bills”
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 4:47 PM
Good afternoon.
The Forkster 2508 has a retail price of $5,975.00 plus shipping. I would need to know your shipping address to quote you freight charges.
We do accept credit cards and there is a 5% fee for all credit card orders.
Thank you
From: dave Bills []
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: FW: ORDER NEEDED…
I am interested in Mini-Skid Forksters at a Glance, with the Specifications below,
Application: Mini-skids
Lift Height: Models vary from 60″ up to 8′
Load Capacity: Models vary from 1,500 up to 2,500 lbs
so kindly email me with the price so that i can order some of them, And do you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you.
Dave Bills.
— On Wed, 6/27/12
To: “”
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 3:11 PM
Thank you for your inquiry. We do not carry the item you are looking for. Please view our full line of attachments at
Please advise if you have further questions.
Thank you for your time.
From: dave Bills []
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 7:20 AM
To: KOM-KOMCareSupport
Am Dave Bills..
I want to know whether you carry (Vestil – Portable Aluminum Load Lifter) in stock for sale if you do so email me with the sizes and the price ranges on that so that i will know the quantity to offer .Awaiting for your prompt reply. And do you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you.
Dave Bills.
I received the same type of message but with a different type of quote, which goes with our type of work:
Dear Customer
My name is Jeff Reid and i will like to order of Absolute black Counter tops,below is the specification of my inquiry:
Absolute Black …….Size: 36 X 76…….Edge Style: beveled edge …..Quantity:2 Unit
Absolute Black……..Size: 42 X 84……..Edge Style: beveled edge……Quantity:2 Unit
kindly email me with a total the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. I will like to know the terms or forms of payment you accept Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Jeff Reid
Poineer North Inc
Why are these people not in jail!!! Hope they get caught.
Oh, I forgot to mention: even though the Sender field says “jeffreid83@yahoo” and that’s what’s typed in the body text… the message was actually sent from a different address:
Looks like this is still going strong as of mid-2012. Good thing they haven’t figured out how to make this look legit! (Dear Customer??)
Here’s the email we got (our company makes stone countertops; Absolute Black is a type of granite):
On 6/27/12 9:16 AM, jeff reid at wrote:
Dear Customer,
My name is Jeff Reid and i will like to order of Absolute black Counter tops,below is the specification of my inquiry:
Absolute Black — Size: 36 X 76 — Edge Style: beveled edge — Quantity:2 Unit
Absolute Black — Size: 42 X 84 — Edge Style: beveled edge — Quantity:2 Unit
kindly email me with a total the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. I will like to know the terms or forms of payment you accept Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Jeff Reid
Poineer North Inc
Got the Terry Alex email today. Any email that uses bad grammar or punctuation wrong should be our first clue. 🙂
I have played the game before to see how far the scammer would take it but with this email, my reply will be “Sorry, but from what I have found on the internet, this email appears to be a printing quote scam. If you are in fact a reputable company, please fill out the Credit Application found on our website and submit.”
Email received to our info email address:
Dear Customer Service
My name is Terry Alex ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards
Terry Alex
Ph = 442-888-6214
Fax # 442-888-4587
This guy has tried to scam our countertop company 3 times now. Still not buying it. Here is what his emails look like:
“With Regards to your Company This is Terry Alex i sending you email regarding to Order Granite counter tops and i will need you to fabricate some counter tops for me and as soon as it is done and paid for it will be picked up from your locations so i will need you to get back to me with the total qoute for the following counter tops without installation but i need the total cost with tax only and i will handle the installation my self.. This is what I need.
Absolute Black Island 36 X 76 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
Absolute Black Island 42 X 84 with Full Bullnose edges… Granite
And I will like to order those and i will handle the installation my self so i will need you to get back to me with the pick up price for the two counter tops and? and I will be looking forward to your reply ASAP.
Best Regards
Terry Alex
Ph = 442-888-6214
Fax # 442-888-4587
I am in CA and got this one this evening. Knew it was a scam because of the lousy grammar and the quantity. Hope nobody falls for this.
Dear Customer Service
My name is Terry Alex ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards
Terry Alex
Ph = 442-888-6214
Fax # 442-888-4587
received 6/24/12
I am Darren and i would like to make an order of a print job. I need to print flyer’s.. Can you quote single sided sized 8 x 11 . I about 50,000 copies.. I do not have an artwork.. I want you to design the artwork for me which i will pay.. I need this word printed.( CONVENTION JULY 2010 . A THEME TO STOP CHILD LABOR. Advise if you accept credit card payments.
We received the following e-mail at two different locations. Our printer received numerous quotes to price the exact same job:
Good Morning,
Please get me a quote on printing 100,000 copies of fliers.
Flat Size: 8.5 x 11
Paper Type & number of sheets per item: 100# gloss text
Ink Color(s): Full Color
Printing Style: One side + bleeds
Turn Around Time: 7-8 business days in production after proof approval
Please advise total pricing for pick up including tax.
We received the 100,000 piece order from Marlon Friedel Asking for it to be printed and shipped to South Africa via a requested freight company. Other UPS Stores got the same e-mail and I have been alerted it is a Scam. Thanks for this site to help keep us independent business owners aware of scams that could take down our biz!!
Jamie Lang, I did the same research and came up with the same information. This morning, he responded to my request for a business name that
the 100,000 fliers he wants a quote on is not for a business but for him personally. He also gave a home address and phone number but google seems to indicate the address is in a business complex. The phone number is with a Washington state area code but the address is in Newark, NJ. Pretty sure it’s a scam, as I suspected.
cps Admin–
We received the same email from Marlon Freidel yesterday. We are located in central Ohio (near Columbus). I googled his email address and he has made several posts asking for quotes on other websites… mainly for wooden plaques.
Has anyone seen one of these requests from “Marlon Freidel? His request this morning sounds like these other scams but it’s not exactly the same. Can anyone confirm that this is, or is not, a scam?
Thanks in advance.
Randy Mogan – Fraud
emailed my company looking for Shrink Vacuum Tunnels. I felt fraud right off the bat but continued in the case that it might be legit. He insisted on me using his shipping company to deliver the product to the Netherlands, and I advised him the AIRWIDECARGOFREIGHT1@HOTMAIL.COM email address doesn’t add up. If they are a International shipper, why don’t they have their own domain?? He still insisted, of course I quoted my own shipper and a secure payment method and no reply since. Beware All!
>> Hello Andres,
Thank you very much for your email, with the price of $5,793.00. , you provided, And i will like you to know that i am shipping this Unit to my client in NETHERLANDS and I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost ( AIRWIDECARGOFREIGHT1@HOTMAIL.COM ) for the pick up of the items to ( NETHERLANDS ).. Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address below
3. The total weight on this shipment
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands ,
>> Hello Andres
Thanks a lot for getting back to me. the Shipping company don’t deal with Individuals.they only deal with companies or organizations and however they accept payment only from where the merchandise are going to be picked up.This is because there will be a form which is going to be signed at the day of the pick up that’s why i told you to contact them for me and get back to me with the grand total cost and then I will proceed payment.Pls do me that favor.
Kind Regards
Randy Mogan
A man named Fred Walker using the same CA address and the same Netherlands shipping address and word for word message in his email tried to place a $20K order using a credit card and we knew it was a scam out of the gate. I did a quick search and found this site, so thanks for exposing these theives.
I am located here in California but i will be shipping this item to my client in the Netherlands this is the delivery Address below,
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands ,
So kindly email me with the quote so that we can proceed with this order asap, And do you accept credit card for this order, Waiting for you to proceed.
Randy Mogan Co Ltd
717 N Highland Ave # 27
Los Angeles, CA 90038.
I called bullshit on this from the very first email but went back and forth to see where it went. FYI, 717 N Highland Ave # 27 is a loft property that is currently empty and for sale. Take a look…lol
And someone else in my company rec’d the same email and asked for more info. He rec’d this response from good ol’ Jame:
I am located here in California but i will be shipping this printing to my client in the Netherlands this is the delivery Address below,
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands ,
So kindly email me with the quote so that we can proceed with this order asap, And do you accept credit card for this order, Waiting for you to proceed.
James Larry Co Ltd
717 N Highland Ave # 27
Los Angeles, CA 90038.
Thank you.
I got one from ‘JAME LARRY ‘. Thought it sounded weird, here’s the email:
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11’
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
James Larry.
Got the same as above here in Australia. Smelt something fishy so googled it. Will be a lot of people who get caught out though. Nearly as stupid as those ‘you’ve won $1,000,000’ ones
Good Day
My name is Jeff Reid ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Thank You.
Jeff Reid
I received one from “Jeff Reid” as well. Here’s the scam email I received:
Good Day
My name is Jeff Reid ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Thank You.
Jeff Reid
People are ridiculous! This Jeff Reid guy is trouble….
I have the same e-mail from “Jeff Reid” at 05.21.12 but he has a different address. Anyone knows where we can report this person/people?
Subject: Quote for Copies
From: Jeff Reid
Date: Mon, May 21, 2012 6:45 am
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Good Day
My name is Jeff Reid ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Thank You.
Jeff Reid
Contact Information
5020 Rodeo Rd,
Los Angeles, CA 90016
Phone: 442-888-6214
Same kind of scam, thinking of playing along with them, just some idiot in africa try to scam people
Here is the email
Good Day
My name is Jeff Reid ,am with Poineer North Inc and i contact to make an inquires of printing Flyers ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color sided
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies and i will like to know the form of payment you do accept so that I can proceed with the order.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Thank You.
Jeff Reid
when I replay, same deal………
Thank you a lot for the time and interest,Also am ready to proceed but am going to recommend you to a freight company for the pickup,Am shipping this to a First Universalist Church in Norway and i will like you to contact this freight company for the pickup:(, and the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Pickup address.
2.Size,quantity or weight.
3.Delivery address.
Below is the delivery address:
International Baptist Church of Norway
Postboks 170
1300 Sandvika
And include your pickup location and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,then ad it to the unit cost and email me with the grand total of the unit including shipping all together so that i can finalize the order with my credit card.Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Jeff Reid
Note : Advice the shipping that is Urgent Okay
James strikes again…… No conscience at all. Karma and God catch up to everybody eventually.
Thank you very much for your email, with the total price of $2,367.85.00, you provided, And i will like you to know that i am shipping this printing to my client in NETHERLANDS and I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost (AIRWIDECARGOFREIGHT1@HOTMAIL.COM) for the pick up of the items to ( NETHERLANDS ).. Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address below
3. The total weight on this shipment
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands ,
Shipping Company Contact Info.
Contact Person Name: Captain Mc Coy
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company.
And including the pick-up location and they will surely get you a freight quote .As soon as you hear from them let me know so that i can proceed with the transaction . I will make payment with my Credit Card, And see the attachment below art work for the printing.
Thank you.
James Larry Co Ltd
717 N Highland Ave # 27
Los Angeles, CA 90038. wanted 50 plus items on my website and listed a bogus shipping company. He is from Ukraine. Gave elaborate directions how to ship to him. I figured he got my website somehere but asked what products I sold which made me suspicious.
I received an email from Randy Mogan []
Looking for Professional Audio equipment. Tentatively I gave him a price and then received this email.
Thank you very much for your email. I am ok with the price of you provided, And i need (4) for now, Which is $ 5,157.84.00, But i will like you to know that i am shipping this Unit to a client in NETHERLANDS and I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost (AIRWIDECARGOFREIGHT1@HOTMAIL.COM) for the pick up of the items to ( NETHERLANDS ).. Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address below
3. The total weight on this shipment
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands,
Shipping Company Contact Info.
Contact Person Name: Captain Mc Coy
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company. And including the pick-up location and they will surely get you a freight quote .As soon as you hear from them let me know so that i can proceed with the transaction . I will make full payment with my Credit Card.
Randy Moore Co Ltd
717 N Highland Ave # 27
Los Angeles, CA 90038.
Seems like this guy is up to something…
Date: April 3, 2012 10:09:00 AM EDT
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers.
These will be
printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
James Larry.
It stated out with:
On Apr 4, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Scott Beard wrote:
Good Day..
My name is Scott Beard am with the Scott Shop Inc And i am sending this email to your business in regards printing 70,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 70,000 copies . Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Scott Beard
Hi Lari
Thank you a lot for the time and interest,Also am ready to proceed but am going to recommend you to a freight company for the pickup,Am shipping this to a First Universalist Church in Norway and i will like you to contact this freight company for the pickup:(, and the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Pickup address.
2.Size,quantity or weight.
3.Delivery address.
Below is the delivery address:
International Baptist Church of Norway
Postboks 170
1300 Sandvika
And include your pickup location and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,then ad it to the unit cost and email me with the grand total of the unit including shipping all together so that i can finalize the order with my credit card.Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Scott Beard
Note : Advice the shipping that is Urgent Okay
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Lari Power wrote:
It would be about 5 days. But i need to talk to you regarding your job before i get it in the works. Please call me when you have a good phone line, as i couldn’t hear you when i called. Also, i am concerned about your image. There is no contact information and it seems a strange flyer to have 70,000 copies printed with nothing but Save the Children.
Thank you. Also, how did you find me? Did someone recommend me to you?
On Apr 5, 2012, at 9:04 AM, Scott Beard wrote:
Thanks for your ok with the price
Do you accept the major credit cards as a form of payment?
Let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location
I await your response soon.
Scott Beard
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Lari Power wrote:
The price is $4404 on 100# Gloss book, delivered to Rodeo. Costs more for you to pick up.
Your artwork only says “Save the Children”?
There is no type that didn’t come through in the translation?
On new clients, I need payment in advance through PayPal. I send and invoice and you pay via card, check or whatever.
I look foreward to hearing from you and working with you Scott.
Lari Power
On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Scott Beard wrote:
Thanks for your reply.Per your request,this is my contact information below for your records and i will like you to get me the price let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location so that i can proceed Do not include shipping.Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Contact Information
5020 Rodeo Rd,
Los Angeles, CA 90016
Phone: 442-888-6214
On Apr 4, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Scott Beard wrote:
Well am glad to see your reply, attached is the file for printing and i will like you to get me the quote let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location so that i can proceed?Thanks and hope to read from you soon
Thank You.
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Islandgrafx wrote:
What is your timeline. When/where do you need them?
My company received this email yesterday:
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers.
These will be
printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
James Larry.
It came from the email I responded with a quote because, at the time, I had no reason to doubt its legitimacy. Today, however, I received a reply stating that the item would need to be shipped to the Netherlands. Here is the email:
Thank you very much for your email, with the total price of $6,000 , And i will like you to know that i am shipping this printing to a client in NETHERLANDS and I will like to recommend a freight company and see how much it will also cost (AIRWIDECARGOFREIGHT1@HOTMAIL.COM) for the pick up of the items to ( NETHERLANDS ).. Now I want you to contact them through their email address with the information below and request for the freight quote.
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address below
3. The total weight on this shipment
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands ,
Shipping Company Contact Info.
Contact Person Name: Captain Mc Coy
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company.
And including the pick-up location and they will surely get you a freight quote .As soon as you hear from them let me know so that i can proceed with the transaction . I will make payment with my Credit Card, .
Thank you.
James Larry Co Ltd
717 N Highland Ave # 27
Los Angeles, CA 90038 .
So needless to say, I did a little googling because it seemed a little strange that someone from LA would contact a small-time printer in New England about a job going to the Netherlands (also look at that freight company email address, seriously? you couldn’t do better than a hotmail address…..?) Thanks to Google Maps street view, I determined no such place existed and happened to stumble upon this website, so I thought I’d share this with you all.
Received this message today today
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 80,000 copies of the flier printing with the following specs.
A. 80# Gloss Text
B. 0.25 – White boarder
C. Full Colour
D. One sided
E. measures 8.5′ x 11′
F. I want it to be flat.
G. what method of payment do you accept ,Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
*my tip off is that we’re not a printing company.
Good Day..
My name is Scott Beard am with the Scott Shop Inc And i am sending this email to your business in regards printing 70,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text sided
d. Full color
Please provide quote on 70,000 copies . Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Scott Beard
Here is the latest that I received just today:
Copied message below:
My name is Gary Larry and Can you please quote me
on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
a. measures 8.5′ x 11′
b. 80# Gloss Text
c. One Side printing
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies.Also i will like to know the
form of payment that you do accept.please quote accordingly or get
back to me so that i can supply art-work. I hope to hear from you
Best Regards
Gary Larry
Got a news flash for everyone regarding Money Orders. Just like a check, Stop Pay orders can be placed on them, meaning you lose your money. Had a run-in with a client over this topic many years ago, and we did get our money after threatening criminal action. Doubt that the laws on this matter have changed much in the ensuing years.
Credit cards transactions, even if paid in the normal 3 banking day routine, can be recalled days, or weeks later, and you the merchant are the loser, not these scammers.
The best idea, when you know you are dealing with a scam, stop contact.
Just got this same printing email scam from some guy named Scott Beard. After quoting it and him getting back about the shipping to Sweden and using some phoney shipper…. here is my response:
Scott, thanks so much for the information. For a first time order that is shipping out of the country we will require the following payment terms:
To get the order processing:
50% payment of printing cost ($2,200) via Western Union Money Order.
Upon order completion and prior to shipping company pick up:
Remaining 50% balance ($ 2,200 + shipping costs) can be paid by any major credit card.
I can contact your shipper via email with the specifications so they can get a quote ready.
Just having some fun with them…. lol… like they’ll actually send me $2,200 via WU….. lol
Thanks so much for the quote, I would like you to know that I am so much interested to proceed with the printing of my Order from your Company.
I Would Provide You with My Credit Card Information for the Payment of the 60,000 Copies Flyers + Shipping Cost But I First would Like Us to Proceed to Pick Up Arrangement with a Local Shipping Agency Here In U.s.a Contact Mr.Mark Robison Via with the Total Weight , Size , Dimension and As well as the Pick Up Location of the 60,000 Copies Flyers to be Delivered Below ,
Lisa Bright
Tegeluddsvagen 5,
Stockholm Sweden ,
SE-11 579.
Ask them the Shipping Cost and Get Back to me with the Estimated Cost of the 60,000 Copies Flyers for me to Proceed and Issue You My Credit Card Information for You to Run and Charge The Required Amount for Both Payment and As well alert the Shipper’s Your Ready Pick Up Day and Time . .Thanks and Awaiting Response Real Soon .
Best regards,
Ricky Basham.
Got another one! From email:
I can see they have used this email address before when I google the email.
Good Day,
My name is Mr John Lee.I will like to know if you can special order on dock cleats for me.Bellow are the sizes i am interested in:
240PCS OF Cast aluminum 10″ S Cleat CLEAT.
300PCS OF Galvanized Steel Cleats 8″
However,This is going to be a pick up from your shop as soon as i ordered and they are ready for delivery.Please kindly get back to me with the price for each and also the total cost for all the pieces requested.Finally,i will like to know if you do accept MasterCard/Visa.Please advice ASAP.
Many Thanks!!!
Mr John Lee
From Garry Hagard
Thank you very much for your email.well i am okay with the cost as $8,155. And i will to recommend you to a freight company for the pick up of the Units to ( Sweden ).. Now i want you to contact this shipping company with the total weight of the Units ,find out the freight quote how much it will cost me . The delivery address is below :
Contact Person Name:Mr Henry Walker
Freight Company Email Address : ( )
The Delivery Address:
Mr Jeff Engine Co Ltd
Hagagatan 1, vi
SE-113 49 Stockholm
Please contact them with the information below:
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address:
3. The total weight on this shipment
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company…
Also a soon as they get back to you email me with the total cost for both the Units cost and the shipping cost you will be receiving from them, for me to finalize the payment with the credit cards.thank you once again and hope to hear from you soon.
With Kind Regards
Garry Hagard
I googled the email address given and found this site. Looks like the same address/name has been used before. Below is the email I received today. Email address was
Good day,
My name is Scott Goheen and i will like to order DOCK FLOATS for an organization.Email me the unit prices of the types listed below and others you do carry in stock and i will let you know the quantity am interested in purchasing.I will also will want to know if you charge extra on credit card payments. Your urgent response will be of importance.
Scott Goheen
PO # : ED7588
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would request you to provide your firm quotation of the following products listed :
1. OEM HP 78 Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge (C6578DN)
QTY: 124 Pcs
N.B. Indicate the types of credit card that you accept.
It would help us decide faster if you can send the quotation latest by the end of today. If it is found satisfactory we are ready to order more of the same variety, also please indicate when your price quote shall expire.
We look forward to a great business experience with you.
Best Regards,
John Freeman
Senior VP,
wood stevens
Dear Sir/Madam,
how are you today? well hopefully you are doing good. anyway, we are a group of contractor dealing with general merchandise and we wanted to make an inquiry if you deal or you have an idea in getting us the listed items below,
1. solar panels 50watts and above,
2. battery 7ah and above,
3. solar charge controller 10amps and above,
4. shurflo submersible pump 9300 model,
5. grundfos SQflex submersible pump 11 – 2,
And we would be very happy to work with your company.
kindly get back to us on how you can assist us, till we hear from you stay blessed.
wood stevens
Fremont, CA 94538-2217
Dear Customer,
Mahmoud International is interested in placing an order, please advice if the
following terms are acceptable:
1) Do you export overseas?
Ps: I prefer only my freight forwarder handling the pick-up and delivery
(2-3 days)
down to Nadu India,
due to insured/effective delivery in the past
2) Do you accept credit card (Issued US master and visa card)?
Await a feedback to the question/inquiry so as to forward you the purchase
Best Regards,
Mahmoud Krishna – Owner
Mahmoud International
E :
P: +91-9711027962 is a spammer… Thanks Google!
He asked us to ship to The Netherlands but he is in California.
From: Fred Walker []
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 7:42 AM
Subject: RE: Rangate Woodworking Tools Sales – Ends Dec 22
I am located here in California but i will be shipping this item to my client in the Netherlands this is the delivery Address below,
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands,
So kindly email me with the total price so that we can proceed with this order, But don’t include shipping, Waiting for you to proceed with this order.
Fred Walker Co Ltd
717 N Highland Ave # 27
Los Angeles, CA 90038.
This is Billy Morgan I just want to make an Purchase for File Cabinet:
Features Specifications Size:3 Drawer 36″W x 18″D x 42″H,.. If you can get
any nearest specification, and Let me know the Pricing, Also Let me know
what major credit card you do accept ? Thanks very much for your Concern,
Best regards
Billy Morgan
Continental Morgan Shop
We received the same email for 80,000 save the children request from for the same flyer. I am so glad I found this as we had invested too much time in determining if we would proceed. So glad we did not! I actually think the man called on the phone to get my real name and company email to send this order to. It seems like someone could trace the credit card and know exactly who the culprit behind these are. Anyone had success getting and keeping the money?
My name is Scott Goheen and i will like to order some shower doors.Please advise the cost for total cost for these units…
Frameless Shower Doors.
Glass Type: Clear tempered
Thickness: 3/8″ (10mm)
Size: 72″L x 28″w
Style: Single Door
Material Color: Chrome
Pull handle.
Wall mounted hinges.
Quantity: 15
Please quote for the materials ONLY.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Scott Goheen
Continental Scott Shop
Email :
Hello Customer
My name is Paul Kingsley and i have contact you to know if you can make me an inquiry of some Bedroom Chest , Below is the type of Bedroom Chest i want to order:
Hadley Bedroom Chest
5 Drawer
adley Bedroom Chest
Dimensions: L: 41” x W: 19” x H: 52”
Color: Dark Chocolate
QTY; 7
I will like you to go ahead and e-mail me back with the quotes Price of the Bedroom Chest and the terms or forms of Payments you do accept for us to proceed…Hope to hear from you and have a Nice working day.
Best regards
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
Thanks so much for posting this! I thought it was a scam, the language is off and the request doesn’t really make sense. This is what was in my email this morning:
Hello C/S
I am Tom Bence and i will like to know if you can print flyers with the size of
(1.) measures 8.5′ x 11′
(2. )80# Gloss Text or
(3.) 0.25 – White boarder
(4.) One sided
(5.) Full color
And what i need on the flyers is ( save the children ) and the background should be in yellow and the writing white and so let me know the total cost of 60,000 copies and also the form of payment you accept so that i will know what to do next hope this will help . pls advise .
Best Regards
Tom Bence
So happy I won’t be wasting my time on this. Have a great day,
Here we go AGAIN, stupid moron scammer.
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 11:36 AM
Hello Customer
My name is Paul Kingsley and i have contact you to know if you can make me an inquiry of some file Cabinet with locks on it i need Cabinet and Below is the type of Cabinet i want to order:
file cabinet:
3 Drawer
36”W x 18”D x 42”H
I will like you to go ahead and e-mail me back with the quotes Price of the Cabinet and the terms or forms of Payments you do accept for us to proceed…Hope to hear from you and have a Nice working day.
Best regards
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
Glad I googled this company & phone #
Order request
Paul Kingsley []
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 10:01 AM
Hello Customer
My name is Paul Kingsley and i have contact you to know if you can make me an inquiry of some file Cabinet with locks on it i need Cabinet and Below is the type of Cabinet i want to order:
file cabinet:
3 Drawer
36”W x 18”D x 42”H
I will like you to go ahead and e-mail me back with the quotes Price of the Cabinet and the terms or forms of Payments you do accept for us to proceed…Hope to hear from you and have a Nice working day.
Best regards
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
from Fred Walker
sender-time Sent at 6:31 AM (GMT-07:00). Current time there: 6:24 AM. ✆
date Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 6:31 AM
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you do accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
Glad I found your site today … Thanks so much!! An email request I received sounded weird so I searched the name “Tom Bence”.
Here is the email … I did not even respond.
Hello C/S
I am Tom Bence and i will like to know if you can print flyers with the size of
(1.) measures 8.5′ x 11′
(2. )80# Gloss Text or
(3.) 0.25 – White boarder
(4.) One sided
(5.) Full color
And what i need on the flyers is ( save the children ) and the background should be in yellow and the writing white and so let me know the total cost of 60,000 copies and also the form of payment you accept so that i will know what to do next hope this will help . pls advise .
Best Regards
Tom Bence
We got this one today:
Hello Customer
My name is Paul Kingsley and i have contact you to know if you can make me an inquiry of some file Cabinet with locks on it i need Cabinet and Below is the type of Cabinet i want to order:
file cabinet:
3 Drawer
36”W x 18”D x 42”H
I will like you to go ahead and e-mail me back with the quotes Price of the Cabinet and the terms or forms of Payments you do accept for us to proceed…Hope to hear from you and have a Nice working day.
Best regards
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
We get emails like this 3 or 4 times a year. On one, I responded with an expletive and told them I reported them to the FBI. They responded by trying to send me back a Hallmark card attachment with a trojan virus inside. I fortunately knew about the greeting card scams “Somebody is thinking about you and has sent you a card. etc….) so I just deleted it.
I agree with the post that if you decide to respond and tell these people off, do it with a throw-away email account.
Oh, and one more thing about Fred Walker Co. Ltd. Fred Walker is a dead Australian entrepreneur and founder of Kraft Foods. ‘Nuff said!
We got an echo from Fred Walker. Didn’t buy into it, as the client gave us a residential address from Los Angeles, a phone number from Cleveland, OH, wants us to contact a shipping company from Ghana, Africa, to send 60,000 fliers to a non-existent B $ H corporation in Amsterdam (whose address happens to be the same as the University of Amerstam’s). They gave us non-sensical artwork (“STOP CHILD LABOR”) and expect us to take credit card.
We’re in the habit of working locally, so this request didn’t seem to make sense.
Thanks all (and God bless),
We too received one today. He was very quick to respond. His return email was
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you do accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
After her was quoted his response was to get the shipping information first, then he would supply credit card information:
Shipping Company Name: PROUD SHIPPING
Contact Name: Captain Mc Coy
Delivery Address
Shipping Address
B $ H Co Ltd
Binnengasthuisstraat 9 Singel 425
1012 ZA Amsterdam
The Netherlands ,
I got one of these today, and get them every so often. This one was from I thought it looked like one of these scams so I Googled the email address and found this page! With the guys email already on here! Just want people to be aware and not fall for it. Punctuation is usually wierd and usually from a Reverand or church related. Usually for 8.5×11 flyers. Thanks! Here’s what the email was:
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you do accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.”
Just received this email today (10-14-2011). I always google search as much information as possible from my emails before responding to emails I feel are a little funny sounding. Or, suspect are spam.
Order request
Paul Kingsley to renosales – 33 min agoMore Details
From: Paul Kingsley Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: renosales .
Date:Fri, Oct 14, 2011 11:36 am
Hello Customer
My name is Paul Kingsley and i have contact you to know if you can make me an inquiry of some file Cabinet with locks on it i need Cabinet and Below is the type of Cabinet i want to order:
file cabinet:
3 Drawer
36”W x 18”D x 42”H
I will like you to go ahead and e-mail me back with the quotes Price of the Cabinet and the terms or forms of Payments you do accept for us to proceed…Hope to hear from you and have a Nice working day.
Best regards
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
I got this Oct 10, 2011. Being a new company I jumped at the chance for a big job. But the longer this went on I got suspicious. Then when the shipping to Norway request came in and he wanted me to do it, it made me really sure something was not right. He was totally unconcerned about the artwork and was totally happy with the first price I quoted him. I have just sent him an email telling him I found this scam and I will not be able to help him with this job any longer. I guess we will see what happens!
Senders email:
Hello C/S
I am Tom Bence and i will like to know if you can print flyers with the size of
(1.) measures 8.5′ x 11′
(2. )80# Gloss Text or
(3.) 0.25 – White boarder
(4.) One sided
(5.) Full color
And what i need on the flyers is ( save the children ) and the background should be in yellow and the writing white and so let me know the total cost of 60,000 copies and also the form of payment you accept so that i will know what to do next hope this will help . pls advise .
Best Regards
Tom Bence
Hi Debbie
Thank you a lot for the time and interest,Also am ready to proceed but am going to recommend you to a freight company for the pickup,Am shipping this to a First Universalist Church in Norway and i will like you to contact this freight company for the pickup:(, and the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
Information Needed to Provide Freight Charges
1.Pickup address.
2.Size,quantity or weight.
3.Delivery address.
Below is the delivery address:
International Baptist Church of Norway
Postboks 170
1300 Sandvika
And include your pickup location and they will surely get back to you with the freight quote.As soon as they get back to you with the freight quote,then ad it to the unit cost and email me with the grand total of the unit including shipping all together so that i can finalize the order with my credit card.Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Tom Bence
Note : Advice the shipping that is Urgent Okay
Look the email I been received.
My name is Scott Goheen and i will like to order of Absolute black Counter tops,below is the specification of my inquiry:
Absolute Black …….Size: 36 X 76…….Edge Style: beveled edge …..Quantity:2 Unit
Absolute Black……..Size: 42 X 84……..Edge Style: beveled edge……Quantity:2 Unit
kindly email me with a total the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. I will like to know the terms or forms of payment you accept Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Scott K Goheen
Continental Scott Goheen
Phone : (661)-771-6987
Scammer name: Rev. James Mallons, 210 Sterilin Avenue, Osborne,Sweden
Scammer email:
Scammer bogus shipper email:
We received one of these last year, looks like it’s coming around again! Fortunately I’m an offset printer & cannot process prints of the required size… 😉
Emailed from:
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you do accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
We received one of these last year, looks like it’s coming around again! Fortunately I’m an offset printer & cannot process prints of the required size… 😉
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you do accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
I received the same message as Della #14 above did… This is a scam email and it has been reported to my company and fraud departments.
Hello Customer
I’m Paul Kingsley with Continental Paul Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Candle.Am looking for Size 3″ x 12″ Candle . .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 300 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.i want them in white color Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
Phone : (661)-771-6987
Just got this one. This is the second one I have received like this. I knew this was a scam because the candles I sell are listed on the website and this is not listed.
You have received a contact request from a visitor to your storefront:
E-mail Address: First Name: Paul Last Name: Kingsley
Company: Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
Phone Number: (661)-771-6987
Hello Customer
I’m Paul Kingsley with Continental Paul Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Candle.Am looking for Size 3″ x 12″ Candle . .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 500 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.
Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Size; 3×12
Best Regards
Company Owner
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley Shop
Phone : (661)-771-6987
Thank you,
The Quick Shopping Cart Team
here is sample of what I was sent:
Hello Jonathan .
I am glad to read back from you , I am interested in ordering 50 Qtys of 1/2″ x 600’ft = $136.00 (Each).Please contact K – LINK FREIGHT CO INT with the following information.
Contact Person Name:Mr Henry Walker
Freight Company Email Address : ( )
The Delivery Address:
Mr Jack & Son’s Engine Co Ltd
Hagagatan 1, vi
SE-113 49 Stockholm
Please contact them with the information below:
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address:
3. The total weight on this shipment
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company…
Also a soon as they get back to you email me with the total cost for both the Units cost and the shipping cost you will be receiving from them, for me to finalize the payment with the credit cards.thank you once again and hope to hear from you soon.
With Kind Regards
Mike Johnson
Received this e-mail this afternoon, didnt respond to it thanks to a sharp eyed designer…
Hello C/S
I am Tom Bence and i will like to know if you can print flyers with the size of
(1.) measures 8.5′ x 11′
(2. )80# Gloss Text or
(3.) 0.25 – White boarder
(4.) One sided
(5.) Full color
And what i need on the flyers is ( save the children ) and the background should be in yellow and the writing white and so let me know the total cost of 60,000 copies and also the form of payment you accept so that i will know what to do next hope this will help . pls advise .
Best Regards
Tom Bence
F*ck*ng scammers…
I work for a company in Australia who commissions work and equipment from overseas. The reality of international shipping is that we like to control the shipping process — when we’ve let suppliers handle that in the past they often stuff up the customs paperwork, leaving our order stranded whilst we educate the supplier about the correct way to do international commerce.
The main thing which distinguishes us from these scammers is that we will pay for the shipping and marine insurance — all you need to do is to pack the product.
We usually pay Ex Works; that is, you are paid by bank transfer when the goods are on your loading dock. We don’t pay until our customs agent says the goods are boxed and on the loading dock and you don’t let the boxes go into a truck until your bank says nice things. Because of timezone differences there is usually a gap of a day each between inspection, payment, and shipment.
If we both used the same customs agent, we might slightly optimise that by having the agent pick up the goods, but acting as your agent until your bank was happy, then you’d sign over the shipment to us.
If we did do a Delivery Duty Paid shipment then it is fully expected that the supplier’s shipper is used. Part of the appeal of DDP is that the buyer need not deal with shipping and customs, and so interesting ourselves in those details would undermine why we would choose DDP in the first place. You would tell your shipping company to clear customs but to hold before local delivery. You would then ensure that payment was complete prior to local delivery.
I hope the above gives you a notion of how international commerce works, and so better identify scammers.
Something in a few of the emails just jumped out at me (I don’t own a business and haven’t received one of these at work that I’ve seen, I’m just on a fraud-reading binge) and that’s the use of the words “go ahead”.
I seem to recall being told, when I worked at a company with partial outsourcing to India, that “go ahead” or “go ahead and” is a phrase that might be heard often when receiving instructions from an outsourced employee and, while it sounds rude to a westerner, is actually sort of a particular translation of an Indian phrase that is quite polite.
Of course I’ve looked into that just now and can’t find any evidence to back me up, but I thought I’d mention it just in case it’s true and helps out anybody thinking about trying to track the origin of these scams.
I received this e-mail in the e-mail I use for my business. It is the 2nd one like this that I have received. Each e-mail was from a different person, but they were both about ordering a bunch of candles. I answered the 1st one and when he finally told me to use a shipping company I had never heard of, I finally told him I was not interested any longer.
Getting this second e-mail prompted me to search the internet for the company through searching for their phone number: (661)-771-6987. That’s when I found this site. Here’s the e-mail I received:
Greetings Customer Service
I’m Paul Kingsley with Continental Paul Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Candle.Am looking for Size 3″ x 12″ Candle . .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 300 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.i want them in white color Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Paul Kingsley
Continental Paul Kingsley
Phone : (661)-771-6987
I am familiar with the Nigerian scams about inheriting millions of dollars and this smacks of those scams. Two of the ways to tell that those Nigerian scams are scams are:
– They are always addressed to some generic person
– The English used and grammar used is horrible
The above e-mail fits both of these criteria.
Since this e-mail did not have an opt out link in it, I put it in my Junk mail. That way, if I ever get any more e-mail from this sender, it will go to junk. I then deleted all of my junk mail.
Hope this helps someone in the future.
What A RETARD! I am actually tired of receiving these kind of emails.
My name is Scott Goheen and i will like to order some shower doors.Please advise the cost for total cost for these units…
Frameless Shower Doors.
Glass Type: Clear tempered
Thickness: 3/8″ (10mm)
Size: 72″L x 28″w
Style: Single Door
Material Color: Chrome
Pull handle.
Wall mounted hinges.
Quantity: 16
Please quote for the materials ONLY.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Scott Goheen
Continental Scott Goheen
Phone : (661)-771 6987
Email :
where are yaw getting this infomation? I didnt know that it is a scam if you get an email from do not respond back. what should I do?
Received an email looking for a quote for desks. (we fix computers), not really paying attention because it was for someone else I let him know he had confused us with another company. He responded back asking “How Much for Desk Doctors Computers” thats when I realized something was not right. Here is the email chain.
From: Robert Williams []
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 10:49 AM
To: [removed]
Subject: Order request!
Greetings Customer Service
My name is Robert Williams and i have contact you to know if you can make me an inquiry of some Desks. Below is the type of Desks i want to order:
Dimensions: Height (in.) Width (in.) Depth (in.)
Engineering Overall 29 3/4″ 70 1/8 ” 28 5/8″
Box Drawer 4 1/4 ” 12 1/4″ 15 7/8″
File Drawer 9″ 12 1/4″ 15 7/8″
Kneewell 28 3/8″ 39 3/4″ 21 1/8″
I will like you to go ahead and e-mail me back with the quotes Price of the Desks and the terms or forms of Payments you do accept for us to proceed…Hope to hear from you and have a Nice working day.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Robert Williams
Continental Robert Williams
Phone : 661-771-6987
Email :
Our response:
Hi Robert,
I think you might be looking for the desk doctor not to be confused with us The Desk Doctors Computer Repair and IT consulting.
What we received back:
how much is the cost for Desk Doctors Computer
This prompted me to lookup the scam and that lead me here. Keep your eye out. It seems they are going after any small companies that sell large or freight items.
From a “Henry Goodnight”:
Dear Customer,
I’d like to order banners from your shop. The reference of the order are listed below. Please create a proof and a quote so that i can have it approved.
Description……………….. white vinyl material with Grommets and Hemmed at each corner,and a lettering.Outdoor use.
Text on banner……………. “Evangelical Christian Church” in Blue Ink.
Quantity………………….. 100pieces
I would like this order to be pickup upon complete from your shop.If you cannot have it within 14 working days in your shop for pickup, please notify me immediately.
Thank you.
Received this email this morning…will not be responding…
Greetings Customer Service
My name is Robert Williams and i have contact you to know if you can make me an inquiry of some Desks.Below is the type of Desks i want to order:
Dimensions: Height (in.) Width (in.) Depth (in.)
Engineering Overall 29 3/4″ 70 1/8 ” 28 5/8″
Box Drawer 4 1/4 ” 12 1/4″ 15 7/8″
File Drawer 9″ 12 1/4″ 15 7/8″
Kneewell 28 3/8″ 39 3/4″ 21 1/8″
I will like you to go ahead and e-mail me back with the quotes Price of the Desks and the terms or forms of Payments you do accept for us to proceed…Hope to hear from you and have a Nice working day.
Best Regards
Company Owner
Robert Williams
Continental Robert Williams
Phone : 661-771-6987
Email :
I got taken by two of these emails today. I did respond just in case it was legit. Not seeing the second one which said that scam was written all over it.
This is message for both except one was 150,000 flyers.
Hello a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
Thank you
God Bless
James Brown
James Walter
They appear to be using local addresses and phone numbers now (though not smart enough to match the address and phone number to the same local town). Message from scammer as follows:
My name is Mr Bryan Charles with the Charles & Son’s Inc, And i am sending this email to your business in regards to the order for some Flyer’s and the Sizes that i am looking for are :
1. measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80# Gloss Text or 100# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Red Ink on White
5. Flat flyer’s l want you to write of the flyer’s ( HELP LET’S SAVE THE CHILDREN )
For the Artwork.
6. No Bleed
And Please provide a quote on 100,000 copies and please send me an email reply back with the Estimate price of that plus tax without shipping .Advise me the method of of payment you accept.I will be Looking forward to hear back from you so that we can proceed with the Order .Urgently waiting to hear from you soon.Thank you.
Best Regards,
Bryan Charles
Charles & Son’s Company
301 River Rd, Clifton, NJ 07014
We are from England and have just had a very similar scam, when we received the email it sounded odd so we hiked the price substantially and they wouldnt let us use our courier which was three times cheaper. The said printing was going to Netherlands. Alarm bells ringing big time. So I spent 15 minutes on the internet and found your site.
I received the same 60M flyer estimate yesterday and it set off my radar so it checked online and found this site.
They are now using the name:
Tom Bence
Poineer North Inc
113 E San Bernardino Ave
Redlands, CA 92374
We got this email on our company email yesterday – it sounded strange and worded like one of those Nigerian scam things so I googled it and came up with several sites talking about the scam – for fun I wrote back to him and gave a really high price, and of course he responded right away!
Good day..
My name is Bill Jones with the Bill Jones Inc And i am sending this email to your business in regards to the order for some Banners with the specification below :
1. measures 30 x 60 inches
2. One sided
3. Full copies Black Ink on White on Vinyl
4. l want you to write on the Banner ( HELP LETS SAVE THE CHILDREN ) For the Artwork.
5. Hemmed With 4 grommet
And Please provide an Estimate quote on 100 copies plus tax without shipping.Advise the method of of payment you accept so that we can proceed .I will be Looking forward to hear back from you soon.
Urgently waiting to hear from you .
Thank you.
Best Regards
Bill Jones .
Bill Jones to me
show details 9:40 AM (3 minutes ago)
Good day..
My name is Bill Jones with the Bill Jones Inc And i am sending this email to your business in regards to the order for some Banners with the specification below :
1. measures 30 x 60 inches
2. One sided
3. Full copies Black Ink on White on Vinyl
4. l want you to write on the Banner ( HELP LETS SAVE THE CHILDREN ) For the Artwork.
5. Hemmed With 4 grommet
And Please provide an Estimate quote on 100 copies plus tax without shipping.Advise the method of of payment you accept so that we can proceed .I will be Looking forward to hear back from you soon.
Urgently waiting to hear from you .
Thank you.
Best Regards
Bill Jones .
Do they think we’re idiots? Here’s the email I just received (not responding, obviously):
Dear Customer
This Mike Johnson with Mr Jack & Son’s Engine Co Ltd. regarding to your company to order some ( Dandux Vinyl ) ,i will like to know the specific you have in stock and get me the sales price of each so that i will let you known the quantity i will be ordering,do you take credit card as a method of payment .Advise
Best Regards……..
Mike Johnson
I am presently at step 7 in the process. I received $9700 yesterday from visa.
Here’s how it started…..
Good day.
I am Mike Johnson and i am sending in this email in regard to a Purchase that i want to make from your company.I will like to make a Purchase ( Curl Bars ). And i will like to know the various models or the ones that you do have in stock as now. I will need you to get back to me with the above information. Also i will like to know the Lead/ Turnaround time to have most Order ready to ship after purchase. And do you take credit card as a method of payment. Get back to me as soon as you can so i can proceed with the Order.
Thanks & Best Regards
Mike Johnson
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your interest in using Mcland Shipping Co Int for your shipping needs. We checked on shipping of 375 pounds. From XXXXXX, To Mr Jack & Son’s Engine Co Ltd, Hagagatan 1, vi, SE-113 49 Stockholm, SWEDEN And the Shipping cost will be $2950.00
This includes International Airway Taxes ( I . A . T ) , Tariff and custom’s clearance duties. Product is very secured in our custody and well protected until aim of delivery is excellently completed. It takes approximately 5 – 7 business working days for delivery from the day of pick-up
We look forward in serving you to your fullest satisfaction.
Thank you once again for choosing Mcland Shipping Co Int for your shipping needs.
Mr Henry Walker
Got this from Fred Walker as well then got spamed by him like crazy. I requested a full deposit & would only offer our shipping cost w/print services. He cancelled his request.
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers.
These will be
printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
Hello Dave
Thank you for the total cost of Will be XXXXX will recommended you to a freight company for you to contact them for the pick up.So kindly email them with the quantity and the size as well as the pick up location so that they will be able to provide you with the accurate quote.As soon as you get the quote kindly email me the total cost for both the item and the shipping cost so that i will make full payment with my credit card to you for you to start with the order.This is thefreight company contact information
Shipping Company Name: MCHONESTSHIPPING
Contact Name: Captain Mc Coy
Delivery Address
Fred Walker Co Ltd
102 29 Stockholm ,
Fyrverkarbacken Sweden .
Email me with back with the total cost as soon as you hear back from the freight company.And the file is ready for you to start the printing.
Got the same with the same requestor that was listed above. You would at least think maybe they would use a new e-mail address. Fred Walker seemed desperate to push the job throuhg & when a full deposit was requested & declined he decided to cancel his order. I tried to get an address location other than the Netherlands, but he would not provide any information, nor would he contact me dirctly, and then he spamed me lol
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be
printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
from email:
Third Party shipper request Mchonestshipping
From: david shea []
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 11:07 PM
To: Info@MLP
Subject: Re: Printing On Flyers
Hello Carol,
Attached is the file for printing. It’s a PDF file and has about 300dpi. I will like you to contact ATLANTIC FREIGHT SERVICE COMPANY( with your store location, the total weight on the flyers,the delivery address below and request for a freight quote. Please let me know how much it will cost me in totality to have these flyers printed and shipped.
The delivery address below.
Mr James SOS Home.
#45 Mandela st. 1895
Johannesburg, South Africa
With kind regards
Rev David
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Info@MLP wrote:
Hi David
Sorry for delay…here you go with printing quote.
8 1/2 x 11
80# Pacesetter Gloss Text, White
4/0 – 4 color process
Bleeds o.k.
Trim to size
Bulk box
Digital file supplied
60,000 @ $.045 p/each
Estimate 5-7 working days from final proof approval; Any changes to digital file is additional and billed at $75.00/hr
Please let me know if you have any questions or wish to proceed with an order. I will then put the work order in writing and get it over to you.
Thank you,
Carol Kollmann
Mailing Lists Plus
12819 SE 38th St #203
Bellevue WA 98006
425-451-3335 FAX 425-646-4485
Let us help you save Money, Time, & Lots of Headaches with Top Notch Service, Quality Information & the Expert Advise You Need.
Direct Mail, Telemarketing, E-Mail Marketing, E-Commerce
From: david shea []
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 9:04 AM
Subject: Printing On Flyers
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
with kind regards
Rev.David Shea
If the email mentions a gmail account, send the full headers to
even if it didn’t come from gmail. Just say in the email that the scam email mentions a gmail account.
We are requesting for a price and delivery quotation on these items below for purchasing as special order:
Solar Water Pump and Solar panel
1, Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump
2, 130watt or 180watt solar panel.
3, Solar charge controller 30amps, 45amps, 60amps
4, Solar Inverter MAGNUM 3000Watts -5000Watts
1, HP C8543X (43X) oem
2, HP Q6511A (11A) oem
3, HP C9730A (30A oem
Let have each items price above that you have in stock or you can supply us as special order.
Yours Sincerely
Purchase Manager
Johnson Joe
94 Glen aire dr,
Are you in need of loan? to finance your business? We are a reputable company with strict policy, willing to render assistance to the need, and we promise to do our best in order to satisfy all our customer expectation, We give out all kind of loans to whom is in search, independently , co-operative organization or companies etc.
We give loan from the range of 3000.00 and above in any currency with an interest rate of 2%. So are you in need of such, if so you are advice to kindly fill the following information and submit to the email below: []
Full Name:
Loan Amount:
Loan Duration:
Purpose of Loan
Best Language:
martin status:
Monthly Income:
Post Code:
You are expected to give right information during the process of filling this application form to enable us proceed with your request. For more confirmation you can reach us through this email address
Here one,
He ask me to put the $$ on two credit cards, I call the credit card Co and give them the cards # they said thanks and that they was calling the cardholder. and closing the cards out,
Why use a difference e-mail he all really your?
From: Daniel Grace []
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 7:44 AM
Hello Pam,
Thanks for your email.Well i am okay with The
( Fur Bootie Slippers / Size: 8-10 / Black Beaver @ $279.99 )
i will be purchasing ( 25 ) pieces And ,i will recommend a freight company for the pick up of the items to ( Sweden ).Now i want you to contact this shipping company with the total weight of the UNIT ,find out the freight quote how much it will cost me . The delivery address is below:
Please contact them with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery Address:
3. The total weight on this shipment
The delivery Address:
Daneil & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden.
Contact Person Name: John shimmer
Freight Company Email Address : [ ]
Try and CC me a copy of what you will be sending to the freight company..
And including the pick-up location and they will surely get you a freight quote .As soon as you her from them let me know so that i can proceed with the transaction . I will make payment with my Credit Card,
Mr.Skyler Wood
Thank you for this site. I got one today that several of you have already posted about.
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
I am Glad to read back from you and i am Okay with the ( foil machine (not w a webtrack for heat transfers @ at $10,000. And i will be purchasing 1 pieces of them i want you to get back to me including freight changes from LOAD FREIGHT CO
Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Barbar & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden.
E-mail me with the total cost unite including freight charges from LOAD FREIGHT CO so i can proceed with payment . asap .
My Regards,
Mr.John Barbar
发件人: John Barbar
发送时间: 2011-04-15 17:20:10
I am Glad to read back from you and i went through your website and i am Okay with the ( Belt massage with heating therapy function Used as massage shoulder,back, buttock,thigh,waist and leg parts / Options: N/A / $ 75.38. And i will be purchasing 100 pieces of them i want you to get back to me including freight changes from LOAD FREIGHT CO
Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Barbar & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden.
E-mail me with the total cost unite including freight charges from LOAD FREIGHT CO so i can proceed with payment . asap .
My Regards,
Mr.John Barbar
Have receieved two of these type of emails just this week. Knew something was not right and found this site while trying to check these idiots out. Below are the two emails I received:
Your Name:: john owen
Phone:: 4032831102
E-mail Address::
Comments or Questions:: To the Owner, My name is Rev John Owen.i will like to know if you sell or make banners.below is the information of the Banners: 10 pieces of 36 x 72 10 pieces of 24 x 96 10 pieces of 36 x 60 10 pieces of 36 x 120 10 pieces of 48 x 48 10 pieces of 48 x 96 10 pieces of 48 x 144 with grommets(metal holes) PRINT ARTWORK Pray Without Ceasing And Worship The Lord Your God In A True Way….. white with black text 1 side print Kindly email me the pick up quote for pieces of each banner because after i have received the total i will send you the contact details of the shipping company i will be using so that you will contact them and get me the shipping charges and i will make the full payment for the banners and shipping to you for you to start my order.i will like to know the price excluding shipping.I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for each size and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. WHAT TYPE OF CREDIT CARD DO YOU ACCEPT? ARE YOU THE OWNER? .Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order. Thank You, Rev John Owen. Email Address:
Greetings Customer Service
I’m Robert Williams with Continental Robert Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Banners.Am looking for Size 32″x 60″ with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the banner is ( Church of Christ ) .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 50 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Robert Williams
Continental Robert Williams
Phone : (661)-771-6020
Email :
He changed his name, but the scam is still the same:
Hello Greg.
I am Glad to read back from you and i went through your website and i am Okay with the ( Dinah Elephant Single Hook /SKU: 139-410 / $32.00 each/. And i will be purchasing ( 200 ) pieces of them i want you to get back to me including freight changes from LOAD FREIGHT CO
[ ]
Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Batten & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden.
E-mail me with the total cost unite including freight charges from LOAD FREIGHT CO so i can proceed with payment . asap .
My Regards,
Mr.Thomas Batten ( Owner )
Hello Shane ,
I am Rev,Fred. I email you to know if you do sell Bottled water…… If YES i want to know if you do carry 5 gallon And the cost price for one bottle and the Grand Total Cost for 200 bottles and this order is for my partner which will like to supply for poor rural areas.. that i would like to order with the method of payment you do accept for orders..The order will be picked up from your end…. I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.
Best Regarding
Looks like Rev Fred isnt that smart considering he has used this name more than once already and when you search “rev fred walker scam” on google this website is one of the first to come up :p
Seriously, why doesnt this guy get a real job!
The first request:
You have received a quote request from the website!
Name : Mr.Thomas Batten
Email :
Phone : 206-984-1904
Company : Home
With regards to your Company.This is Mr.Thomas Batten
with Batten & Co Company Ltd and i am sending these email Regards to order some
Banners and i will need the Qty 50 with the size of 30 by 60 inches
They then notice my request form is limited to characters, so, I get a follow up with everything in it.
With regards to your Company.This is Mr.Thomas Batten
with Batten & Co Company Ltd and i am sending these email Regards to order some
Banners and i will need the Qty 50 with the size of 30 by 60 inches l
want you to Print On the Banners ( GIVE ARMS TO THE POOR ) and i want
printing to be in Blue colour and the Background Colour to be White
.I want you to go ahead and quote me the total pick up prices plus
tax without shipping so that i will go ahead and issue you with my
master card for you to run for the Total Charges ….. Looking
forward to hear back from you so that we can proceed with the Payment
and make arrangement for the Pick Up ………….
Hope to hear from you soon
Thank you
Mr.Thomas Batten
And then I follow up requesting shipping information since we do not provided pickup orders and get this:
Hello Brandee Diggs.
Thanks a lot for your concerns on this order,actually i will you to quote me not please shipping cost OK so that i can tell you what to do next ,thanks and hope to hear from you soon
Warm Regards Here
Thomas Batten
… and then another follow up from them
Please quote me Qty 50 with the size of 30 by 60 inches and also i find it heard to order on online so kindly email back with the price base the Qty 50 with the size of 30 by 60 inches so that we can proceed with my full payment right away.
Thomas Batten
Attn: Part Manager
This is Paul Morgan; I will like to know if you stock DENSO SPARK PLUG SC20HR11.
If you have it in stock or you can help to special order it, I will like to order for 200 plugs. So kindly get back to me with the total cost of the above quantity, while I will send my credit card information for the payment and send my FedEx driver for the pickup. I will be looking forward to your response.
Paul Morgan
Poor spelling, check. Free gmail account, check. Credit Card offered, check. Will send my driver, check… This has all the hallmarks of a scam email.
I received this today and from the email header the originator’s IP is located in Delhi, India.
I would like to know if you have in stock or can help us to get the description items below,
1: SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER, 20amps and above.
2: Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump (part no 95027335)
3: 180watt or 235watt solar panel.
4: DC-AC POWER INVERTER 1000watts and above and it should be in 12vdc to
Also interested in the HP OEM toners descriptions below
1: Hewlett Packard (HP) 11A OEM Laserjet: Black [HPQ6511A]
2: Hewlett Packard (HP) 43X OEM Laserjet: Black [HPC8543X]
3: Hewlett Packard (HP) 30A OEM Laserjet: Black [HPC9730A]
Please let us know the price of each item listed above. I would also like to know type of
credit card that you accepted in making payment when purchased from your company.I really appreciate your time and business.
Bob Gaskie
370 32nd Avenue,
We are requesting for a price and delivery quotation on these items below for purchasing as special order:
Solar Water Pump and Solar panel
1, Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump 2, 130watt or 180watt solar panel.
3, Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101)9300 Submersible Pump 4. Deep cycle battery 110amphr to 250amphr 12 volt 5, Solar charge controller 30amps, 45amps, 60amps 6, Solar Inverter MAGNUM 3000Watts -5000Watts
1, HP C8543X (43X) oem
2, HP Q6511A (11A) oem
3, HP C9730A (30A oem
Let have each items price above that you have in stock or you can supply us as special order.
Yours Sincerely
Purchase Manager
Justin Frost
Address: 425 Lake view Street
Griffin, GA
Has anyone reported these fraud attempts?
With all the paper products these guys are trying to order, I thought you all should know they are safety conscious and are also trying to order fire extinguishers.
Here’s their email and our response:
On 3/1/2011 6:01 PM, Glen Green wrote:
> Good Day,
> Am Glen Green and i will to order Abc Fire Extinguishers with the following specs.
> Quantity:60
> I will like you to send me an email response with the picked up price for this sizes and if you don’t have this size or type available kindly email me with the sizes you have available. Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
> Glen Green
> email;
Our prices are posted on our website
We would have to order more 5 LB ABC extinguishers to fill your order for pickup at our service center.
We would require a 60% security deposit via cash or certified check to place the order for 60 fire extinguishers.
Please provide the following information so we can further assist you.
Name of your company/business:
Physical Address (for Delivery purposes):
Mailing/Billing address:
Company Phone No.:
Company Fax No.:
Name and email address of Authorized Purchasing Person:
Thank you for your inquiry.
I usually don’t hear back from the “same” guy …
Here is a scammer email, it’s amazing that the email is similar to the 2009 scam of
From: Glen Green
Date: February 17, 2011 10:47:05 AM EST
Subject: quote me on printing
Good Day
With Regards to your Company This is Glen Green ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text sided
4. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies . I hope to hear from you
Glen Green
Hi, here’s the email I received in UK:
From: Glen Green []
Sent: 14 February 2011 02:35
Subject: quote me on printingGlen Green []
Good Day
With Regards to your Company This is Glen Green ,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text sided
4. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies . I hope to hear from you
Glen Green
Had a similar one a while ago, with a phone number… Googled that one too, so happy to avoid this BS.
Name of freight company above made me chuckle though – “McHonestShipping” – the nerve of these people!
I was wondering why this was so odd.
Hello, How are you today?I wanted to know if you have the the listed items below in stock or maybe you can help us to get them, 1: SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER, 20amps and above.2: Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump 3: 180watt or 235watt solar panel. 4: Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101)9300 Submersible Pump 5: DC-AC POWER INVERTER 1000watts and above and it should be in 12vdc to 220/230/240vac Also interested in the toners descriptions below 1: HP Q6511A (11A) OEM2: HP C8543X (43X) OEM3: HP C9730A (30A) OEM Please quote us your firm price for the following goods. I would also like to know the type of credit card that you accepted in making payment when purchasing from your company.I really appreciate your time and business. GE HARDWARE SUPPLY173 SE 100 Avenue,Ellinwood, KS , 67526, Barry.
The wording alone should be a tip off and send up all sorts of red flags
Greetings Customer Service
I’m Larry Williams with Continental Robert Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Banners.Am looking for Size 32″x 60″ with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the banner is ( Church of Christ ) .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 50 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Robert Williams
Continental Robert Williams
Phone : 862-239-8936
Bishop Carl seems to be based in Ghana (despite his Jacksonville contact line), and wants a quote on capacitors. I sent him an edited version of the Jameco catalog. Of course, I don’t have any capacitors. Capacitors are smaller than other items being asked for in this scam, so I might even send him a few bricks of styrofoam (yes, I’m willing to spend a few bucks to piss off a scammer), we’ll see where this goes.
Mugu was dumb enough to send his pitch to an abuse reporting address too.
Hello Customer,
Good day..
My name is Mr Peter Cook with the Peter & Son’s Inc And i am sending this email to your business in regards to the order for some Flyer’s and the Sizes that i am looking for are :
1. measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80# Gloss Text or 100# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Red Ink on White
5. Flat flyer’s l want you to write of the flyer’s ( HELP LET’S SAVE THE CHILDREN ) For the Artwork.
6. No Bleed
And Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies and please send me an email reply back with the Estimate price of that plus tax without shipping .Advise me the method of of payment you accept.I will be Looking forward to hear back from you so that we can proceed with the Order .
Urgently waiting to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Best Regards
I want to make a reservation in your facility for Six (6) newly ordained priests from Greece ; they will be visiting your country for a seven (7) day religious program in the month of April. 2011.
Arrival Date: 22nd April. 2011
Departure Date: 29th April. 2011
Number of guest: 6 Persons
Number of rooms: 3 Rooms
Kindly confirm availability and get back to me with the total cost to pay, so that we can pay the necessary deposit charges for the rooms to be reserved for them. Am waiting for your urgent response as soon as possible.
Send your email response only to:
Thank You.
Best Regards
Rev. Fred Walker
Mr. Thomas Batten contacted me with an enquiry about custom dice. I didn’t know then that it was a scammer, so I prompted him to take a look at my blog and inform me of whatever dice he wanted. His last email contained:
I am Glad to read back from you and i gone through your website i am Okay with the ( Metal machined dice: 36 sided dipyramid: 50€ ) And i will be purchasing ( 100 ) pieces of them i want you to get back to me including freight changes from FREIGHT WAYS SERVICES
[ ]
Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Batten & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden.
E-mail me with the total cost unite including freight charges from FREIGHT WAYS SERVICES so i can proceed with payment . asap .
My Regards,
Mr.Thomas Batten ( Owner ).
His email adress was:
That proves that at least someone is reading part of this scam emails to give a proper reply…
Besides, I’m an artisan and there is no way I would accept a 100 metal dice order…ever…
Hes a scammer
We have received different versions of this at least once a month for the past 6 months. These guys are such scammers!
Greetings Customer Service
I’m Robert Williams with Continental Robert Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Banners.Am looking for Size 32″x 60″ with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the banner is ( Church of Christ ) .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 50 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Robert Williams
Continental Robert Williams
Phone : 619-825-0021
Email :
Good day..
My name is Mr Bill Jones with the Bill Jones Inc And i am sending this email to your business in regards to the order for some Flyer’s and the Sizes that i am looking for are :
1. measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80# Gloss Text or 100# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Black Ink on White
5. Flat flyer’s l want you to write of the flyer’s ( HELP LET’S SAVE THE CHILDREN ) For the Artwork.
6. No Bleed
And Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies and please send me an email reply back with the Estimate price of that plus tax without shipping .Advise me the method of of payment you accept.I will be Looking forward to hear back from you so that we can proceed with the Order .
Urgently waiting to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Best Regards
Rev Bill Jones.
Yet another one sent :
Greetings Customer Service
I’m Robert Williams with Continental Robert Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Banners.Am looking for Size 32″x 60″ with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the banner is ( Church of Christ ) .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 50 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Robert Williams
Continental Robert Williams
Phone : 619-825-0021
Email :
I keep getting this request but the guy keeps moving.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are requesting for a price and delivery quotation on these items below for purchasing as special order:
Solar Water Pump and Solar panel
1, Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump 2, 130watt or 180watt solar panel.
3, Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101)9300 Submersible Pump 4. Lorentz pump PS600-C-SJ5-8 with PS600- Controller 5, Solar charge controller 30amps, 45amps, 60amps 6, 5000Watts solar inverter
1, HP C8543X (43X) oem
2, HP Q6511A (11A) oem
3, HP C9730A (30A oem
Let have each items price above that you have in stock or you can supply us as special order.
Yours Sincerely
Purchase Manager
Larry Thomas
Geo Tech Engineering
Address: 425 Lake view St
Griffin,GA ,30223
United State
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are requesting for a price and delivery quotation on these items below for purchasing as special order:
Solar Water Pump and Solar panel
1, Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump
2, 130watt or 180watt solar panel.
3, Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101)9300 Submersible Pump
4. Lorentz pump PS600-C-SJ5-8 with PS600- Controller
5, Solar charge controller 30amps, 45amps, 60amps
6, 5000Watts solar inverter
1, HP C8543X (43X) oem
2, HP Q6511A (11A) oem
3, HP C9730A (30A oem
Let have each items price above that you have in stock or you can supply us as special order.
Yours Sincerely
Purchase Manager
Larry Thomas
Geo Tech Engineering
Address: 425 Lake view St
Griffin,GA ,30223
United State
Looks like they’ve made their way to Canada.
We’ve been contacted numerous times for printing and banners from Rev. Fred Walker but don’t reply back with a quote. But because Sterling Marking Products (London, Ontario, Canada) has many divisions we were again contacted Just prior to Christmas – but this time it was Mr. Daniel Grace of Grace & Sons of NY looking for Branding Irons – 8 to be exact. After he was quoted, he asked the Irons to be shipped to Batten & Sons in Sweden. That’s when I researched both companies and found this site. Thank you for having these posts available. It saved us thousands of dollars.
It’s hard enough in today’s economy to make an honest dollar – without having these thieves stealing from us. We have to have each other’s back in our fight to keep our businesses going – help out a fellow business owners/associates – let them know about this fraudulent act – forward them this link – I did 🙂
Got one today to:
“From: Robert Williams []
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 4:37 AM
Subject: Order request!
Greetings Customer Service
I’m Robert Williams with Continental Robert Shop,Am sending you an email in regards to order of Banners.Am looking for Size 32″x 60” with grommet on the banner.I want this Message on the banner is ( Church of Christ ) .I would like you to go ahead and calculate the cost for 50 Qty Plus Tax excluding shipping because this would be picked up at your Location.Would these order be ready within 14 days,I need them Urgently.What type of payment do your company accept.Kindly send method Quote and call me as soon as you email me on Below Number.Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards
Company Owner
Robert Williams
Continental Robert Williams
Phone : 619-825-0021
Email :“
Fred Walker has moved into reserving accommodation – we actually don’t have any, which aroused my suspicion! This is our message. Thanks for posting this info!
I want to make a reservation in your facility for Six (6) newly ordained priests from Greece ; they will be visiting your country for a seven (7) day religious program in the month of March. 2011.
Arrival Date: 3rd March. 2011
Departure Date: 10th March. 2011
Number of guest: 6 Persons
Number of rooms: 3 Rooms
Kindly confirm availability and get back to me with the total cost to pay, so that we can pay the necessary deposit charges for the rooms to be reserved for them. Am waiting for your urgent response as soon as possible.
Send your email response only to:
Thank You.
Best Regards
Rev. Fred Walker
I’m sending you this email in regards to the pick up and delivery and that is, i once work with a freight company that will be picking up the flyers From your company and have them shipped to my new company which is located in Newzealand.These Freight company are very affordable,faster and reliable , So i will like you to contact the shippers on my behave so that you can get me the shipping estimate from them and bellow are the necessary information the freight needed to provide the freight quote.
Shipping Contact Information :
Name : Multi Shipping Logistics Co.Ltd
Contact Name : Capt McCoy
Contact Email address :
And the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
1. The full pick up location Address
2. The size and Quantity of the flyers to be picked up and shipped
3..The shipping address
And the address were i need the flyers to be shipped is below
Shipping Address :
Jack Machinery & More Co Ltd
Street Address: 21 Fyfe Ave .
City :Papatoetoe Central
State : Auckland
Zipcode : 2025
Country : Newzealand
Don’t Hesitate to contact me back with the total cost plus freight cost so that we can proceed from there .Waiting for your immediate response.
Bishop Carl Johnson ( Head Bishop )
Carl J Co Ltd
3494 Phillips Hwy,
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Contact # 770 406 3407
— On Thu, 12/23/10, Accu-Print Graphics wrote:
From: Accu-Print Graphics
Subject: Re: Enquiry
To: “Bishop Carl johnson”
Date: Thursday, December 23, 2010, 5:31 PM
Good Morning,
The price for 200,000 Flyers Printed One side Full Colour on White 80lb Gloss Text is $5825.00 plus 13% tax ( unless you are tax exempt ) This price is based on You supplying a file of high quality press ready final art.. We except Cash or Certified Cheques for first time customers and would require $4500.00 deposit and balance on delivery . We will let you know what types of files we would require if you want us to proceed with your order. Thank You for the opportunity to Quote on your printing requirements
Sincerely Yours
Steve / Gayle Avery
Accu-Print Graphics Limited
—– Original Message —–
From: Bishop Carl johnson
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:07 AM
Subject: Enquiry
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing with the following specs.
1. 0.25 – White boarder
2. 80# Gloss Text
3.One sided
4. Full Colour
5. measures 8.5′ x 11′
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
7. I want it to be flat.
God bless you
Bishop Carl Johnson ( Head Bishop )
Carl J Co Ltd
3494 Phillips Hwy,
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Contact # 770 406 3407
I want to make a reservation in your facility for Six (6) newly ordained priests from Greece ; they will be visiting your country for a seven (7) day religious program in the month of March. 2011.
Arrival Date: 22nd March. 2011
Departure Date: 29th March. 2011
Number of guest: 6 Persons
Number of rooms: 3 Rooms
Kindly confirm availability and get back to me with the total cost to pay, so that we can pay the necessary deposit charges for the rooms to be reserved for them. Am waiting for your urgent response as soon as possible.
Send your email response only to:
Thank You.
Best Regards
Rev. Fred Walker
And note that I called the guy and actually spoke to him. He said he was getting ready to fly out. Very interesting!!!
Thanks so much for your time and Understanding.Anyway am thinking on the names i will give my twins.If you have any name on your mind please give me..I need name for twins a boy and a girl.I have called my Bankers this morning and explained to them about my Transaction with your company,I would like us to go into business now and in future.Kindly calculate the total cost for my Order plus Shipping cost that affordable Shipping quoted you plus any additional charges so i can proceed to the whole payment.Once i get the whole amount my account department will then email you the Credit card for you to run the charges through.Its really nice doing business with you.
Glenn Green
Attn : Carrier Ref # : A12DAS
Serial # :GKD207 Date : 17th / December / 2010
Dear Customer Service,
Thank you for contacting Affordable Shipping Co Ltd, For all your shipping needs, For a Pick up such weight and dimension and as we check on our system the Freight cost
Hatfield Christian Church
551 Genl Louis Botha Avenue
Anchorage Alaska 99501 USA
Shipping Cost : $1,840.00
That includes international airway taxes (I.A.T), Tarries, custom’s clearance duties with 2 to 3 working days.Affordable Freight receives payment via ( Western Union , Money Gram & Bank Transfer ).Please don’t hesitate to get back to us if you need any other inquiry. We will take care of you and your Shipping till it gets to the delivery destination. We look forward to serving you to your fullest satisfaction as well in near can give us all inquiries via email since it will be convenient for our records.if you need anything don’t hesitate to contact us because we will always be at your service.and we will also handle the packaging and crating for shipment.
Affordable Freight Forwarding.
Chairman & Managing Director.
Name : Dr Steve Smith Jr.
Email ::
Business Hours
MON – FRI : 8am – 5pm
SAT : 10am – 3pm
Thank you for your Co-Operative with Affordable Freight Company……..Approved
Original message read………
“From: Geo Tech Engineering []
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 7:51 PM
To: R Orders SA
Subject: Items Needed Quote
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are requesting for a price and delivery quotation on these items below for purchasing as special order:
Solar Water Pump and Solar panel
1, Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump 2, 130watt or 180watt solar panel.
3, Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101)9300 Submersible Pump 4. Lorentz pump PS600-C-SJ5-8 with PS600- Controller 5, Solar charge controller 30amps, 45amps, 60amps 6, 5000Watts solar inverter
1, HP C8543X (43X) oem
2, HP Q6511A (11A) oem
3, HP C9730A (30A oem
Let have each items price above that you have in stock or you can supply us as special order.
Yours Sincerely
Purchase Manager
Larry Thomas
Geo Tech Engineering
1993 Ocean view Bld.
San Diego, CA, 92113
United State”
This has obvious connections with other reports in this same thread.
Initially this went through our office in Singapore, eventually ending up here in the UK. The latest e-mail on Friday 17/12/10 read……..
“From: Geotech Enginering []
Sent: 17 December 2010 14:58
To: Harry, Faye
Subject: Re: FW: Items Needed Quote
Kindly give total cost for 50pcs of Hp C9730A OEM Original including the Next Day Delivery to Address Below:
Name: Karen Johnson
Address: Wood Road, Wombourne, Near Wolverhampton
West Midlands WV59DY UK
Do you accept U.S.A Credit card as method of payment?
Subsequently we had the following exchange……
“On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Graham, Mark wrote:
Good afternoon,
The delivery address you have supplied is incomplete plus there are additional security checks being carried out on all orders for this type of product.
Can you please supply the additional information plus the registered address of the card and card details so that we may process your order?
Kind regards
Mark Graham | RS
Credit Controller – New Business
RS Components Ltd
PO Box 99
Northants NN17 9RS
Tel: +44 (0) 1536 444272
Fax: +44 (0) 1536 209414
From: Geotech Enginering []
Sent: 17 December 2010 16:57
To: Graham, Mark
Subject: Re: FW: FW: Items Needed Quote
Kindly give total cost for 50pcs of HP C9730A OEM Original and do not worry about the shipping cost we would pick up from your store when the order is ready for pick up?
Please give the total cost in USD (Dollars)
Needless to say the order was never going to go anywhere but as far as I’m concerned the more people that know about this thief and his methods the better.
here the BS i got:
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers.
These will be
printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
Hello Dave
Thank you for the total cost of Will be XXXXX will recommended you to a freight company for you to contact them for the pick up.So kindly email them with the quantity and the size as well as the pick up location so that they will be able to provide you with the accurate quote.As soon as you get the quote kindly email me the total cost for both the item and the shipping cost so that i will make full payment with my credit card to you for you to start with the order.This is thefreight company contact information
Shipping Company Name: MCHONESTSHIPPING
Contact Name: Captain Mc Coy
Delivery Address
Fred Walker Co Ltd
102 29 Stockholm ,
Fyrverkarbacken Sweden .
Email me with back with the total cost as soon as you hear back from the freight company.And the file is ready for you to start the printing.
We received the same request from Glenn Green to print 60,000 flyers. This request was quoted and some of our staff thought it was legitimate. Very scary! Fortunately we goggled the phone number and saw your site. Hope his wife has triplets! Thanks.
Thank God I read this message before I had spend more time with this moron
Here are the emails
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers.
These will be
printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
Follow up email
Hello ,
Thank you for the total cost of Will be $2,937.00.. will
recommended you to a freight company for you to contact them for the pick up.So
kindly email them with the quantity and the size as well as the pick up location so
that they will be able to provide you with the accurate quote.As soon as you get the
quote kindly email me the total cost for both the item and the shipping cost so that
i will make full payment with my credit card to you for you to start with the
order.This is thefreight company contact information
Shipping Company Name: MCHONESTSHIPPING
Contact Name: Captain Mc Coy
Delivery Address
Fred Walker Co Ltd
102 29 Stockholm ,
Fyrverkarbacken Sweden .
Email me with back with the total cost as soon as you hear back from the freight
company.And the file is ready for you to start the printing.
Be very Careful from this people
This was his response to my quote of $35,000… I just made up a number to see what the response would be…. Here it is:
Thank you for the total cost of Will be $35,000 .. will recommended you to a freight company for you to contact them for the pick up.So kindly email them with the quantity and the size as well as the pick up location so that they will be able to provide you with the accurate quote.As soon as you get the quote kindly email me the total cost for both the item and the shipping cost so that i will make full payment with my credit card to you for you to start with the order.This is thefreight company contact information
Shipping Company Name: MCHONESTSHIPPING
Contact Name: Captain Mc Coy
Delivery Address
Fred Walker Co Ltd
102 29 Stockholm ,
Fyrverkarbacken Sweden .
Email me with back with the total cost as soon as you hear back from the freight company.And the file is ready for you to start the printing.
Our response:
YOUR ORDER NUMBER : 121310-678
1. measures 8.5″ x 11″
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full copies Black Ink on White
5. Flat flyer’s l want you to write of the flyer’s ( HELP LET’S SAVE THE CHILDREN ) For the Artwork.
6. No Bleed
7. 80M copies
Custom Artwork: $129.00 USD
Printing: $111,200.00 USD
FREE Global Shipping Worldwide! Using our international network of diplomatic couriers, we can deliver your job to any corner of the globe, FREE!
TERMS: Cash in advance. Blood diamonds, heroin, child prostitutes, small arms, medium arms, heavy arms, fissile material and/or state secrets may be used in lieu of cash. Credit Card payments are charged an additional 3.25% convenience fee. Please present this at your nearest US EMBASSY with your payment. Small farm animals are NOT ACCEPTED. Certain endangered species may be considered. All sales are final. Due to recent increases in paper prices, ink and toner prices, shipping and labor charges, and excessive theft loss, we have been forced to raise our prices by 6.66% We appreciate your continued patronage. Semper Fidelis.
Psalm 24:3-5
Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior.
Here’s another one for the archives from
Good day..
My name is Mr Bill Jones with the Bill Jones Inc And i am sending this email to your business in regards to the order for some Flyer’s and the Sizes that i am looking for are :
1. measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80# Gloss Text or 100# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full copies Black Ink on White
5. Flat flyer’s l want you to write of the flyer’s ( HELP LET’S SAVE THE CHILDREN ) For the Artwork.
6. No Bleed
And Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies and please send me an email reply back with the Estimate price of that plus tax without shipping .Advise me the method of of payment you accept.I will be Looking forward to hear back from you so that we can proceed with the Order .
Urgently waiting to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Best Regards
Rev Bill Jones.
Received this today, I thought it was a little odd that it hit all 7 of my email accounts for the site…
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be
printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
from email:
We received their note today. The poor wife must be in agony. Dec 6th and still in labour
I want you to contact Affordable Shipping CO. I would like them to pick up these Order up for me.So i want you to assist by sending them the information’s that they required which is listed bellow:
1. Location or physical address where to pick up the product ( Order)
2. product Name
3. Your contact name and number
4. Shipping Address, which is Below
Hatfield Christian Church
551 Genl Louis Botha Avenue,
Waterkloof Glen,
Pretoria, Gauteng,
5. The best time for the pick up
Below is the shipping company’s You will get their email address and send them all the details as above.
Affordable Shipping CO.
Contact Name : Dr Steve Smith Jr
Email Address :
I will be waiting for your email after you contact and got respond from the
Affordable Shipping CO.I will be traveling today to FRANCE to visit my wife at the Hospital.She is at the Labor and about to delivery my first Baby so my Family doctor just advice me to rush that so i need you to do me this favor by sending the shipping company an email now.Send this info to them as soon as possible,Hope to hear from you asap.
Best Regards
James Olando
thank you we got the one from fred walker
Have received many of these, so my boss gets a kick out of sending them quotes for hundreds of thousands of dollars, to which they never question, just approve.
However, today’s response made me laugh out loud, with this paragraph at the bottom:
Below is the shipping company’s You will get their email address and send them all the details as above.
Affordable Shipping CO.
Contact Name : Dr Steve Smith Jr
Email Address :
I will be waiting for your email after you contact and got respond from the
Affordable Shipping CO.I will be traveling today to FRANCE to visit my wife at the Hospital.She is at the Labor and about to delivery my first Baby so my Family doctor just advice me to rush that so i need you to do me this favor by sending the shipping company an email now.Send this info to them as soon as possible,Hope to hear from you asap.
Best Regards
Glen Green
Here’s one of the similar scams that I receive from our website. I googled his phone number and found this site. I can usually tell that these are scams due to the poor English used:
Hello Customer Service
With many regards to your company , Am Mr Macdonald Black with Happy Home Inc and am sending you this mail regards to some WOOD DECK TRUCK i want to order from your company so please kindly get back to me with the types of WOOD DECK TRUCK you have in-stock now as well as their prices also please advise if credit card payment is acceptable.
Hope to hear from you soon
Mr Macdonald Black ( C E O )
Happy Home Inc
57 North Main St
Shavertown , PA , 18708
Contact # 610 732 3411
we got the same email from Glen Green for 60,000 copies of some flyer that needed to be urgently shippen to nigeria.
Thanks for this information! I came close to sending the items requested until I checked on line and found this site. When I asked the contact for information on planned usage of the cables, I got an email back saying he was ready to pay with his credit card and please get the order ready to go.
DETAILS: We received an RFQ for six of our customized programming cables. The request came from a Daniel Grace:
Our instructions were to contact Freight Ways Services:
“Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Batten & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden”
Thanks again for your postings! Saved me some $erious time and money!
This clown just emailed me, I told him that he should spend more time trying to make Nigeria a better place rather than trying to scam the people who live in countries that have figured out how to have a civilized society.
Can your company provide a quote on 60,000 copies of flyers. These will be printed with the following specification.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. One sided
4. Full color
and let me know if you accept credit card for this order.
Thank you
God Bless
Fred Walker.
hahahahahahahahahaha – dont fall for this!!!!!!
I recently learned of a site that describes people’s efforts to scam these scammers. Check out this site if interested. If nothing else, it’s funny. The scammers are shown to be consistently stupid and desperate.
I got this email scam this morning asking for a printing quote.
Good Day
With Regards to your Company This is Glen Green,can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text sided
4. Full color
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies. I hope to hear from you
Glen Green
I got this three times. We’re the city government, so this was a bizarre email to get. I responded to take me off the list (probably a mistake), and when I kept getting emails google searched. Glad I did. Stupid tricks never cease.
We would like to inquire if you have in stock or can help us to get the description items below,
1: SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER, 20amps and above.
2: Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump
3: 180watt or 235watt solar panel.
4: Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101)9300 Submersible Pump
5: Lorentz pump PS1200 HR-04H with Controller
6: Lorentz pump PS1800-C with Controller
Also interested in the toners descriptions below
1: HP Q6511A (11A) OEM
2: HP C8543X (43X) OEM
3: HP C9730A (30A) OEM
Please let us know the price of each item listed above. I would also like to know type of credit card that you accepted in making payment when purchasing from your company.I really appreciate your time and business.
2512 Telegraph Avenue,
Berkeley, CA, 94704
Here’s another that comes from the same Andrew guy as #58 above…
We are requesting for a price and delivery quotation on these items below for purchasing as special order:
1, HP C8543X (43X) oem
2, HP Q6511A (11A) oem
3, HP C9730A (30A oem
Let have each items price above that you have in stock or you can supply us as special order.
Yours Sincerely
Purchase Manager
Geo Tech Enginering
3221n. inyo street,
bakersfield, CA,
93305, USA
Thanks for posting this information on your website.
We have received several of this same bogus / scam RFQ (noted by others above)… I’m sure solar powered water pumps are much in demand in third world countries… This was supposedly sent by Mr. Andrew Kelly – they’re *always* from a free email account:
We would like to inquire if you have in stock or can help us to get the description items below,
1: SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER, 20amps and above.
2: Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump
3: 180watt or 235watt solar panel.
4: Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101)9300 Submersible Pump
5: Lorentz pump PS1200 HR-04H with Controller
6: Lorentz pump PS1800-C with Controller
Also interested in the toners descriptions below
1: HP Q6511A (11A) OEM
2: HP C8543X (43X) OEM
3: HP C9730A (30A) OEM
Please let us know the price of each item listed above. I would also like to know type of credit card that you accepted in making payment when purchasing from your company.I really appreciate your time and business.
2512 Telegraph Avenue,
Berkeley, CA, 94704
I am Glad to read back from you and i am Okay with the ( S45-0000 / Rev 00A U/M EA /876.650 / CLUTCH ASSEMBLY / . And i will be purchasing ( 5 ) pieces of them i want you to get back to me including freight changes from FREIGHT WAYS SERVICES
[ ]
Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Batten & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden
E-mail me with the total cost unite including freight charges from FREIGHT WAYS SERVICES so i can proceed with payment . asap .
My Regards,
Mr.Grace ( Owner ).
Hello Jesse,
I will need this to be shipped to Australia but i will handle the freight charges.Please i will like you to do me this favor by contacting a freight company so you can get me the freight charges so we can proceed from there.Please can i email you back with the freight company contact so you can contact and get the freight costs and get back at me so we can proceed.Please let me know if i can forward the contact details and delivering address ,i will forward or call you for my credit card for you to ran the full charges.I hope to hear from you very soon.
Shipping company:
Dolphin Anchor Line
Hello Rebeca,
Thank you for contacting Dolphin Anchor Line, for your shipping needs.We checked on shipping products with 1500 LB… Picking it up at your location to Iceland,And its going to cost $2,840.00..That includes international Air taxes ( I.A.T), Tariffs and custom’s clearance duties. It takes approximately 5-7 days for delivery from the day of pick-up.
Pick up address below:
Delivery Address:
Barry and sons Co. Ltd.
Engjateigur 11
ls-105 Reykjavik
Company Policy : Payment made at Pick-up location only.
All fund must be paid Via Wire Transfer..
Thank you for choosing Dolphin Anchor Line for your shipping needs..
Thanks in Advance
Captain Manfred Anderson
Int. Shipping Depart
Dolphin Anchor Line
Original Message —–
From: Don Cappochino
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2010 10:02 AM
Subject: Special Printing Quote Request
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 250,000 copies of the flier
printing with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Thank you for choosing Donewell Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC , for your
shipping needs.
We checked on shipping for printed material with the Aprox 7000 Lb. 4.5 skids.
Picking it up at your location to Newzealand,And its going to cost $ 7,450.92
USD That includes international airway taxes ( I.A.T), Tarrifs and custom’s
clearance duties. It takes approximately 5-7 days for delivery from the day of
Pick-Up Location :
International Horticultural Technologies
2410 Airline Hwy
Hollister, CA 95023
Tel: 831-637-1800 831-637-1800
Delivery Address:
Jack Machinery & More Co Ltd
Street Address: 21 Fyfe Ave .
City :Papatoetoe Central
State : Auckland
Zipcode : 2025
Country : Newzealand
Payment policy : Payment has to be made from the pick-up location only.
Thank you for choosing Donewell Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC for your
shipping needs..
Thanks in Advance
Capt Anderson –
Int. Shipping Depart
Donewell Travel & Shipping Agencies
Allan Long ( ) contacted me looking for a quote for 20,000 flyers half sheet flyers and 30 6 x 10 banners.
The wording would be, “God Help Us”.
I knew something wasn’t right immediately.
I gave him a quote. He immediately accepted and gave me information for two credit cards to bill it to.
I talked it over and knew not to go further without more information from this guy. That’s when my wonderful husband investigated this more for me and found your GREAT blog. Thank you!
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 250,000 copies of the flier
printing with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
—–Original Message—–
From: Steven Douglas []
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:20 AM
Subject: Quote inquiry
Good Day,
We would like to inquire if you have in stock or can help us to get following items below.
1.APC Smart-UPS RT 10kVA Scalable to 10kVA
2.New or Refurbished HP Pavilion Dv7-3180US Laptop computer 17.3″
3.Sony Bravia 40Inches to 56 Inches LCD HDTV
Please advise your unit pricing as we would be buying upto 2 units of this materials from you. And also let us know your mode of payment you welcome for payment.
Thanks for your anticipated business relationship and co-operation.
Steven Douglas
960 East 3rd Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90013
First message (altered):
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Nex message:
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Asked them to call and got a response:
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
The next message was:
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
After the quote was sent we got the following message (sent 07-22-2010):
I’m sending you this email in regards to the pick up and delivery and that is, i once work with a freight company that will be picking up the flyers From your company and have them shipped to my new company which is located in Thailand .These Freight company are very affordable,faster and reliable and bellow are the necessary information the freight needed to provide the freight quote.
Name : Princess Cruises Shipping Co Ltd
Contact Name : Capt Anderson
Contact Email address :
And the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
1. The full pick up location Address
2. The size and Quantity of the flyers to be picked up and shipped
3..The shipping address
And the address were i need the flyers to be shipped is below
Shipping Address :
Jack Machinery & More Co Ltd
Street Address: 87 Soi Navin , Chua Phloeng Rd. ,
City :Chongnonsi,
State : Yannawa Bangkok
Zipcode : 10120
Country : Thailand
Don’t Hesitate to contact me back with the total cost plus freight cost so that we can proceed from there .Waiting for your immediate response..
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
And yet another possible scam email received 7/21/2010
To the Owner,
How are you doing Sir/Madam? My name is Reverend Ricky Smith.i want to order banners and look through your web site and i will like to order some of your banners.i will like you to email me with the total quote for the size below.
200 pieces 36″x60″ (in Sq Ft,i want 2250 Sq Ft)
with grommets(metal holes)
Pray Without Ceasing And Worship The Lord Your God In A True Way…..
white with black text
1 side print
i am waiting for the quote without shipping cost.
.Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Good Richly Bless You,
Rev Ricky.
Email Address:
This is the same one that others have already received and posted…still going around.
— On Wed, 7/21/10, Don Cappochino wrote:
From: Don Cappochino
Subject: Printing Project
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 3:32 AM
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include
shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
From: Don Cappochino []
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 5:56 AM
Subject: Printing Project
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
This moron can’t spell “border”! What are the odds of an illiterate “Bishop”? Maybe he’s referring to some white guy who rents a room from him. And one who orders printing himself? Don’t they usually have minions or flunkies do that for them? Go figure!
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include
shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
This just appeared this morning in our email
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include
shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Glad you have this information. I could have been totally scammed but it did sound too good to be true. No one would order 500 Chicken Stencils without asking for Wholesale pricing!!!
rom: john smith
Subject: Urgent ..Contact Shipping
Date: Friday, June 18, 2010, 7:38 AM
Hello Julie ,
I am Glad to read back from you and i am Okay with the ( 5. Chicken (3 1/2″ x 2 1/4″)$7.90 ) And i will be purchasing ( 500 ) pieces of them i want you to get back to me including freight changes from FREIGHT WAYS SHIPPING SERVICES
[ ]
Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Batten & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden
E-mail me with the total cost unite including freight charges from
FREIGHT WAYS SHIPPING SERVICES so i can proceed with payment . asap .
My Regards,
I got this either, thanks for the mail.
I’m sending you this email in regards to the pick up and delivery and that is, i once work with a freight company that will be picking up the Flyers From your company and have them shipped to my new company which is located in Thailand .These Freight company are very affordable,faster and reliable and bellow are the necessary information the freight needed to provide the freight quote.
Name : Intercontinental Shipping Co Ltd
Contact Name : Capt Morgan
Contact Email address :
And the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
1. The full pick up location Address
2. The size and Quantity of the Flyers to be picked up and shipped
3..The shipping address
And the address were i need the Flyers to be shipped is below
Shipping Address :
Jack Machinery & More Co Ltd
Street Address: 87 Soi Navin , Chua Phloeng Rd. ,
City :Chongnonsi,
State : Yannawa Bangkok
Zipcode : 10120
Country : Thailand
Don’t Hesitate to contact me back with the total cost plus freight cost so that we can proceed from there .Waiting for your immediate response.
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
— On Tue, 6/8/10, Hunter Gu wrote:
From: Hunter Gu
Subject: Re: Printing Project
To: “Hunter” , “Don Cappochino” ,
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 2:02 AM
Any comments of our quotation?
Hope can get the reply from you, thanks!
Hunter Gu
Tel:0086-755-2216-3872 or 8175-2320
From: Hunter
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 9:12 PM
To: Don Cappochino ;
Subject: Re: Printing Project
Here is our quotation based on your specs.
2000 UK Dollars.
Payment terms: T/T 100% advance
From: Don Cappochino
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 8:02 AM
Subject: Printing Project
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Here is a scam also noted by #34 Harriet Orr on June 3rd…we rec the same thing today. See below:
From: Bob gaskie []
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 11:46 AM
To: Internet_Sales
Subject: Quote Request
Good day,
We would like to inquire if you have in stock or can help us to get the description items below,
1. DC-AC POWER INVERTER, (pure sine wave) inverter/charger 2000watts and above and it should be in 12vdc to 220/230/240vac.
2. SOLAR PANEL, 120watts and above.
3. SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER, 20amps and above.
Also,interested in purchasing these listed submersible well pump below,
1. Grundfos SQ Flex Solar Submersible Well Pumps MODEL#: 3 SQF-3
2. Grundfos SQ Flex Solar Submersible Well Pumps MODEL#: 3 SQF-2
3. Grundfos SQ Flex Solar Submersible Well Pumps MODEL#: 6 SQF-2
4. Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump
5. Shurflo Pumps ( Model 9325-043-101 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 9325-043-101 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 9325-043-101 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 9325-043-101 end_of_the_skype_highlighting)9300 Submersible Pump
6. Lorentz pump PS1200 HR-04H with Controller
7. Lorentz pump PS1800-C with Controller
Please advise your unit pricing as we would be buying up to like 5 to 10 units of the aforesaid items at a time on one transaction for our upcoming project.
Also let us know the type of credit or debit cards which you accepted in making payment when purchasing from your company as to get prepared for the payment as soon as we receive the quotation from you.
Thanks so much for your anticipated business relationship and cooperation. We would be waiting to hear from you.
173 SE 100 Avenue,
Ellinwood, KS, 67526,
Best Regard,
Bob Gaskie.
I was unable to find any background info on the company below until I decided to search for the requestor’s email ( and that’s how I found this site.
Thank you Kristy Derosiers for taking the time to document your experience. You definitely saved us the time and effort to continue pursuing this account. More importantly, you may have saved us from a fraudulent transaction.
” I am Glad to read back from you and i am Okay with the ( SoundAway Barrier MLV 2#, 1/4″ x 4.5′ x 15′ roll @ $151.20 per roll ) And i will be purchasing ( 45 ) pieces of them i want you to get back to me including freight changes from FREIGHT WAYS SHIPPING SERVICES
[ ]
Please contact them via email address with the information below.
1. The pick-up address
2. The delivery address
3. The total weight on this shipment
Delivery Address:
Batten & Sons Co,Ltd
Avestagatan 33 S-163 53
Spanga Sweden
E-mail me with the total cost unite including freight charges from
FREIGHT WAYS SHIPPING SERVICES so i can proceed with payment . asap .
My Regards,
Starred from Helen Davis
to ABI Staff
date Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 9:48 AM
subject Re: Banners Order
Thank for emailing me back with this Information.I will need 30 of them so i want you to go ahead and email me back with the total cost of it also the type of Payment you will Accept in this Order and the days you get them ready for pick up.I want this on the banners:
DATE :20TH JUNE,2010
TIME : 1:00 PM
The color is Red lettering on White background.I will pick it up at your store when is ready for Shipping.Hope to hear from you soon,
Thank You
we received the same email today from Don & Sons Co.
I was leary and decided to check the internet for the company background
I discovered your website, thanks for the warning
Wow, just got an email today from your friend Don cappochino. same specifications. Boy this frosts me,this the third time I have gotten this type of email.
Other names to watch out for
Rev Pitt Brad ( it surprised me some one would try this one.)
Rev. Kay mary
Rev. Rick Catrett
And to top it off, I called the Rev Rick Catratt and his story was convincing. Almost bought, until i searched the web and got another web site that spelled out the scamm. Keep up the good work.
I receive at least one e-mail request per day wanting products that we do not even sell, but wanting to know if we take credit cards. See below:
Good day,
We would like to inquire if you have in stock or can help us to get the
description items below,
1. DC-AC POWER INVERTER, (pure sine wave) inverter/charger 2000watts and
above and it should be in 12vdc to 220/230/240vac.
2. SOLAR PANEL, 50watts and above.
3. SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER, 20amps and above.
Also,interested in purchasing these listed submersible well pump below,
4. Grundfos SQ Flex Solar Submersible Well Pumps MODEL#: 3 SQF-3
5. Grundfos SQ Flex 11 SQF -2 Submersible pump
6. Grundfos SQ Flex Solar Submersible Well Pumps MODEL#: 6 SQF-2
7. Shurflo Submersible Pump (Model 9325-043-101) 9300 Submersible Pump.
8. Lorentz pump PS1200 HR-04H with Controller.
9. Lorentz pump PS1800-C with Controller
Please advise your unit pricing as we would be buying up to like 5 to 10
units of the aforesaid items at a time on one transaction for our upcoming
Also let us know the type of credit or debit cards which you accepted in
making payment when purchasing from your company as to get prepared for the
payment as soon as
we receive the quotation from you.
Moreso, we would also like to make an inquiry over the HP toner cartridges
ink with the specification below,
10. HP CC364A (OEM ONLY)
11. HP Q6000A (OEM ONLY)
do let us know if you can get any of it for us as well then i will let you
know how we are going to proceed.
Thanks so much for your anticipated business relationship and cooperation.
We would be waiting to hear from you.
The English usage is not correct and is often unclear.
173 SE 100 Avenue,
Ellinwood, KS, 67526,
Best Regard,
Bob Gaskie
Here is another one we received today. We also received one last year from Glenn Green, what a guy he is….
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Here’s my version:
From: Helen Davis
Date: May 5, 2010 10:01:16 AM CDT
Subject: Flyers Order
Hello ,
I will like to order some fliers and the types are as below:
This is the specification on the fliers
1.. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text or
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
Please provide a quote on 50,000 copies.Please send me the total cost plus tax for the above material.What type of payment do u accept.Please include your address and phone number.
Thank you and you have a great day
Thank you for the email.I want this on the fliers also:
DATE :15TH MAY,2010
TIME : 9:00 AM
It will be picked up when ready.Email me with the total cost plus tax and your method of payment so we can proceed.Hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards,
I did get the same letter from this company.
Printing Project
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Yup – got one of those as well today!
Also, watch out for Joe Jones who’s into the same type of scam:
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Hello Sales,
My Name is Joe,and i will like to make an urgently Order of T-Shirts and below is the Type of T-Shirts that i will like to Order… – Adult Medium T-shirt 5.3 oz White color which i will need 3000 pieces of those t shirts.Can you Kindly go ahead and quote me the total price of the 3000 pieces plus tax and i would send for a pick up after payment.Also tell me what form of payment do you accept.Let me know immediately if you can get them for me ….I sincerely solicit your quick response in this regard.Thanks and Stay Bless.
Joe Jones
Here’s the scam email we received today, similar to what’s shown above, but with complete contact info to appear legitimate:
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
The scam message is below. I actually wasted my time getting the pricing together but sensed something was off when they gave no detail before accepting. After I figured it out I then left some VERY unprofessional choice words in a email to him. What a loser this idiot is.
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
I’m sending you this email in regards to the pick up and delivery and that is, i once work with a freight company that will be picking up the Flyers From your company and have them shipped to my new company which is located in Thailand .These Freight company are very affordable,faster and reliable and bellow are the necessary information the freight needed to provide the freight quote.
Name : World Class Shipping Company Limited
Contact Name : Capt Jeff
Contact Email address :
And the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
1. The full pick up location Address
2. The size and Quantity of the Flyers to be picked up and shipped
3..The shipping address
And the address were i need the Flyers to be shipped is below
Shipping Address :
Jack Machinery & More Co Ltd
Street Address: 87 Soi Navin , Chua Phloeng Rd.,
City :Chongnonsi,
State : Yannawa Bangkok
Zipcode : 10120
Country : Thailand
Don’t Hesitate to contact me back with the total cost plus freight cost so that we can proceed from there .Waiting for your immediate response.
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Sender: Don Cappochino
Email Address:
Comment: Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flier printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Dear Sir /Madam,
Am Mark smith i send this enquiry in regards to order some ( Mailing Tubes ).i will like you to email me back with the price on this Mailing Tubes: ,and the type of payment you do accept on this order,Awaiting for your sooner reply.
E-mail Signature
Mr.Mark smith( Owner )
The needs of thier parish are increasing. Bishop Don sent me an RFQ for 200,000 flyers.
I’m pretty sure I’ll win this bid, so take that you distrustful paranoids!
How could God let a holy man be involved in such a scam?
Shame on you for not trusting Bishop Don! (keep him away from the altar boys, though)
request follows:
Name: Don Cappochino
Company: Don & Son Co Ltd
Phone: 6107323411
Alternate Contact:
FormSubject: Quote request from your web site
submit: Submit Form
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 200,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Check it out…. (Head Bishop) lol !!!!
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Here is the same scam from a Don Cappochino The address given is another business that has never heard of him. He wants to ship to a company in Bangkok that is an apartment building. The shipper has a Hotmail address.
What authorities should be contacted for these types of scams?
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Name : World Class Shipping Company Limited
Contact Name : Capt Jeff
Contact Email address :
And the information that the shipping company will request in order to provide you with the shipping charges is
1. The full pick up location Address
2. The size and Quantity of the Flyers to be picked up and shipped
3..The shipping address
And the address were i need the Flyers to be shipped is below
Shipping Address :
Jack Machinery & More Co Ltd
Street Address: 87 Soi Navin , Chua Phloeng Rd.,
City :Chongnonsi,
State : Yannawa Bangkok
Zipcode : 10120
Country : Thailand
Don’t Hesitate to contact me back with the total cost plus freight cost so that we can proceed from there .Waiting for your immediate response.
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
Small world, Bishop Don asked us to quote the same thing!!!!
From: Don Cappochino
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:17 PM
Subject: Printing Quote Request
Don Cappochino
Don & Son Co Ltd
1407 Bentley Drive
Warrington, PA 18976
Email :
Contact # 610 732 3411
And yet another:
Good Day,
Please can you please provide quote on 60,000 copies of the flyer printing
with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
5.Full color
6. what method of payment do you accept , Also the quote must not include shipping because they will be picked-up.
God bless you,
Don Cappochino (Head Bishop).
Looks like they are expanding, I sell Hay Feeders for alpacas!! Here’s his response, headers follow:
Hello Mark,
Thank you very much for your reply and i will like you to know that i am interested to purchase 60 of the Custom wooden hay bunk(36” x 24” ) .So i would first like us to proceed with the pick up arrangement with a local shipping agency here In U.S.A .I will like you to contact Mr.Larry Williams Via with the Total Weight , Size , Dimension and As well as the pick up location of the 60 of the Custom wooden hay bunk(36” x 24” ) to be Delivered Below ,
Tegeluddsvagen 5,
Stockholm Sweden ,
SE-11 579.
Ask them the shipping cost and get back to me with the estimated cost of the 60 of the Custom wooden hay bunk(36” x 24” ) and the shipping cost for me to proceed and issue you my credit card information for you to run and charge the required amount for both payment and as well alert the shipper’s your ready pick up date and time . .
Thanks and awaiting response real soon.
Hearty Wayne.
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Here’s another one just received today:
Good Day
Am James Olando and Can you please quote me on printing 80,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3.Two sided
4.Full color
Please provide quote on 80,000 copies. And i have attached a copy of the art work of the flyer.Also i will like to know the form of payment that you accept. I hope to hear from you
Thank You,
James Olando
I’ve been messing with this person fully aware of the scam… hehehe The quote I send over was 597% mark up
Are you related to Rev. James Mallons, Rev.John Smith, Larry Williams or Mr.Glen Green by chance? The reason the price is so high is explained in the following link; please take a look & let me know what you think. Go all the way to the bottom of the page & read the last post; I think it will help you understand.
Thank You,
Sales Department
On 3/24/10 3:38 AM, “Helen Davis” wrote:
The price is too much WHY? CHECK IT AGAIN.It is one side.Let me know
— On Tue, 3/23/10, Online Sales wrote:
From: Online Sales
Subject: Re: Flyers Order
To: “Helen Davis”
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 6:32 PM
Re: Flyers Order Helen-
Here is the quote for the flyers; due to rising paper cost of specifically 80# text weight paper the quote may be slightly higher than you would usually see. Please review & let us me know how we look.
Thanks You,
Sales Department
On 3/23/10 12:56 PM, “Helen Davis” wrote:
Thank you for the email.I want this on the fliers also:
TIME : 9:00 AM
It will be picked up when ready.Email me with the total cost plus tax and your method of payment so we can proceed.Hope to hear from you soon.
Best Regards,
— On Tue, 3/23/10, Online Sales wrote:
From: Online Sales >
Subject: Re: Flyers Order
To: “Helen Davis”
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 5:46 PM
Re: Flyers Order Helen-
Thank you for your address; do you have a phone number I can reach you by? Also please send over a copy of the file we are to print as we would like to review the ink coverage for our pricing.
Thank You,
Sales Department
On 3/23/10 12:40 PM, “Helen Davis” wrote:
Below is my address:
Helen Davis
3635 Mapleleaf Dr
I am not a company but an individual.Let me know so i can provide you with my pdf.file.
— On Tue, 3/23/10, Online Sales wrote:
From: Online Sales
Subject: Re: Flyers Order
To: “Helen Davis”
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 3:28 PM
Re: Flyers Order Helen-
In order to process your quote request please provide us with the company name & contact information for our system.
Thank You,
Sales Department
On 3/23/10 5:16 AM, “Helen Davis” wrote:
Hello ,
I will like to order some fliers and the types are as below:
This is the specification on the fliers
1.. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text or
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
Please provide a quote on 50,000 copies.Please send me the total cost plus tax for the above material.What type of payment do u accept.Please include your address and phone number.
Thank you and you have a great day
I just got an email and it read
Hello..Greetings.. How are you doing hope almighty is in Control..well am the Manager Of True Value Hardware Company, we are dealers in Miter saws, Chain saws and other power tools,Well The reason why I am emailing you is that i had an up coming Occasion celebration for my Mom,who will be 70yrs old This year and As the first Born of her children,It is my duty and my right to make the celebration a very Good one and I will be expecting some people there and for me what i will like to do for them to make them feel very happy is that to buy some Avon products and share it to the people which will be coming to the celebration, So i will like to Place an Order of the following products that i have been recommended to ;
Domain? Cologne Spray,2.5 fl. oz. 50bottles
Tribute? for Men Spray Cologne,3.1 fl. oz.50bottles
Try and get me the total cost of this bottles and when you will be placing and receiving them,But first of all I will like you to order them for me as your own special order because i am on a trip now and i will like you to order them to your house and when it is ready i will recommend you to a company called easywayshipping company that will pick them up.I will be doing the payment with my credit card You just let me know from you if you accept credit card as payment and the total cost and when you will be placing and Receiving the order.. Bye and Hope to hear from you soon……be careful and take care of Your Self till i hear from you much Smiles.And i will like you to email me at
Phil Caesar
Well am glad to see your reply, attached is the file for printing let me know how soon can it be ready for pick-up at your location so that i can proceed?Thanks and hope to read from you soon
Best Regards
Mr.Glen Green
Good Day
Can you please quote me on printing 60,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text
3. Full color
4.One side
Please provide quote on 60,000 copies. And i have attached a copy of the art work of the flyer ,Kindly respond to me as soon as possible for us to proceed further with the order.
Thank You.
Dave Weliam
Good Day
I am Glen Green and Can you please quote me on printing 70,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
(a )measures 8.5′ x 11′
(b )80# Gloss Text
(c)Full color
(d)One sided
Please provide quote on 70,000 copies. And i have attached a copy of the art work of the flyer.Also i will like to know the form of payment that you accept. I hope to hear from you
Thank You,
Best Regards
Mr.Glen Green
The Sales Manager ..
I have received many of these over the past two years or so. This is the latest version received just today 1-26-10, including path.
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-5
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1264534030; bh=i6ExynzLeG2mdOcQPw9oDeYYsqGud0G/qQqxAUBanfI=; h=Message-ID:X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:Date:From:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=OPVyhFDC6aTI/o93drDR2tovrxAJPWbYQi57aAkWeJMwtMC4sv7MTScDbKV1N2ZQUbI3sXF8wPav9AQF09WZXOhNcl/CcGMoDQJGCR449d5UPuQozcN955akVC0Vn6r/9IwLayXROfej9yWeNVpVMScQN+mgXkevVGAw17z9bjE=
DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
X-YMail-OSG: Un0NmiMVM1m8Yp44t8Q8HsnyR4JRwrN1uaPm0hPa4mcaD46pehvgHh3qBEFtNk.ZybTv2nXD40_9e3WuWpxUHddt0iY61kWNtaD6WZGYjPI1C6pobtqYv5vq9vatXvHif1U2wE5yFFgL0vcN3Vuj0Cx5xIqpcUS_LsThNWwwPPlEGM3DpKDurJKXQLK_MUeBC5ZLf968u_vr4sj2MQm3Izv8YdsoTyLQbByPTBzS1ZQOrH6k09cBDhgfT678HbM6UyeRKQnz9sCWfXsNKdluS4h5rzc.eGMMPUMHUOUNR_u4npeccfpD5wtYlzXNwA8UfTW033TCYuSkydGpvnaTQrzZfPZ7LTv6X05oj37WtrxY4bKNCfING4lkTN6jJiTKDO8JQv0-
X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/9.1.10 YahooMailWebService/
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:27:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Glen Green
Subject: printing 70,000 copies of Flyers
X-Spam: [F=0.0641282202; B=0.500(0); CM=0.500; MH=0.500(2010012631); R=0.215(11002682614); S=0.200(2010011101); SC=none]
X-AnalysisOut: [v=1.0 c=1 a=NBJtxi+q1GzJpOgBvds5qw==:17 a=CjxXgO3LAAAA:8 a]
X-AnalysisOut: [=4SPlNjtqQ4d_dscovccA:9 a=lVrxzF3pzroxcGZkwpUqfFT8FgIA:4 a]
X-AnalysisOut: [=rC2wZJ5BpNYA:10 a=smQ1aV7tSsS6Aq7CgksA:9 a=TG7cG740ess48U]
X-AnalysisOut: [fi2awA:7 a=Y9A_pMxA_kCSmEn6Q9iyMSWycZ0A:4]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Jan 2010 19:27:12.0473 (UTC) FILETIME=[8F5D1490:01CA9EBD]
Good Day
I am Glen Green and Can you please quote me on printing 70,000 copies of Flyers with the following specs.
(a )measures 8.5′ x 11′
(b )80# Gloss Text
(c)Full color
(d)One sided
Please provide quote on 70,000 copies. And i have attached a copy of the art work of the flyer.Also i will like to know the form of payment that you accept. I hope to hear from you
Thank You,
Best Regards
Mr.Glen Green
I really enjoyed reading this post, keep on posting such interesting stuff!!
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Easy way Shipping Co, for your shipping needs.
We checked on shipping the 1 EACH FLAIL MOWER, Dims: 8′ long, 48″ wide, 44 “high, .Total weight of # 430 POUNDS (pounds). Picking it up at your location to Sweden, And its going to cost $1,850.00 USD . That includes International Airway Taxes ( I.A.T), Tariffs , custom's clearance duties.. It takes approximately 5 to 7 days for delivery from the day of pick-up.
Pick up From:
Ship to:
Tegeluddsvagen 5,
Stockholm Sweden
Company Policy : We only accept our payment from the pick-up location.
All fund must be paid Via Wire Transfer.
Thank you once again for choosing Easy Way Shipping Company for your shipping needs.
Thanks in Advance
Managing Director
Larry Williams-
Int. Shipping Depart
Easy Way Shipping Company
—–Original Message—–
Sent: Mon, Dec 28, 2009 11:07 am
Subject: Fw: Contact shipping
—– Original Message —–
From: Raymond Furgison
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 10:03 AM
Subject: Contact shipping
Hello ,
Thank you very much for your responds, I will like you to know that i am so much interested to purchase this unit SLE120 model 48″ .
I Would Provide You with My Credit Card Information for the Payment of the SLE120 model 48″ + Shipping Cost But I First would Like Us to Proceed to Pick Up Arrangement with a Local Shipping Agency Here In U.s.a Contact Mr.Larry Williams Via or with the Total Weight , Size , Dimension and As well as the Pick Up Location of the trailer to be Delivered Below ,
Tegeluddsvagen 5,
Stockholm Sweden ,
SE-11 579.
Ask them the Shipping Cost and Get Back to me with the Estimated Cost of the trailer for me to Proceed and Issue You My Credit Card Information for You to Run and Charge The Required Amount for Both Payment and As well alert the Shipper’s Your Ready Pick Up Day and Time . .Thanks and Awaiting Response Real Soon .
Best regards,
Raymond Furgison.
Thanks for the mail.I want to confirm that i will be proceeding with the order.I will like to have the order pick up and shipped to Sweden.So i will need you to contact this freight liner and request from them the cost for shipping the units to the address that i will be providing below:
Delivery Address:
Mallon’s Equip & Const. LTD
102 Tegeluddsvagen 5. ST,
Sweden SE-11579
And the address of the freight company is below
Trans Atlantic Shipping Company(
Provide them with the Pick Up Address, Delivery Address and also the weight and size of the product to be pick up and get back to me with the total cost for the Units and the Shipping so that i can proceed and make the final payment for the order righr away.
Rev James Mallons
Best Regards
Good Day.
I will like to make a Purchase for the below and i will need to know the cost for that.
Hoses & Accessories
What forms of payment that you do accept for the Purchase.
Rev James Mallons
Thanks and Best Regards
I received one of these a couple of days ago and almost when through the entire process until I found your website. Here is the email I received.
Good Day.
My name is Rev James Mallons and i want to make an order and below is what i am looking for and i want to know if you do have that instock. Let me know if you have the product below and also let me know the cost for that.
I will be waiting to hear from you soon with a reply to my request above.
Thanks and Best Regards
Rev James Mallons
Looks like I almost got scammed by the same person.
This is the email I received:
From: john smith []
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 11:11 AM
Subject: Printing Project…..
Dear Sir/Madam,
Good Day,Am Rev.John Smith and Am interested in some flyer and below
is the size of im interested in : Job Type: Flyer
Quantity: 90,000 Qty flyers
Ink Color: Red White (Pantone Matching System 185)
Paper: 20# Bond White and white as the background
Finish Size: 8.5″ x 11″
Textword : ” Attach is the art-work for the project ” = Should be
printed one side on each Flyer I will be picking it up at your shop as soon
as it’s ready and i will be very glad if you get back to me with the total
cost for the 90,000 Qty and the major CreditCard you accept so that we can
proceed with the order.
Kind Regards.
God bless you.
Rev.John Smith.
Thanks for the info, I got one of these today. Guess you can’t be too careful these days.
I only wanted to tell you thanks for all the great info on your blog, it even helped me with my job recently 🙂 keep it up!
Scammers email address:
Scammers message:
I will like to order some fliers and the types are as below: This is the specification on the fliers
1.. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text or
3. 0.25 – White boarder
4. One sided
Please provide a quote on 50,000 copies. Please send me the total cost plus tax for the above material. What type of payment do u accept. Please include your address and phone number.
Thank you and you have a great day
Good Morning.
This is Rev James Mallons and i am with Mallons Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 70,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 70,000 copies flyers
Rev. James Mallons
Mallons Inc
Best Regards.
just arrived today:
From: Mr Tyson Dearborn []
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 1:05 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Quotation
To whom it may concern –
I will like you to get me a quote on Flyer printing with the following specs.
A. Quantity : 70,000 Copies .
B. 80# Gloss Text.
C. 0.25 – White boarder.
D. Full Colour.
E. One sided.
F. measures 8.5′ x 11′.
G. I want it to be flat.
H. Lead Time for printing : Express ( 5-7 Working Days ) .
I. Method of payment : Credit Card Payment.
j. Quotation must not include shipping because it will be picked-up from your location .
I will be providing a the file for printing in PDF format as soon as i get the quotation.
FYI – this is still happening.
I looked online and the Federal Trade Commission website said to report it by forwarding the email to to
Email received from: Jesse Andrews
Email contents:
Good Morning.
This is Jesse Andrews and i am with Jay&Co Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 70,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 70,000 copies flyers
5. It Should be Flat
Jesse Andrews
Jay & Co
Best Regards.
From: Michael Little
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2017 19:52:22 +0000
Subject: Labels Quote
To whom it may concern:
I will like to introduce myself,first of all my name
is Michael Little & am emailing you in reference to my need of wanting some
labels printed. I have all the details needed on my side to print the
labels for me,however please find below the details i need printed on the
Word Indication : Writing should be in the middle of gloss paper.
Print Size : 1.375=E2=80=9D x 4.25=E2=80=9D with Square Corners
Material : White Gloss Paper
Font style: Bold Italic
Print Size : 18
Ink Color: BLUE( Reflex Blue)
Finish : Laminate vinyl adhesive
Label Qty : 90,000 Copies
Number Per Roll : 1,000 Per roll
I want you to also know that the labels don’t need any polished edges and i
don’t have a copy of the artwork for now so i would be very grateful if you
could prepare one for me via PDF and email it back to me. In the
meantime,please kindly respond back to me with the cost of printing the
labels including tax and freight to your location. You have my full concern
on this matter and please feel free to reach me at my number 352-251-2835
anytime and if am unreachable please leave me a message and contact info to
call you back. I will also like to ask if there is a charge for accepting
master or visa card payment.
Best Regards,
Michael Little
Email :
7020 Lake Shore Dr
Gainesville, FL 32641
I found this site by googling the email address given by “Michael Little”. He must be branching out because I received an email from him asking to buy catering equipment. He also seems to have moved from Florida to Northern California. LOL
Here’s his email
Hello Shop Keeper
Michael Little is my name and am emailing to inquire about an order of some catering equipment and i want to know if you do have them or if you can special order them for me,below are the items i want to order from you. I will like to order some prep tables and below are the models i want.
Servware Refrigeration
*47.4″ X 32.3″ X 41.3″ Pizza Prep Unit With 6 Pans
*94.2″ X 32.3″ X 41.3″ Pizza Prep Unit
Atosa Refrigeration
*67″ Pizza Prep Unit
*93″ Pizza Prep Unit
Migali Refrigeration G603
*44″ X 32″ X 42″ Pizza Prep Unit Holds 6 pans
*93″ X 33″ X 42″ Pizza Prep Unit
Please email me back with the prices on them and once i hear back from you with the prices,then i will let you know on the quantities i need. However if you don’t have this types, i recommend that you email me back with some prices on the other types which are much similar. Feel free to reach me at (530) 429.7605 so we can talk. And do you accept master and visa card payment? I hope to hear from you soon.
Warm Regards….
Michael Little
Email –
Yes, I received the same email yesterday!
I got same exact email from the same guy requesting catering equipment. went along with it and he wanted me to ship it to brazil
I received the same email 8/16/17
Received today, July 20, 2020. Still going strong!
To whom it may concern,
I noticed your company is into production of printing.
I am interested in ordering some labels from your company and below you will find the descriptions for my order.
Printing Word: GOOD IS COMING
Word Indication : Message should be in the middle.
Print Size : 1.375” x 4.25” with Square Corners
Material : White Gloss Paper
Font style: Regular
Print Size : 18
Ink Color: BLUE
Finish : Need a finish for all weather conditions.
Label Qty : 140,000 Copies
Number Per Roll : 500 to 1,000
It is important I know the lead time for this production, so kindly state that in your revert.Also the labels will be hand applied.
Would also require that you put together the total cost with HST and email me an invoice for my approval.
You can reach me at 416.619.5493 with any further questions you have or you can text me as well.
Best Regards,
Michael Little
Email :
Your man has moved to North York, ON Canada now!
Came in yesterday:
To whom it may concern,
I noticed your company is into production of printing. This is a personal order I am placing with you.
I am interested in ordering some labels from your company and below you will find the descriptions for my order.
Printing Word: GOOD IS COMING
Word Indication : Message should be in the middle.
Print Size : 1.375” x 4.25” with Square Corners
Material : Polypropylene Film
Font style: Regular
Print Size : 18
Ink Color: BLUE
Finish : Need a finish for all weather conditions.
Label Qty : 140,000 Copies
Number Per Roll : 500 to 1,000
It is important I know the lead time for this production, so kindly state that in your revert.Also the labels will be hand applied.
Would also require that you put together the total cost with HST and email me an invoice for my approval.
You can reach me at 416.619.5493 with any further questions you have or you can text me as well.
Best Regards,
Michael Little
Email :
Got one this morning from Bill Wilson of HW Inc. requesting quotes for printers and related machines for an educational project. He has a GMail email address and sounds as shady as the others.
I get these type of scam emails fairly often; fortunately they stink – the language is always ‘off’, usually a gmail account, and minimal contact details.
From: Dr Richard Johnson
Date: 20/01/2020 17:45
I Will like to place an order for Bolts and below is the type and quantity i want.
M6x1.0x20 Stainless Steel Metric Bolts
(Hex Head Cap Screws)
Grade: A2 : qty 25,000
Grade:A4 : qty : 15,000
Kindly email me with a pick up price for that without shipping and also Advise the type of
credit cards you accept.
….. jog on, you knob
Name: : Perry Ross
Phone: 4085509741
Message: Good Morning.
This is Perry Ross and i am with Ross and Sonz Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting for a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Perry Ross
Ross and sonz Inc
Best Regards. Scam. I’ve been in the print business for 12 years and can sniff these out after a few questions.
Contact Information
425 Main St
Delaware, OH 43952
Phone:740 469 4159
Jacob Clarke
Tue 5/15, 3:45 PM
The UPS Store #5373
Thanks for your response, Here is the details of the fliers i want to print
Size: 8.5 x 11
Quantity: 20,000 copies
Side: 2 sided
Color: Colored
Weight: Light
100 lb gloss with UV Coating
Please get back to me with the estimate…The artwork and files are still with my consultant
Here it is October 1st, 2018,and this scam is still making the rounds. Here is the email I received about an hour ago from a “Manuel Brooks”:
I will like to place an order for 150,000 copies of flyers with the following specs.
1. measures 8.5′ x 11′
2. 80# Gloss Text sided
4.Full color
Please provide quote on 150,000 copies.
It will be pick up at your location so i want you to send me an email back with the total pick up cost Plus tax so that we can proceed with this order Asap .Thanks and hope my request will be given it’s favorable attention.awaiting for your soonest response
From: Bruce Marshall []
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 9:28 AM
Subject: FLYERS
Good Morning.
This is Bruce Marshall and I am with Bruc and Sons Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Bruce Marshall
Bruc and Sons Inc
Best Regards.
I am Julius Ray… l will like to order for 1000peices of blanks
T-shirts. I will like to know if there is a surcharge on the use of
Visa or Master Card.I will be waiting for a response as soon as possible.
Size:Adult small size
Color: Sapphire
50/50% Cotton
Size:Adult Medium size
Color: Sport Gray
50/50% Cotton
Let me know the total cost for the specified specs and quantity above including shipping cost within the states and sales tax included as well..
Julius Ray
arrived today! from
My name is Marvin Banks from M & B Foundation. I would like to place an Order for the below Banner.
The banner would be used outdoor, single sided and hemmed with grommets every 2ft on the sides.
(13oz Banner) Size 12ft Wide X 4.5ft Tall . How much does each banner cost ?
Have a look at the Artwork.(PDF Attached). Advice, if Credit Card Payment is acceptable.
Marvin Banks.
Bruce Marshall (bruc and sons inc) submitted the following message via the Contact Us page.
Phone: 4085509741
Good Morning.
This is Bruce Marshall and I am with Bruc and Sons Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. It Should be Flat
5. 0.25 – White border
6. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Bruce Marshall
Bruc and Sons Inc
Best Regards.
Thank You!
Bruce Marshall
Good Morning.
This is Bruce Marshall and I am with Bruc and Sons Inc, I am sending this email to your company requesting a printing quote and a bid for a Printing project work as well. Please provide a quote on 80,000 copies of flyers with the following specification.
1. Measures 8.5 x 11
2. 80lb. Gloss Text
3. Full color one side
4. It Should be Flat
5. 0.25 – White border
6. Provide quote on 80,000 copies flyers
Bruce Marshall
Bruc and Sons Inc
Best Regards.