Media Sales careers are endangered as more and more business goes online and “self-serve.” Of course, these are the people who also get the client’s name wrong in their own blog post….
]]>Mike Poller, co-owner of Poller & Jordan Advertising Agency in Miami Fla., sees a positive for the two companies. Poller told me that: “The whole point of this is to create efficiencies. Efficiency means fewer people, offices, etc.”
“They will eventually consolidate operations,” he continued. “Unless they gain or lose clients, this should not affect the creative, production and media headcount too much.”
Read the entire article in the New York Business Journal
When you hit the search button, Google shows results. At the very top of the page is a Google ad taking you to, the official NFIP site. The first two organic links are also to but then it gets interesting…
Search result number 3 on the page is to which is registered privately. This site redirects visitors to pages at which is registered at a trailer park office in Chandler Arizona. I’m guessing an entrepreneur heard the NFIP commercial, realized was available and has created a nice little niche selling leads to insurance companies.
Moral of the story? Don’t try to be too cute, don’t use expensive radio advertising telling people to search for something online… It’s much easier to simply point them to your website.
]]>Nothing. C’mon people. Are we not supposed to know how to use all this technology and social media and stuff better than anybody? alt-text anyone?