Social media is delivering results, and organizations like yours are getting in on the conversation. Just like any other medium, what you get out of it depends on what resources you put into it….<\/p>\n Here’s the recipe for certain Social Media failure:<\/strong><\/p>\n For even faster failure, just have him tweet more often! I’ve seen it time and time again. You know you need to get into this Social Media, but you don’t know what to do. The first reaction is often to hire a family member (we all have ’em) because they work cheap and you can trust them. Well, nine times out of ten, this leads to failure.<\/p>\n Remember, it’s called Social Media, <\/em>not Social Advertising<\/em>. Would you tune in to the “TV Commercial Chanel: all commercials, all the time?” Of course not. So don’t treat social media like a one-way conduit for your ads. It’s very easy to become labeled a “spammer.”<\/p>\n Social Media is a chance for you to, first and foremost, build and expand your reputation as a leader in your industry, then make some offers to generate sales. Good social media efforts include SEO, PR, advertising and journalism. If you’re not comfortable juggling all these hats, give me a call now.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Example Social Media projects<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n Daily management of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Built up from about 10 to more than 300 Twitter followers. Daily management of Twitter, Facebook and associated LinkedIn groups for Florida’s leading biotechnology website. Started this Facebook page for Crook & Crook Marine Supplies two years ago, have attracted on average one new follower per day! Turned over to in-house manager. Early Learning Coalition: Created and turned over Facebook page. Turned over to in-house manager.<\/a>Aristotle said “Man is by nature a social animal.”<\/em><\/strong> So we build social connections by tweeting, linking, liking and sharing online… it’s in our DNA to do so.<\/p>\n